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The Land in which the Enden live is hard and breeds men even harder. With all the danger that surrounds the Enden they have developed a bond of trust with each other which is unrivaled amongst any other culture. To this end money is not used and a bartering system is used in trading. All the different professions practiced by the people of Enden support each other. Few people live permantly in Anhorf. Most have forest homes that they spend their time in and only return to Anorf to barter and collect supplies. This creates a constantly moving culture.

The Hunters: This is the largest section of Enden Society. They hunt game in the forest surrounding them, boars, deer and in rare cases pheasant. This is one of the most vital sections of society. They bring home most of the food in Spring, Summer and Autumn. They also bring home the hides of their prey that can be turned into armour by the fine craftsmen of Enden. In times of peril they form the army of Enden. Most young males aspire to be a hunter and see it as the worthiest profession. They don't spend long periods of time in Anorf. They spend most of their time in the forest only returning to Anhorf for trading and collecting more armour or arrows.

The Tanners: This is a small group of people who turn the hides recovered by the hunters into armour. In return for this armour the hunters will give the tanners food and the hides with which to produce more armour. These people spend more time in Anhorf than the hunters though still leave every few weeks to their forest homes.

The Bowyer/ Carpenter: These people are skilled in the crafts of wood. The make the fine bows used by the hunters, and the arrows of quality unsurpassed. They also make fine quality carvings for the temples and construct the buildings in which the people live. This is the second largest profession and one of the most important. In return for food they will make the hunters bows, and restock their arrow supply. They make the churches carvings in return for blessings, or even make the carvings for the hunters to offer to the gods. They make horns from the antlers of deer or the tusks of a boar for who ever slays the wild creature. One of their most important tasks is to build structures for Anhorf and the people of Enden. When a person leaves his family home and goes off into the forest to build house own, it is often with the help of the carpenters to make sure the small hut will last for many years.

The Herbalist: These people have spent many years perfecting the art of poisons and healing salves. They can make many potent mixtures from the herbs in the forest. Many hunters use their poisons to bring down prey to large for one arrow or to make sure that intruder is dead. The Herbalist can also provide methods of healing for when the temple of Shalindra is unreachable. This is a very small profession and taken up by few.

The Farmers: A small group, they grow wheat in small fields. They don't use animals to plow the fields and so plow manually. It is hard work and taken up by few. Hunters who are badly wounded may take this up. After spending many months tending to the crops they must harvest by hand. All the while they are supported by the hunters who share with them the bounty of their hunt. Once the wheat has been harvested it is mixed with special ingredients to make very tough bread. This bread will stay fresh for many months and is used to feed the people of Enden for the winter when food is scarce.

As you can see all of the different professions support each other. If one stopped the rest would collapse. It is this mutual need between the people of Enden that has bred such trust between the people. Also as they know if their neighbor wasn't doing his job that they would suffer nobody thinks they are better than anyone else, leading to a society of equals.

The Following Story demonstrates how the different sections of Enden culture support each other.

Eldin's first Hunt

Eldin waited in the bushes, some large beast was crashing through the undergrowth and he and his bow would be ready. It was his first hunt alone and to prove himself he wanted to bring back a large prize, this beast would do. Breathing slowly as his teacher had taught him he notches an arrow to his bow. "Best to be prepared," he muttered.

The Boar crashed into the clearing. Blood stained its tusks, it had recently killed. It stood still for a fraction of a second. That was all Eldin needed. He let out a gasp of air as he let fly with his weapon. That sigh was all the warning the boar needed as it turned the arrow meant for its head struck it in the hind legs. Bellowing in pain the boar searched for his attacker.

Eldin let out a small laugh; even a beast couldn't spot him when he was concealed, he had learnt to hide well. Slowly the beast turned to face him. He gulped; the laugh had given him away. The boar charged, simultaneously Eldin swung up onto a branch narrowly avoiding the sharp tusks of the boar. However the branch was thin and unable to support the weight of Eldin and both he and the branch plummeted to earth.

The boar took no time ripping into his chest. Overcome with pain Eldin waited for the deathblow. Opening his eyes he saw the boar had collapsed. The sleeping serum on his arrows had taken effect, he was saved!

Wasting no time he slit the boars throat with his knife. Then attaching rope to the boar's feet he hoisted it above ground and let the blood drain out. In doing this Eldin felt a great pain in his chest. He slipped off his armour and inspected the damage. The cut was deep but not fatal. He poured water from a flask over it and began to rub some healing herbs the herbalist had given him. He marveled as the pain ebbed away and the blood seemed to clot with the herbs. Once the flow of blood was staunched he wrapped a bandage around him. Slipping his armour back on he began to make his way back to Anhorf.

As he reached the small town with his prize he realized what a mess his armour had become. A huge rent in the chest and it was matted with his blood. With a purpose he marched into the tanners. Nobody took much notice until he slammed the carcass of the boar on the ground. The master tanner smiled at him.

" Your first hunt and you got a boar! I'm impressed!" Eldins heart swelled with pride.

"Thanks but I need some new armour"

The tanners went to work, and had soon skinned the boar clean. In return they handed him a new leather jerkin, he also noticed they took some of the meat for themselves. A fair trade he thought more than fair really, now he could walk with pride as his armour bore the mark of the master tanner! His friends would be jealous. Next was the carpenters many of his arrows had broken when he fell. Here he traded yet more of his boar meat for some fresh arrows, straight and true as always. As he was leaving the carpenter spoke.

"Do you want me to take those tusks from you? Ill give you these" The carpenter produced two small statues of boars carved from tusks. Smiling Eldin handed the tusks over and took the small boars, now he had an offering.

He marched to the temple of Shalindra. He knelt before the altar and pray that his injury would heal quickly and placed one of the small boars on the altar. A priest of Shalindra went towards him and bandaged his wound properly. Now Eldin would soon be fine and ready to hunt again soon.

Taking what was left of his boar meat he went in search of the herbalist. Once he had found the old woman he thanked her for the healing herbs that had saved him, he asked if he could have some more in exchange for some food. After the exchange was done Eldin returned home.

Dumping the remains inn the kitchen for his mother to prepare he slunk away to his corner. He placed his small boar in memory of his achievement, changed his clothes and went to tell his friends all about how he killed a boar. His father smiled, already his son was a real ranger.