...* WëÜ©ùM§  ±ø eñУ맧£y`§ HºmÊpäGê *...
..To anyone who reads this..

How is everyone doin?? Hope all you .BumZ. are doin great.
anywaiz..the end of the year season is coming near. The season of hapiness and love and giving..oOoh Presssies..lolz!! anywaiz
If any of you bumz going overseas..GET ME SUMTHING!!

+More Fotos are up!! thanks to jezery and ave+
+oOoh!! the intro page!! phillip made it actually+
+New individual fotos for the fwends profiles+

...Coming Events...
+ Formal December 13th+
+Graduation December 12th+

...Just a reminder...
My guestbook is not working!! cuz i dont know how to delete some messages..you see..im using PAGEBUILDER..a stoopid lame asS thing you make websites in..hehehehhe so i dont know how to make another guestbook..sorry guyz. :(

Okaiz..today..we had our "china town" kris kringle..*LoL*..it was so much fun..
Everyone was so happy and exchanging gifts..i wanna thank ROHIMAH for
the pressie..she such a BUM!!...and also..me and AVe gave rohimah her sweet 16th
pressie..hope you like it gurlie~!! *muahz*

.+*!!.HAPPY SWEET [16] ROHIMAH.!!*+.

-anywaiz..i better go..Take care everyone..Love yoOh all-

~*.No one is worth your tears..but the one who is..will never make you cry.*~

..Take care of yourselves..
--=Take Care..and God Bless=--

..Love you all always..
~* -[Dynell Cleopas]- *~
~* AbOut M3 *~
~* My FaMiLy *~
~* FoTo GaLLeRy *~
~* BuBby PicZ *~
~* Po3mZ *~
~* EndL3sSLy *~
~* LiNkZ *~
~* Fw3n PrOfiL3s *~
~* QuoTeS *~
~* ShOut OuTz *~
---== YoOh ArE VisItOr NuMBeR ==---
~* LyrIcz *~
~* GrAduaTion *~
~* BesT FweNdz *~
~* AzN DoLLz PiCz *~
~* CuTe LiL PiCcIeS *~
~*DeSigNeD FoToSs *~