Adventures of Maelorwen and Magean
Episode 5

It was a sunny day and Morwen, a good sorceress, was lounging on her porch. She clapped her hands and a magic youth drink appeared. Her whole house was based on magic. There was only one door, which led you to whatever room you wanted to go to. She had a spell over her cats so she could understand what they are saying. She took it all for granted. When she went in to make some cider, the door wouldn't work. It would take her to the back yard. "This is funny, but that should not have happened. Chaos. Trouble. Scorn. Come here, I need some help." Morwen called her cats over. "Meow, what do you want?" Scorn yawed, "I was in the middle of a nap." Morwen looked at her cats, shook her head, and explained the situation. But when they tried to reply, all she got were typical cat meows, instead of words. "Goodness, this is strange, I should go see my sister, Maelorwen." Morwen tried her magic carpet, but it wouldn't work either. So she mounted her unicon, and took the 10 mile ride to her sister's house. "Maelorwen, Maegan, let me in!!" Morwen cried in the coldness of the night. "Who is it??, a nice voice called out "And what do you want?" "It is me, Morwen, it is urgent!" She shivered in the night air. "Ok, let me lower the ladder, we must take precautions." Maelowren replied. Morwen got in, and explained the situation. Maelowren and her good wizard friend, Magean, shook their heads wearily. "I hoped it wouldn't have spread so far in the Land of Enchantement, but I see it has." Magean said. "What? Tell me!" Morwen replied. "It seems as if all the magic is gone. The only one with answers is the Queen Faerie, Oona. She holds the Sacred Scroll, and knows all. If you can get to her, and solve her puzzle, she will give the answer to our troubles." Magean held his head, as if in pain. "Magean, are you all right!?" Maelorwen cried. "Oh, my head, my poor, poor head!" "Maegen, tell us!" "Well, I am one of the Ancient Wizards. We have been here ever since Magic was brought into The Enchanted Forest. Now that the magic is fading, the Ancients will all experience what I am now. We are losing our magic." Magean layed down, and fell into a fitfull sleep. The next day, after breakfast, they talked on how, and who, would go to Oona. "I cannot, as I know Magean the best, and he needs someone to stay here." Maelorwen said. "Ok, then I must go, but I will not return until I get the answer!" Morwen declared. "Very well then, at least let me pack you some food." Maelorwen said to her friend. After some goodbyes and shed tears, Morwen made the long trip to Flutter Valley, where all winged creatures lived. Morwen got there, after 10 hours, and let the uncorn which she was riding, rest. She layed down and slept for a while, then had a small meal. She tied the unicorn to a nearby tree, and went into the Valley. When she got in, she saw butterflies, Pegasi, Fae, birds, bees, and a beautiful land filled with goergeaus gardens and trees. Morwen suddely saw two Fae, obviously soldiers, come suddenly towards her. They brought her before Oona, the Queen. "Tell your story, girl!" Oona snapped. Morwen told the story, and Oona gasped when she said Magean was losing his magic. "Magean, as in Magean the Wizard?" "Yes" "Oh, dragons alive, we must help him!" Oona yelled. "Yes I know that, that is one reason why I am here!" Morwen snapped. "What is the other?" Oona asked, worridly. "All the magic is fading from the Land of Enchantment, if this keeps on going, within 48 hours, there will be no magic left there!" Oona agreed and told her puzzle. Morwen answered it easily. But Oona discovered that a rebel Faerie hid the scroll. Can you find the rebel and where he hid the scroll? Please find it and save the magic!

This episode was written by and scroll drawn by: Rebekka

Read previous adventures while you still can!
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4

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