Beings of Light

P. Baxter
The Beast
P. Bowen
The Callaways & The Montanas
The Charmed Ones
The Chosen One

Patty Halliwell
Penny Halliwell
The Ice Cream Man
Jenna and Leeza
The Lady of the Lake
Melinda Warren

P. Baxter
A Warren witch who lived in the 20s, and one of Piper's past lifes. She had the power to manipulate objects; slowing them down and perhaps even freezing them. Together with her cousins (Prue and Phoebe's past lifes) she owned a speakeasy, taking responsibility for obtaining the liquor for the establishment. Her husband was one of Dan's past lifes, and also worked in speakeasy, playing the piano. She and her cousin P. Bowen were responsible for killing their other cousin, P. Russell, after cursing her; she had turned evil and wanted to kill them for their powers.
The Beast
Once The Beast was a man named Derek. He was taken by a manticore for breeding purposes, but managed to escape before they could kill him. Desperate to get his son back, Derek used a combination of potions which turned him into the Beast and made him very powerful, so the manticores couldn't harm him.
A Warren witch, the Charmed Ones' great great great aunt. She had the power of telekinesis. During the premium war, she disgraced Gabriel; on of the Lords of War. Their weapons are inseparable from them, but Brianna cast a spell to mulitply her powers, so she could send his sword hundreds of miles away.
P. Bowen
Also a Warren witch, one of Prue's past lifes. She had to power of cyrokinesis, so she could freeze, literally. She owned a speakeasy with her two cousins, Piper and Phoebe's past lifes, and she was a photographer. Because her cousin P. Russell had turned evil and wanted to steal their powers, she and her other cousin P. Baxter cursed and killed her.
The Callaways and the Montanas
Two families of witches, embroiled in a feud that is going on for so many generations none of them can actually remember who started the feud. There have been periodes of truce over the years, but the feud always started again.
The Charmed Ones
As descendents of Melinda Warren, the Charmed Ones fulfill the prophecy she once made; each generation of Warren witches would grow stronger and stronger, culminating in the arrival of three sisters. These would be the most powerful witches the world has ever known, and the greatest force of good in all time.
The Chosen One
As 'The Seventh Son of the Seventh Son', The Chosen one is the only being that can control Tuatha's wand and use it against her. Lore says that if Tuatha is ever freed from her prison, the wand will find him.
Messengers who are responsible for bringing people together who have a chance of love. Their power lie in a ring, which they can use to slow time down and get between heartbeats to plant thoughts of love.
However, they are not responsible for all love. In some cases they are forbidden to make connections, like between whitelighters and witches. Though sometimes people manage to make such connections without any aid.
As a group of elder whitelightes, Elders are responsible for all whitelighters. They select possible future whitelighters and provide guidance and information to current ones, so those can pass that information on to their charges, who seek guidance. Whitelighters follow a strict set of rules, and Elders take responsibility for ensuring that they do so.
When an Elder 'retires', he must pass his powers on to a next Elder, who then replaces him. That can only happen at certain times, such as the equinoxes.
Because Elders are like kings, they can as easily be very young as old. There are Elders of all ages.
Immortal beings who have the ability to feel others' emotions. Before becoming an empath, this being have a life in which they possess their poer and learn to control it. Once their mortal life is over, they become full-fledged empath, and are placed in societe as counselors, priests, and other such roles so they may help others. They also have the ability to heal someone's emotional pain.
Every new witch has his/hers echanted creature which guides and follow them while they learn the craft. They're often cats, but can also be dogs, rabbits, horses ans snakes. Familiars are attuned to the season and phases of the moon, and can be helpful in teaching the young and unexperienced witch a heightened awareness of her environment.
Sometimes, when a familiar perfroms his or her job well, it gets rewarded by turning human. Their responsibility then is to take take of other familiars. If a familiar betrays its witch however, it becomes a warlock.
