HTML Help!HTML Help!

Hi guys! I thought you might like some help on HTML. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. You can use it to make webpages, just like I did to make Pooh Corner. On this page, I'll show you a little of what I know! So read on!
Underlining- To make text underlined on your webpage, type... <u>text</u>

Bold- To make text bold, you follow the same idea as to making text underlined. So you would type...

<b>text</b> Italic Writing- To make text italicized, again you use the same idea. Type... <i>text</i>
Email Link- You might want to have someone email you from your webpage, to make the link, type... <A HREF="">email me</A>
Hyperlink- A code that takes you to a different page when you click on it. Type... <A HREF="webpageaddress.???">Name Of Webpage</A>
Centering- To center text or a picture type this... <center>text or picture</center>
Adding a Picture- To insert a picture on your webpage, type... <IMG SRC="image"> Space Break- To make a break between text like this
type... <br>

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