Special thanks to reporters and the best regards to all Shane's fans all over the world
Last updated 30.04.2003
Paddy Rolling Stone
The official web site
Shane MacGowan
unofficial web site
The Parting Glass
An annotated Pogues' lyrics page
Jer's Pogues Pub
A celebration of the music of THE POGUES.
images, videos, MP3s...
My Priory Diary
bittersweet diary of Victoria Clarke
What's in Your Basket
A rock'n'roll lifestyle is not usually a healthy one and former Pogue Shane MacGowan's is no exception.
it's a long way to go...
Eventful sojourn with Shane MacGowan and Victoria Clarke to Shane's birthplace in Silvermines
                                             july 2001
Shane MacGowan gets the drinks in
He won a scholarship to Westminster and became a rent boy; he topped the charts with The Pogues but ended up broke; he's planning a bank robbery and wants Lynn Barber to drive the getaway car...
A Drink With Shane MacGowan
Act One
A Drink With Shane MacGowan
Act Seven
BackStage Pass
MacGowan as the modern embodiment of the Irish literary tradition in all its glory and tragedy
Shane MacGowan
It must be Christmas if...Fairytale of New York is on the radio...
CANOE on the Pogues
MacGowan smiles in death's face
Ex-Pogues frontman thrives amid excesses
A man of many words and few teeth
'I'm completely Irish' he says in a completely English accent
This section contains the latest rumours, news, gossip, reviews I find rummaging about Pogues/Popes/music sites/messageboards/guestbooks and is dedicated to
Hard Luck O'The Irish: An Interview with Shane MacGowan  by Ian Brennan
Rock vibes at Arts Club and museum
Woulr rock stars turn up? Some of us craned our necks at two separate events this week to watch for the rock 'n' rollers.
MacGowan on...     drink,   death   and devious      Jesuits

My hooligan days with Shane
SHE was just 16 years' old when she first saw a picture of him in a music magazine above the caption "Shane O'Hooligan".
Shane MacGowan
Olympia Dublin, 11 Aug 2001
HotPress on Shane MacGowan
The Pogues
Point Theatre,
                      20th December 2001
A Rusty Tin Can and an Old Hurley Ball
A resource for
Pogues & Shane MacGowan fans
Shane MacGowan has revealed one of his main reasons for quitting The Pogues - the band wouldn't let him air his pro-Republican views through his music
                                november 1997
The cream of Ireland's independent rock and dance artists have joined together for the charity album. Among the contributors is Pogues leader Shane MacGowan

Shane MacGowan & The Popes to play Olympia
Shane MacGowan & The Popes will play Dublin's Olympia Theatre for two nights in September.                                                       28/08/2002
....I suspect
Shane MacGowan
is a born-again fruitarian, and that the only liquid that passes his lips is bottled water.
Forum, London
Singer's fightback fails to disguise his fall from grace
Forum, London
'It all comes down to drink, sex, drugs, fighting and dancing'

Shane MacGowan spills his secrets to Bob Flynn
The Pogues
Manchester Academy
These December dates are billed as the Pogues for one week only, but the band will extend their long-awaited return as surely as Shane will celebrate it in the pub.
They don't make Irish drunks like they used to...
Wonderful tales are leaking out of Bloom's Hotel, in the heart of Dublin's banking district.
MacGowan 'thrown out of Priory for bad behaviour'. Is this a record?
The former lead singer of the Pogues, Shane MacGowan, has left a rehabilitation clinic after a "row of sorts" with staff.
Lisa's biggest hit
She broke Shane MacGowan's nose, but he and his then girlfriend Victoria Clarke became friends with thepunchy Lisa Stansfield
                               September 2001
Shane MacGowan
The death-defying founder of the Pogues is a king hell drinker, a writer and the last of a vanishing breed.
DECEMBER 2001 - JUNE 2002
fans' love stories
To save face the Idler's racing correspondent, Stewart Enquiry, promises a special report on the Punchestown six day festival, Ireland. His companion on this mission? Shane MacGowan?as related by JOCK SCOT
Shambolic Shane demeans Kenny's Late Late Show
DID Shane MacGowan's shambolic appearance on The Late Late Show last Friday night make for riveting viewing? Of course it did.
Fun Times at Celtic Connections festival, Glasgow, Scotland
"Folk group plays in support of Shane MacGowan from the punk rock group The Pogues. A bit unlikely but things worked out really well for all concerned."

