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No doubt, I come from a beautiful family, on both sides! Here is visible proof... My sisters Erika and Tamara and five of our cousins... Erika is in the second spot on the left, to the right of Sandrita. To Erika's right is aunt Verónica, Carolina, Fabio who was Michelle's boyfriend, Michelle, and Tamara on the far right. At the top left are Ricki and Barbarita, Carolina's siblings... This was in tía Verónicas living room, in 2001... How time has flown by!
My beautiful sisters Erika and Tamara at the Navy Club... another view..
Heather and Tamara with Erika, my Oregon sisters at the Navy Club in Chosica, east of Lima, 40 km up the River Rimac... It is almost always sunny there in the winter! My sisters are sooo lucky to have each other...
Michaela Chloe Rose's...
...from July, 2005
My Picture Gallery VIII
To my ninth Picture Gallery page...
To my seventh Picture Gallery page...
To Picture Page:
To Chloe-Rose:
To Daddy:
My precious sister Erika when she was six...
My precious sister Erika again...
My sister Erika with our loving aunt Verónica and her daughters, our cousins, Camila and Daniela... Daniela is only eight months older than I, her birthday is October 13th...
My loving Daddy Enrique in Portland, Oregon, with my wonderful sister Erika on her 16th birthday, when I was one month old, and my equally wonderful sisters Heather and Tamara... They all love me!
My sister Erika and our Daddy Enrique, with our grandparents, abuela Mary and abuelo Abel, in their living room, during her vacation in Lima with our sister Heather and her son Adam, and our sister Tamara in 2001...
What a mean Santa.... Scaring such a cute little girl... my six months old "big sister" Erika on her first Christmas!
What a darling, lovely little baby my sister Erika was at six months of age! She was my Daddy's cute little angel...
My sister Erika, with Abuela Mary and our sisters Heather and Tamara at the Navy Club in August 2001when they went to Lima to visit our Daddy and the fam...
My sister Erika at 16... She's smart, beautiful, and kind, and she loves me too!
My Erika with our loving aunt Sandra, and her children, my cousins, José Enrique, Rodrigo, and Sandrita...
Erika with our abuelos again... They love us...
Eleven members of our family... Let's see, back to front and left to right, our uncle Eric -Camila and Daniela's Dad-, abuela Mary, our Daddy Enrique, my sister Erika, abuelo Abel, our aunt Sandra, and in the front row, sort of, our aunt Verónica, slightly in front of our cousin Michelle, and our cousins Sandrita, Daniela, and Camila, and our aunt Claudia, and to her right is our cousin Rodrigo with aunt Sandra's arm on his shoulder... whew! They're dying to meet me...
Erika and Tamara with our Daddy at Pachacamac... in August 2001... Pachacamac is a pre-Inca fortress facing the Pacific Ocean a few kilometers south of Lima. It is made entirely of mud bricks and is massive. It rises to several hundred feet above sea level! It has many special-purpose edifices and includes the Temple of the Moon... I wish I had been there with them!
Tamara and Erika, my big sisters looking happy, though they were missing my Daddy, on Christmas 1996... He was with me! Lucky me!
Erika with Tamara and aunt Verónica, and Heather, my precious sisters, looking lovely, at the dinner party at our tía's home...
Erika with Adam and Tamara, and with Adam's Mama Heather... posing beside the "B.A.P. Grau", the Peruvian Navy's flagship, in 2001 during their visit... Who knows... maybe Adam will join the navy! He seemed to like the octopus in olive sauce they were treated to in the officers' mess hall...
My wonderful sisters at an informal gathering with Adam and aunt Verónica at a wonderful Chinese restaurant... Erika on the right and Tamara with Heather on the left...
My sister Erika with our loving aunt Claudia and her daughter, our cousin, Michelle...
My gorgeous sisters Erika and Tamara... looking very elegant at the Club Nacional... A gentleman's club in LIma... Perú's leading social club
My sister Erika, again with our aunt Verónica, and my cousins Camila and Daniela at our abuelos' home...
My loving sister Erika with our Daddy Enrique, briefly together... They miss each other! And they miss me!
My loving Erika and Tamara with aunt Verónica, our tía, at a dinner party in their honor at her home during their visit in August 2001...