Links I Recommend

This isn't a resource center, so there's not a lot here. But here's some stuff I recommend.

Insanely inside, it's the improv community's answer to the Inc. Column FREEZE -- THAT REFERENCE TAKES PLACE IN 2001, UNFREEZE! If you don't know people in the community, this link is worthless. If you do, it'll make you laugh crackers.

I teach here and back in the day of the Annoyance Theater, was known to perform. It is hands down the best place to study improvisation.

A far better place than even the people who run it realize. Decent improv from self-organized and self-managed teams of fairly experienced improvisers.

Robert Anton Wilson is easily one of the weirdest and coolest authors on the planet. A conspiracy theorist, science fiction author, playwright, acid/pot head, and friend of Timothy Leary. He was the first author who put the notion into my head that our ideas, thoughts, and perceptions create our own individualized reality. Thus if you change the way you think, it can change your world.

Possibly the funniest, and saddest website on the planet. A crazed ex leaves 53 voicemails on her insenstive boyfriend's cell phone. She's a psycho for leaving them, he's an asshole for posting them all on the net. America Rocks!!!

An awesome search engine, if you're looking for the grossest and weirdest stuff on the internet. Some stuff on it is really too sick to look at. Some of it is not that sick to look at, but is particularly creepy just because it exists. Neat.

Fuzzy is a transplanted improviser in Chicago. While it may not appear so, his website served as an inspiration to mine, and he offered me some choice advice on designing the site. I enjoy watching his shows, as he usually makes me laugh at least three times. No small feat. His website has a lot of improv info on it, with none of the internecine battling of the . . .

Kevin Mullaney keeps this website up and running. It is far more informative than most people realize. While it's great for general discussions of improvisation, its true value lies in getting deep insights into the inane nature of the average improviser in the city, but not nearly as much as . . .

A decent resource center, and the quickest place for a flame war among anonymous improvisers. Fun stupidity.

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