Saint Sinead Helps Shane Walk...
The World's last living hellraiser still raising hell, Shane MacGowan, can miraculously walk again thanks to the saintly goodness of Sinead O'Connor.

JULY 2002 - DECEMBER 2002
                               Hellenic Club,  Canberra, 27.04                                      
My family and I, plus a gang of MacGowan devotee's were disappointed when neither Shane or the Popes played on Sunday 27th April at the Hellenic Club. We are geographically so isolated that great gigs like this are few. I understand that circumstances prevail and undermine a show happening. But according to my friend (on the roadcrew), the feeling was that the 'drink' (Behan quantities!) was responsible for the shows cancellation. Not wishing to be a prick about it, but all I can say is 'F'Yez all'! To travel so far and deliver so little...

by Curly O'Kane, Australia
reported to shane official site guestbook

Just got back from the Hellenic Club in Canberra to see Shane again, but the doorman told me "He's in Adelaide, he's drunk, and he's not coming". He also told me that he was drunk last night, fell, and broke his hip again. Shane, that is, not the doorman.

by Kick Knave
reported to shane official site guestbook

Governor Hindmarsh,  Adelaide 26.04                                

Prince of Wales Hotel,  Melbourne 25.04                               
     Was just going to let you know my ears are still ringing after two nights of Shane and his gang at The Prince of Wales in Melbourne. Fantastic shows and the crowd loved it.

by Geoff
reported to shane official site guestbook

     Saw Shane and the Popes on Friday-fucking awesome, the crowd was rocking too. All these fuckers talking about how drunk he was as I left got me fucking angry though, never really thought that shit matters, though I guess it all adds to the show. So I thought he was great, got the crowd going more than Dylan did when I saw him (stupid comparison I know, different type of music they both left me stumbling around in a daze). Why was the beer so fucking expensive at that place, I had to leave and sneak a six pack in.

by Thomas Curtain, Australia
reported to shane official site guestbook

hane was not so well last night. He shivered all through the performance and looked very pale. He missed the lyrics on several songs but each time Paul got him back on track effectively and with good humour evident between the band and Shane. In fact it was the obvious care the Popes show him that really touched me. The crowd was much bigger than the previous night but were only interested in Pogues songs. They just waited through any post-Pogues number and stood completely still and silent during the Popes Instrumental. There was some heckling and insults directed at Shane. Shane obviouly couldn't face the going off and on for the encore so just went straight into it. When they left the stage they didn't come back on. I would have liked to have also heard more of the Popes, but I guess most of the audience wouldn't have agreed. So, not up to the first night, but Shane got through the set list and it was still the second best night I've ever had.
      Set list for both shows (order differed and I may have missed one from the first night)
- Sick Bed of Cuchulainn,
- Streams of Whiskey,
- Auld Triangle,
- Sally Mac,
- Dirty Old Town,
- Irish Rover,
- Body of an American,
- More Pricks Than Kicks,
- Back in County Hell,
- Paddy Public Enemy,
- Rock n Roll Paddy,
- Greenland Whale Fisheries,
- South Australia,
- Popes Instrumental,
- Donegal Express,
- Dublin Town,
- Poor Paddy.

by Sally, Australia
reported to shane official site guestbook

Melbournes Friday night gig was fucking amazing! Best thing ive seen.

