Mission Flown  

Gundam RX-78-II

It s the 5th. year for Noah in the social life. If you ask me: "How is your feeling up to date?" I would tell you that it is not easy to live in nowadays. Because you need to arm yourself with a lot of skills, professional knowledge, kinds of foreigh languages and so on, to get more strength than other competitors. So I'd like to try many different things to fulfill my social experience. Now I'd like to share my working experience with everybody as follows:

1st. mission

Unit : NEC Taiwan
Team : Medical System Division
Rank : System Engineer
Attend Plan : Medical system for 玉里榮民醫院, 空軍814醫院岡山分院, 市立慢性病防治院
Period : 1995.06.27~1996.06.24

2nd. mission

Unit : Ketchum-Newscan Public relation consultant Co.
Rank : Account Executive Assistant
Attend Plan : Federal Express Co., Boeing Airplane Co., DeBeers Diamond Co. P.R. activities.
Period : 1996.06.27~1996.09.30

3rd. mission

Unit : Yuen Foong Paper Co., LTD.
Rank : System Planner
Attend Plan : Company database integration, Manufacturing Management Program Designing.
Period : 1996.10.1~1998.09.30

4th. mission

Unit : Wellen Co., LTD.
Rank : Project Manager
Attend Plan : MRP & Export Trading System Design.
Period : 1999.09.13~2000.09.20

5th. mission

Executing right now.....

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