.::Webpage Tips::.

1)Text shouldn't be too large or too small.
2)Don't write lIKe tHIs.
3)Don't use slang, or at least TOO much of it.
4)Don't say mean things about people on your webpage. People wont want to come back.
5)Sign people's guestbooks! It'll get your site populatity (if you say nice things) and people LOVE to see that their site has been appreciated!
6)Don't cuss! I don't like to see that.
7)One word - bribery.
8)Your page shouldn't be just links.
9)Your page shouldn't be just text. Have other pages too.
10)Text colours should be easy to see. If your background is really busy, it makes the text hard to read, and people don't come back! (PLUS you get headaches!)

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