~* Èñd£ë§§Lÿ`z ÞãGê *~
My Nam3~ Dynell Christine Acierto Cleopas

BirThdAy~ August 15 (You all better not forget okies)

SeX~ Female *duh*

NaSh~ [f]-i-2-[da]-L[o] *giggles*  Di mo ako believes?? o ano..nag tatagalog na nga ako eh *ulol* (*laughs out loud* Joking lang me ha)

LoCaTiOn~ 1/6 Hands court Malak N.T. 0812

ScHoOL~ Sanderson High School (SHS)

FuTuR3 AmBitIonZ~ ummm..finish high school..go to uni..blah blah..:)


FoOdZ~ adobo!!! this chicken dish..oooh and dinuguan *yummmm*
MoVi3~ Save the last dance *starts to dance*
PeRfUm3~ Tommy GirL

TyPe Of  sOnGz~ Slow Jamz / R.n.B

SoNg~   Endlessly~  [B44]...
Down on bended knees~  [BoyzIImen]...
I'll be holding on~  [Azn dreamers]...
                 Brown Eyez~  [Destiny'f Child]...
All my Life~  [Kci-n-Jojo]...

sPoRtZ~ Tennis ofcourse!!

SuBjEcTz~ Dance..Dance..Dance..Dance..Dance..oh and also ART!! *giggles*

FuNnY fWeNz~ Eunice~!!! (green green *bwahahahhahahahaha*)... Jeremy~!!!...Indah~!!!...Nestor~!!!..Todd~!!! *LaFFz out loudz*

IdEaL BoYFwEn~ hmmmmmm..well firstly...ofcourse..first impressions
the looks..the smile..the nice eyes..good dresser..ya'll know what i meanz..
then..the nice personality..friendly attitude..loves me for me..makes me his
first priority..hehehehehehe..anywayz..yeah..seems sucha perfect
description huh..well..i dunno if there is a perfect kinda guy..oh wellz..dreamz
are aightz..right?? :P

FuTuRe HuSbAnD~ I dont know huhz..well..fo sho..i want him to be Filo..
i want my children to be Filo toooo.. ehehehehe.. :)

BeSt fw3nZ~ Ave!! Rohimah!! Nativity!! Matthew!! Todd!! *blehz :P*

KyOooOoOoOoOoTiEz~ ummmz..you all know who i think are kyoot..
ahhahaha.aight aight...theres aaron..budi..chris B..umm..greg P..dennis..
peter T..nestor..and some other guys yeah..they just kyoot..
nuffin else aightz..so dun get any fucked up ideas..or else..ima get
really angry at you aightz..lolz!!

Hope yOoh all like my profile!! feel free to check out the rest of mah website..enjoyz!! and sign mymuda fuckenz guestbooooooookz!! ladahz!!!

~* BaCk To MaIn HoM3 Pag3 *~
..:::[  SoLo PiCtUrEs Ob MeH ]:::..