Welcome to
Parenting Toddlers & Preschoolers
And you thought your toddler was the only one who made faces like this :-)
If you find the topics of potty training, bottles, blankets, binkies, NO, hitting, napping, not eating, playgroups, choosing preschools etc.  to be of great interest then you are in the right place.
Below are links to our pages of ideas, recipes that kids will actually eat, crafts, ideas, tips and tricks for surviving toddlerdom with humour.
Toddler & Parenting Links
Pediatric Health
    Activities & Crafts
    Moms' Support
    Family Sites

    Motivational & Educational
    Mommy Brain

Tasty Treats
For children
       ~ Breakfast Yummies
       ~ Easy Lunch Ideas
       ~ Special Drinks
For grown ups
For holidays

Potty Training
     Is your child ready?
What works & what doesn't
How to do it - Boys & Girls
Boredom Busters
    Indoor/Outdoor Fun
    Craft Corner

Musical Fun
    Songs & Rhymes

Toddler Birthday Parties
Birthday Party Links
Party Safety Tips
Toddler Birthday Basics
Keeping Your Budget
Ages & stages: Toddler to Teen

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Aren't Toddlers Fun ?!?!?!
Christmas Traditions
Who the heck are we?
Most of the info on this site has come from the many wonderful parents that participate in the 00ParentingToddlers list at ONElist.   If you are a kind, sharing and inquisitive parent of a toddler, please join us  for some lively discussion.
Click here to join 00ParentingToddlers at Yahoo Groups click here to chat NOW
Food Stuff 1