A cousin tradition to witchcraft; it's not weird gypsies share many similarities with witches. Most gypsies don't have active powers, they perform spells, use potions. High priesstesses of the gypsy tradition are called 'shuvanis', and they pool their power to ward of evil.
Patty Halliwell
Full name Patricia Halliwell. Patty was the mother of the Charmed Ones, but unfortunately died young while trying to vanquish the Water Demon. She had the power to freeze time.
Patty gave birth to Prudence, Piper and Phoebe, who were also born to Victor Bennett. However, after divorcing from Victor, Patty got a releationship with her whitelighter Sam, and gave birth to her fourth daughter; Paige, who reconstituted the Power of Three after Prue died.
Penny Halliwell
Penny's full name was Penelope Johnson. Penny is the mother of Patricia, which makes her the grandmother of the Charmed Ones. Because the girls always used to call her like that, Penny is more known as 'Grams'. After Patty died, grams raised the girls.
Penny was one of the strongest witches of her time, and had the power of telekinesis.
The Ice-Cream Man
A mortal man who tries to capture Demon Kids in the disguise of an ice-cream man. The Ice-Cream Man plays the Devil's Cord, which is a series of notes that when sounded togetherspecifically attract Demon Kids like moths to a flame. When the Demon Kids show up, he captures them in the vehicle which leads to a different world, where the demon children find themselves in a abandoned playground where they have to face 'The Nothing', which is the only thing that can vanquish them.
Jenna & Leeza
Two witches who belong to two different covens, with the job of protecting the two halves of a powerful, ancient charm.
The Lady of the Lake
This woman is the 'keeper' of the powerful sword Excalibur. She protects the ancient sword until the destined wielder becomes ready. The Lady of the Lake must create a buffer between herself and the sword to make sure she will not get corrupted by its power, since only the wielder of the sword can control its power.
Beings of pure light, whose soul purpose is to inspire peoples passion and creativity. Like angels, they guide us with an unseen hand of inspiration.
Charges cannot see their muses; they're only visible to other angellic beings.
In the 1920s a witch named Nell tricked a powerful warlock into a painting with a hidden spell that only his power of X-Ray vision could see.
The original Latin term is 'vir de somnio'. There are many Sandmen, like angels. They visit good beings during their sleep, and sprinkle them with dream dust so they can dream. If Sandmen wouldn't exist, people wouldn't be able to dream; they wouldn't be dealing with their subconscious issues (which they normally do while dreaming), turning them mad and crazy.
Sandmen live on an other plane then ours.
Mythical beings from another world. They represent the essence of good magic. A unicorn's horn is made out of pure, concentrated magic.
Melinda Warren
The very first witch of the Warren line. Therefore, Melinda had all three of the Charmed Ones' original powers; telekinesis, molecular combstubution and premonitions. Melinda was betrayed by the man she loved, Matthew Tate, who was actually a warlock and after her powers. She was burned at the stake during the Salem witch trials. Before dying, Melinda made a prophecy: each generation of Warren witches would grow stronger and stronger, culminating in the arrival of three sisters: The Charmed Ones.
When a person does a great deal of good in their lives, they have a chance of becoming a whitelighter after death. Whitelighters are angelic creatures, and a sort of guardian angels; they protect good witches and mortals from being harmed. Besides that, they guide good witches.

They have the rare power to heal, a power which is triggered by love. Besides that, they have the many abilities of orbing, hovering, cloaking, glamouring, molecular reconstitution, reconstitution, sensing, telekinesis and telekinetic orbing.

Whitelighters function like any other regular human being; they eat, sleep, etc; though they cannot be mortally wounded; these wounds will magically heal themselves. The only way of killing a whitelighter is with a Darklighter's arrow, which has a point tipped in a poison deadly to (part)whitelighters.

Elders can track whitelighters, though if a whitelighter chooses to stop using his powers, the Elder will lose this ability. If a whitelighter chooses for this, and stops using his powers for a long period of time (and the Elders can't find another way to locate him or her), the whitelighter will eventually lose his whitelighter abilities.
If a whitelighter tries to disappear, the only way he can be found is being located by a blood relative.