The Importance of thease Species
Sea Mink
What are Endangerd Species
Beluga Whale
Great Auk
Harlequin Duck
Leatherback turtle
Long's Braya
American Martin
Pipping Plover
All species of the planet are important to us, not only the ones I have researched. As humans, we depend on other organisims to varying degrees, in every element of our lives. Without them it  would be difficult to survive.

Ultimately, every species on this earth is connected, Every time a species is determaned to be endangered and eventually extinct, we lose more and more animals and plants that help everything survive. As result we come closer to extinction ourselvers.

We also depend on many species of plants for medical reasons. Without them we would not be able to treat diseases or illnesses.

A large part of our food supply ultimately comes from plants, which we need to maintain our health. As agricultural land becomes more limited, plants become  more endanagerd and grow closer to extinction ever day.

Scientests estimate that the pace of extinction may quicken in the future. They estimated that 10% of all species may die off in the next century; that would be at least 10,000 species a year or 30 species a every day.

As we consider these factors, and ecologists estimate that we may lose more than 10,000 speices a year, I believe that, over time, we will be the ones that suffer.
Labrador Duck