Ghost Strories
What's a ghost page without ghost stories?! If you have a spooky ghost story that you would like to share with us, please feel free to e-mail it to us... the scarier the better!


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"When the Bell Rings"

Sometime during the 1600's on a leap year, a man was walking his dog down a dark street. All of a sudden, another dog came out of nowhere and attacked the owner's dog viciously. The man was terrified and tried to beat the dog away. But it was too late. This vicious dog was much more powerful and ended up killing the owner's dog.

After he was finished, the dog stood there staring grimly into the man's eyes. The man suddenly realized that he had a lighter in the pocket of his trousers. He took it out, and being as angry as he was, he lit the vicious dog up with it and thus creating a huge fire. After he burned the dog, he took the body deep into the woods and buried. That way, no one would ever know about the incident.

The man however did keep the dog's collar as a reminder of the tragedy. When he got home, he attempted to nail the collar to his tree. But while he was nailing it, the collar somehow mysteriously choked the man to death.

Till this day, and I swear this part is true... Down the street from my friend's house (where I heard this story), there is a red coller that's torn and semi-burnt. It's nailed to a tree. There is no man in sight though. But it is said that a mysterious man walks down the street on the 29th of February and rings a bell as he walks down the street. And every 29th, it rains when the bell rings.

Sent in by Tania

Well it all started when three sister decided to play a game of murder in the dark. One sister had to go out side of the bedroom while the other sisters turned the light off and hid. When the sisters were ready, they called to their third sister to come and find them.

The sister opened the door letting in a shadow of light. She closed the door behind her and now she was in complete darkness. Then the third sister heard a strange kind of eerie voice saying "I'm by the window. I'm white weightless and beautiful". She thought that it was one of her sisters, so she moved to the now opened window.

Meanwhile, the other two sisters where hiding under the bed when they heard a heart stopping scream from their third sister. They quickly got out from under the bed and turned the light on. The third sister was gone.

All that was left was the beautiful blue ribbon which was tied around her hair hanging from the window lock....


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Thanks to Geocities for being our ghost host!