The Musical Legacy of Elvis

Farewell To An Audio Visionary - by Aaron Webster

Abstract: A tribute to the late Sam Phillips, 1923-2003

The First Cut is the Deepest - Elvis on the Creative Edge

Part 1 - The exploration

Part 2 - The CD

- by Piers Beagley

Abstract: My idea is to examine the fact that nowadays with the advent of digital recordings the music has to sound "perfect" so that creative edge is smoothed out due to the number of retakes & overproduction - whereas Elvis' music was just spontaneous. In the sixties I believe that Elvis' musical edge was also smoothed with trying to produce the required "60's sound" and often Elvis' best work was recorded before the final chosen "Master Take". Maybe the BMG follow up to "2nd To None" could be "The First Cut is the Deepest" (Elvis' 30 best on the creative edge)!

Tonight Memphis, Tomorrow the World - by Aaron Webster

Abstract : A focus on how the daily and nightly radio transmission of Elvis Presley's records is the under-appreciated means of how his everlasting fame was originally spread. In a symbiotic effect, music by other artists which Elvis heard on the radio caused changes in his own sound and style. Elvis Presley being a radio listener did affect the course of his musical legacy.