Game Information

Welcome to the game information section where I tell you about my favourite and coolest games. This is also where if you have no idea what the game is, you have come to the right place to learn more about it. I have ranked each game by using shining lights. I've ranked it out of 5. If you want more details, go to my links page and click on some gaming sites.

Marvel vs Capcom 2
Known to be one of the best 2D fighting games in the world. Where all(well, almost all) of the marvel characters and capcom characters have war. Each team gets 3 characters to pick out of 56 maximum. The main point of the game is to beat the living crap out of the opposing team or opponent. Whoever KOs all the opposing team's characters, will win the match. The controls are quite confusing and difficult if you're a beginner, but once you get the hang of it, it's the best 2D fighting game there is.


I ranked Marvel vs Capcom 2 4/5 because of the character select music driving me crazy, and after a long time of playing, your figer tips' skin starts to rip off from the intense gaming speed that it has.

Super Smash Brothers Melee
Just an awesome game ever since it came out on Nintendo 64 for the first time. Where all the Nintendo characters battle each other in each character's stages and arenas. Graphics in this game is pretty dang good too. Great improvement from the N64 Super Smash Brothers, more characters, more stages, more options, more game modes, more sounds and even movies. Now it's also much faster and more intense battling, definetaly worth the getting.


An awesome 5 ranking. Great easy to learn controls, much more options and game modes make it a very long lasting game too. Great game for all ages too.

Dragonball GT Final Bout
The newest and latest Dragonball game on Playstation and the only one out of all of them that is 3D too. This game is fun sometimes to play with friends and such, but when you play it alone, it ain't the best. Not very much options too. But lets look at the good side, Has Dragonball Z and GT characters in it. Easy to learn controls and awesome graphics with the meteo attacks and energy blasts. Quite impressive graphics to see. But when it comes to gameplay, it is just too hard, because they're like flying all over the place. So it's kind of hard if your fighting an opponent that only runs and shoots blasts at you. But it is a cool Dragonball game and quite fun.


3/5, I gave it this because of the so little things you can do in the game. Mostly just fighting and nothing else, they do have a storyline to it, but not movies, only the beginning movie. But I had the ranking not fail below 3 because of the characters and the fun parts of it.

DOA2: Hardcore
Very much an excellent 3D fighter that has one-on-one or two-on-two. Great fun to see the opponent being bashed around like mad, I almost laughed my head off with my favourite character Hayate punching and pounding enemies far away. Pretty good gameplay too. They even have counter moves you can do, like counter your head attacks, body and legs. A lot of fun, especially if you like to see a lot of cute girls. Probably the best 3D real looking fighting game there is. Quite awesome graphics too.


I gave DOA2: Hardcore 4/5 because of the great and real looking graphics it has and how much fun it really is. You would just laugh your head off at this game.

Final Fantasy X
This is just the best game ever in the entire universe, none of the games explained above can even come close to this awesome RPG(role-playing game). The best and most real graphics out of all the games in the world and they even have them talking for you the whole time so you don't have to read anything. Awesome battle system as well, you get to switch out characters whenever you want and you can summon awesome aeons to help you in battle. Obviously is the best game alive and very much worth getting.


What else did you think I would give FFX. It's just the best and of course a must have for everybody.

Dynasty Warriors 3
This game is definately one of the best games on Playstation 2. It would only stop being the best when Dynasty Warriors 4 comes out which is highly good value. If you like games like Metal Gear Solid and Devil May Cry, you're going to love this game. Basically, you run around killing many people in different missions and there are also different objectives in each of the 25 stages you can choose from. You are capable of using over 40 different characters in this game and leveling all of them up to mazimum stats is not easy, I'm not even done leveling all of them up. It takes place in China a long long time ago, the wars of the Three Kingdoms. If you love Adventure games as much as me, you gotta get this game, it's the best adventure game there is.


Definately worth a rating of 5/5, very good valued game. Exciting and fun, this game is the game that lasted the most in my whole life. It lasted me 2 years! And I'm still not done leveling everybody up to max. Very good game and long lasting.

Final Fantasy XI
Now there is no question about it, this game is just going to be the best Online RPG game there is. It will last a very long time and you'll be playing with millions of players around the world. They even have parties you can form with other people on the net and you can edit your own character with many different features they give you. You also don't have to be a human! You can be Elves, Galkas, Tarutarus or Mithras. You can still be humans, but I'm getting quite bored of having humans as the good guys and main characters all the time. Very good online game and much worth considering to buy. But the price for it is a lot, very expensive, but the game is worth it no matter what the cost. Best Online RPG game there is, you should get it.


Of course this online RPG game will be a 5/5, it's the best game. The only downside of this game is the cost, but you can guarantee a great game from Squaresoft. Worth buying and an excellent choice if you love online games.

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