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     As the Fourth Year saga continues to heat up, fifteen young men and women are carefully selected to form a group to be trained and to be sent in the field of battle. They are being trained by their master, Prof. Reinerio Quinto. A task is given to them and the completion of this task is the fulfillment of their training. As the time goes by, these 15 young, smart and talented men are about to begin their battle in order to meet their common goal. They are trying their very best to achieve their greatest dream, to be the best group in the batch 2000.



      In behalf on Enigma Team Productions and its supporters, we would like to congratulate these two long-engaged couple a best wishes for their wedding ceremony (March 16, 2004).  Are we invited? Kate, please post here who do you want to come on your wedding day.


     Congratulations to Gina Kampitan for having her first baby girl. Last January 30, 2003 Gina gave her birth to a baby named.. I dont know. Gillord, what's the name of the child?