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Join Us

What is a culture without its people? We need citzens to make Enden a succes. We need craftsmen, hunters, healers, priests and just about everything else, in other words we need you. Enden needs people, we need guilds, and the royal guild needs members. To begin a guild in Enden, become a ctizen, or join the royal guild you must fill out this form. Forms marked by * fill out only if creating a guild.

Character Name:

Your character's proffesion(if decided):

Your #ICQ:

Your primary e-mail:

Your character's background:

Why do you wish to join:

Do you intend to create a guild/be a citzen/join the royal guild?

If you answered that you wish to create a guild please answer the following questions, if you answered anything else ignore them please.

Your guilds name:*

Your guild's website:*

About your guild:*

Now Submit your request to join the forests of Enden!