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Dum Dums


Josh Doyle:
lead guitar / vocals

Birthday: 9th October 1976 (Libra / 24)
Fave bands: Pearl Jam,
The Replacements, The Police, The Jam, Juliana Theory, Beulah, Slayer, Self, Third Eye Blind, Soundgarden, Nirvana, Foo Fighters, Fleming and John, Ben Folds Five, The Doors
Fave colour: Purple

Steve on Josh: "Josh has a way of writing things, the way everyone else thinks them but wouldn't probably write them as well...but that's only because he's twisted."
Stu on Josh: "Jekyll and Hyde gremlin creature, or, angry, impulsive, ironic, energetic, lazy.

Josh on Josh: Erm, I'm good at writing songs probably, and I've got a good attitude when I'm singing.
Josh on Josh: Psycho, fearless and thoughtful.


Steve Clarke:
bass / vocals

Birthday: 2nd November 1978 (Scorpio / 22)
Fave bands: Jellyfish, Pearl Jam, Lit
Fave colour: Something bright

Stu on Steve: Steve is very good at talking to people and being communicative - that kind of stuff. He's very friendly and he gets on with people well.
Josh on Steve: Friendly, perfectionist, energetic, fancy, artistic.
Josh on Steve: Moody, friendly, and er, fashionable.

Steve on Steve: I'm good at picking up songs.
Steve on Steve: Organised, a poser, and fashionable.


Stuart 'Baxter' Wilkinson:
drums / vocals

Birthday: 9th June 1978 (Gemini / 22)
Fave bands: The Ataris, Foo Fighters, BF5, 3EB
Fave colour: Green

Josh on Stu: Stu is very sensitive and thoughtful and he's a very good drum player.
Steve on Stu: Quiet, cunning, paranoid, thoughtful, pernickety.
Steve on Stu: Stuart is lazy, cute, fat...No he's not fat really...He's lazy, cute and paranoid.

Stu on Stu: I'm very good at thinking things in my head but no one actually knows what is is...(Josh: He's cagey thats what it is.)
Stu on Stu: I think a lot, disorganised and paranoid