Community Organizations
PFLAG is an organization for parents, family members, and friends of GLBT people. It provides support, especially to parents. It also works to educate parents, family members, and friends as well as the community at large about GLBT issues and advocates on their behalf. Each chapter is different, some focus more on support, others more on education, others more on advocacy. Most chapters try to do a mixture, though, of each. If you are a parent, family member, or friend of a GLBT person living in the Enid area then this is an organization that is right for you.

GLEN is an organization created by PFLAG Enid for gays and lesbians living here in the Enid area. When PFLAG first began here in Enid word got out and a lot of GLBT people showed up...outnumbering the parents, family members, and friends. In response PFLAG has started this group to provide support, education, and advocacy for gays and lesbians in the Enid area. So if you are gay or lesbian living in the Enid area this is an organization that is right for you.

RYAN is an organization created by PFLAG Enid for the youth. The discussed age group is teen to early twenties (13-20), but the group does not reject anyone who willingly comes. The group is for both GLBT youth as well as straight youth who are friends with GLBT youth.

This is an organization created by PFLAG Enid for transgender people. The term transgender is an overarching term for many different types of people who consider themselves "trans". This organization was created to be a place of support, education, and advocacy for this group of people. If you are a trans person living in the Enid area this is a group for you.

This is an organization created by PFLAG Enid for bisexual people. Noticing that there is stigma amongst gays and lesbians as well as amongst straight people both towards transgender people as well as bisexuals, PFLAG Enid created groups especially for these people to provide support for them as well as to have them to work towards educating both the gay and lesbian community as well as the community at large. The group, like PFLAG itself, also does some advocacy.

Since the city of Enid is home to a large number of military PFLAG Enid came to meet straight people who are allies of GLBT people as well as GLBT people serving in the military and realized that a group for these people is important since they are placed in a unique environment that some outside of the military do not always often understand. CAMOUFLAGE thus is a group especially for these people to provide support as well as education opportunities and possibly advocacy. It's main aim is support.

PFLAG Enid noticed that there was no HIV/AIDS support group in Enid. Not just for GLBT people, but for straight people living with HIV/AIDS as well. Thus PFLAG Enid began Enid CARES, an organization to provide support, education, and advocacy for people living with HIV/AIDS.

Enid is home to GLBT people of all ages. SAGE Enid is a recognition of this reality and thus was created by PFLAG Enid in order to be a place of support, education, and advocacy for GLBT issues related to aging.

Enid is home to GLBT parents and it was realized by PFLAG Enid that a group that unites the children of these parents would be very helpful in having them realize that they are not alone. The motto of PFLAG has always been "You are not alone" and thus COLAGE Enid is yet another way in which PFLAG Enid is working to ensure that everyone realizes this in Enid.

Enid Family Pride
As mentioned Enid is home to GLBT parents, and thus Enid Family Pride is an organization for them. Support, education, and advocacy...PFLAG's main goals, are also a part of Enid Family Pride.

Enid GLBT Pride Assocation
The Enid GLBT Pride Association has as its main aim to create activities for the GLBT community in Enid. It works with partners to do this.

Enid GLBT Business Association
Uniting GLBT owned businesses in Enid as well as those friendly to GLBT people, that is the aim of this organization

Enid GLBT Community Commission
The need for unity cannot be underscored in the fight for GLBT rights and the Enid GLBT Community Commission's two main goals are thus: to unite the GLBT community of Enid and to keep a watchful eye on the city government as well as county government in which we live.

Enid Voice

This organization's only goal is to provide the large GLBT community with news and information about what is happening in Enid's GLBT community.