Pictures of Emperor & his new pal, Tiger the Rottie!

  See & reads about me: Just Arrived, 2 months old, 3 months old, Almost 4 months,

6 months old (PAINFUL MONTH), (Latest) 13 months old + new friend (click again to read),  ...more to come...

(Below pictures) --- Emperor Visits Neighbor's Rottweiler



1 August 2000


Emperor is now a 13 months old Labrador Retriever:

Though I wouldn't know much about the other Labs; I personally think that Emperor is an exceptionally great watch-dog among the Labrador Retrievers. 


Besides his adorable comical expressions and his gentleness towards the family members and friends, all of us also love him for his alertness in alarming us whenever strangers walking by in front of our house.


Introducing Emperor's new friend, Tiger:

Tiger the Rottweiler, is our new dog. He's now aged 6-month-old. Because of the burglar activities is no the rise in our neighborhoods, we desperately need a respected guard dog to keep an eye at the back of our house while we've Emperor alertly watching our front house's compound. Anyway, at this stage of his age, Tiger's still not a protective dog yet. We shall wait until he's about a year old.


Emperor is only about 6 months older than Tiger, but he's already a master in guarding our house. Occasionally when both of them were playing together in front of our house compound, Emperor is the one who'll barks on strangers who walked pass neared our front gate. But Tiger who is still young, shows no interest in guarding its territory. He would only look at Emperor's reaction towards the strangers, as if he is wondering why Emperor is so disturbed by the strangers.


Ha, ha...It's sounds like Emperor "the Labrador Retriever" teaching Tiger "the Rottweiler" to grew up to guards. I wish the "student" won't kick on the "master" when he grew up, because Tiger who was known to his breed to be a more dominant type.


At the moment, both of them get along well with each other. Both of them show no sign of aggression towards each other, even when they were eating at a same bowl. I wish these 2 gentlemen could grew up to be best friends. 



Thanks for reading.

More pictures and stories to come...