by Bosma
reported to shane official site guestbook

Prince of Wales Hotel,  Melbourne 24.05                               
I saw Shane last night in Melbourne and let me reassure you that his performance was absolutely fantastic. I'd waited more than 20 years for this and being a long term fan and member of FOS, was under no delusions about what to expect. He came on only half an hour later then scheduled and played about one hour. Yes he sat on a stool for almost all the show and yes his body appears to be abandoning him, but he was still the Shane I had been hoping to see. He made eye contact with the audience, he joked, he enjoyed himself. He only missed the lyrics twice and each time realised it and found his place again.
      The crowd was into it - but were predominantly Pogues fans (ie didn't sing along with the more recent material). I was in the front row and enjoyed the Popes performance as well.

by Sally, Australia
reported to shane official site guestbook

The Metro, Sydney, 23.04                                          
     Great gig, if a bit quick.  He was just getting the crowd pumped when he
ended the show.
      I was impressed with how tight the music was -- last time I saw Shane in '89 he was a LOT more sloppy. The Pogues were billed as headliners, but they were so drunk it was obvious they had to go on second or they'd never make it. Shane kept missing music cues and the band in general were magnificently sloppy.   Last night I was impressed by how on-target Shane was with everything.  Missed the Pogues' tin whistles and accordian though.

by Canuck
reported to

      Absolutely cracking show I thought. The bloated man-beast doesn't/can't move around much anymore but his voice was in fine form, as was the band. He was booed at the end for not coming back to play "And The Band Played Walzing Matilda" (it's Anzac Day tomorrow), but apart from that it was magnificent. Any idea what the songs I missed were?

- If I Should Fall From Grace With God
- Donegal Express
- Boys From County Hell
- Dirty Old Town
- Rock'n'Roll Paddy
- The Old Triangle
- (instrumental while Shane had a rest ?)
- The Body Of An American
- If You Ever Go Down To Dublin Town (?)
- Greenland Whale Fisheries
- Poor Paddy
- Dance Flaming Dance (?)
- Paddy Public Enemy #1
- Streams of Whiskey
- The Sick Bed of Cuchulainn
- The Irish Rover
--- encore ---
- Sally MacLennane
- Bound for South Australia

by Narns
reported to

      Was my first time to see the man himself in the Metro Theatre in Sydney and couldn’t shake the guilty feeling I had throughout the show… Christ, he’s a raging alcoholic and I’ve helped feed the habit by buying a ticket to his show… Your fans love you Shane but its heartbreaking to see your health waste away.

by Cracker Jack
reported to shane official site guestbook

I was at the Sydney Metro gig. It’s hard to get your head around Shane. He’s an individual. He doesn’t play by the rules. Everything you use to think about other people is irrelevant. He’s in a class of his own.
      People have mouthed-off that we are watching him destroy himself with alcohol - which we probably are. But should we judge him because of it? I don’t think so. It’s clear that he is doing what he wants to do – and as he said on the If I Should Fall From Grace DVD he’s an adult and entitled to make his own choices. From what I know, he has never expressed regret for the way he has lived.
      And I don’t think that it has robbed him of his passion for performance. Sure, he wasn’t moving about, but I believe his soul was still in the words. I understand the people that felt this wasn’t so at the Metro gig, but I think that it was because of a technical fault more than anything else. The mic levels on the first few songs were terribly low, making it sound as if Shane was tired and not up to the job. When the levels were fixed, however, so was my confidence in the man. He still has an amazing voice.
by Kick Knave
reported to shane official site guestbook

