The Adventures of the Stealthy Elephant in Angers, France

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The Adventures of the Stealthy Elephant in Angers, France

The City of Angers Page

Random Curiosity


Oui, the Stealthy Elephant is also a world traveler. As you know from the Random Chaos, I am going to be studying in France for the fall semester of this school year. For September I'm living with Monsieur (miss-yer) and Madame (mah-dahm) Zonik (zo-neek) in the small city, town, village of Angers, which is nicely labeled on the map below. For October through December, I will be living in the same city but with a different family. In Angers, I will be attending L'Universite Catholique de l'Ouest (UCO), the Catholic University of the West, studying francais and French culture, site-seeing, and all the other stuff you do when you study abroad. Of course I won't be doing much homework because that isn't something you do when you are studying in a foreign country. You do homework when you go to school in a small town where there is nothing else to do. But I digress.

I don't know very much at all about the Zonik's, just their address and phone number. But I know a little about the Mialot's. They have 2 children: Jean Baptiste and Adele (what terribly French names!) They have a cat and a dog (another score on me!). They also have 2 French students living with them so I'm sure I will get very good at my French speaking skillz. I will have my own room and my own phone, Mme Mialot will do my laundry (score again!), but I will have to share a bathroom, which is not at all a bad thing considering all the other stuff I'm getting.

Angers (on-jhay) is a very diverse city with plenty of stuff to see and do, such as nightclubs, cafes, museums, etc. We will also be taking a few weekend trips to places around France like Versailles and Paris. Hopefully, my famille francaise will want to take me to see things also. One thing I would really like to do is visit some of the places that Eleanor D'Aquitaine lived. Eleanor D'Aquitaine was a terribly beautiful queen in the 12th Century I believe. First she was married to the King of France and then to the King of England. She was a very independent woman and she established The Court of Love, which dealt with courting and being chivalrous. She is a very interesting woman, unfortunately there isn't much information on her to be found.

I've put some of the few pictures I could find of Angers on this page. Quelle surprise! like Eleanor D'Aquitaine, there isn't very much information about Angers on the internet.

Angers Photos
So that's what I 'm going to be doing for the next four months. I think it is going to be a lot of fun and a humongous challenge. If you want to write to me, which would really be great because I love getting mail, this is my address:

Heather Zaniewski
c/o M. et Mme. Zonik
21 rue Condorcet
49000 ANGERS

Remember that this is my address only for September. If you want to write to me from October to December 22 this is my address:

Heather Zaniewski
c/o M. et Mme. Mialot
22 rue du Chanoine Colonel Panajet
49000 Angers

Also, if you want you can leave me a voice mail!! Call 1.800.706.1333. Then press the * button and enter my ekit number which is: 2100284304 followed by the # button and follow the instructions after that. As far as I know the call and leaving a message is free, but if you want to check it out yourself go to: and click on the voice mail section.

I've already had my first adventure. I have to get from the Paris airport to Angers without any guidance. I looked on the internet, but that was very confusing. Most of the sites I looked at you had to buy a pass for about $130, but I just wanted one ticket from Paris to Angers. Not a pass to see Switzerland, Germany, Spain and Timbuktu. So I finally found a place that sells exactly what you need. So I get to take the TGV -train a grande vitesse (literally the very fast train) straight from Charles de Gaulle Airport to the train station in Angers. Now instead of a 3 hour train ride it will only be 80 minutes. For awhile there though I thought I was never going to get out of the airport.

I am going to try to keep posting my adventures on the internet while I am in France, so go check them out at