     Six of us went to the Metro gig on Wednesday and none of us felt ripped off. In fact, Shane was pretty bloody good, certainly better than the last time I caught him, about 10 years ago with the Pogues, when he was totally wasted.
     Okay, we didn’t get the genius but we got a fair-dinkum workman busting his gut to do the job and, in my book, that’s a good rap. Fact is, the genius will never die. It’s on record and CD and tape for all time.
      The evening was tinged with sadness, for sure, but we were pleased we went and felt privileged to have shared an hour of the man’s time.
      Remember, most fans love and respect Shane because, for more than 25 years, he has travelled through life with his middle digit extended towards the establishment and many of its conventions. His music and words spoke for a hell of a lot of people who shared his feelings but not his talents. It’s a bit bloody shallow, then, to take umbrage because the bloke extends those sentiments into his private life.
      The only Shane MacGowan fan who could get the hump because he turned up pissed, or even didn't turn up, would be one who had listened but never heard.
      Some of your postings, though, have got me thinking about Shane’s situation and the role fans may have played in encouraging it. Interesting and, to tell the truth, a little bit disturbing. All most of us can do, I guess, is savour the music and pray for the man which is exactly what I intend to do.

by Jim
reported to shane official site guestbook

      Well, Shane and the Popes played the Metro on Wednesday night, and it was fantastic. It was so great to see him again, and the band were not to shabby either. The music is still vibrant and so refreshing to hear amongst the boy , girl groups, the guitar bands, all trying desperately to sound individual, but all sounding the same.

by Dave, Australia
reported to shane official site guestbook

     I caught Shane & the Popes at the Metro last night and the best way I could possibly describe the gig was really fucking sad. I've been a fan of the Pogues and Popes for years and recently picked up/checked out the Shane Macgowan DVD so I wasn't exactly expecting a dynamic performance, but.....
     For fuck's sake, for the first few songs I felt like I was at some bizarre freak show. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Things only really improved in the last half of the show (I think he even made it onto his feet for the last song) and then he was gone. I'm pretty sure the show didn't reach the hour mark.
      I couldn't believe how much the crowd was getting into something that was so obviously a really pissweak show. It was like they were trying to prop the poor bastard up. To Shane's credit there were glimpses of passion in his performance, but they were pretty few and far between.
      There's no doubting the guy is a brilliant songwriter and has been responsible for some great albums worth of music. But maybe he ought to give up the live shows unless he's in any kind of fit state to carry it off. Hell, even Keith Richards (apparently) use to lay off the smack etc during tours (well I read an interview where Keith said that?!?). Essentially, it's called giving your fans (yes the ones who pay your bills) value for money. If I didn't feel so bad for the guy I would've been really pissed off. Actually, I tell a lie, I was really pissed off.

by Chris
reported to shane official site guestbook


GAELIC CLUB, SYDNEY, 22.04                                    
    Was at the rescheduled gig on Tuesday had a great time was surprised to see and hear how Shane was he was off his tree had to be helped to his stool! Bbut he was right on cue with the lyrics and his voice was spot on! great show.

by mr. Hibatchi
reported to

After fucking the people of Sydney around by not showing Saturday night (not to mention the poor bastards that travelled a long way and spent $1000 for nothing), he managed to really piss off heaps of people last night.
       Doors opened at 8pm, they had a tape with about 4 songs on it for in between the support act and Shane (if I ever hear Beautiful Day U2 again, it will be too soon). The support act started about 9.30pm and played just over an hour, then Shane finally staggered on stage about 11.40pm.
       People were screaming for him to come on, booing and someone even threw a glass onto the stage to vent their anger. The long wait was fucking ridiculous and I would say about half of the people had left before he was half way through. Not that that was very long, he only managed just over an hour himself. Well worth the wait, NOT!!
       He had a walking stick but still needed 2 people to help him on stage and onto his chair. I felt like crying, what a fucking huge letdown after waiting years to see someone that you really love. I've seen footage and I've got a Pogues video, so I didnt walk in blind but he is a real human tragedy. In fact, if he was an animal in a circus the RSPCA would be outraged at the exploitation of such a pathetic sight.
      His head wobbled, he could hardly light his cigarette, he struggled to get the microphone and drink off the stand and his eyes were pretty much closed. He has no teeth at all at the front now, which has altered his singing especially the 's' not to mention how out of it he was. He even needed a couple of people help him off stage in the middle of the show, to wee at a guess.
       For the person who asked about the walking stick, at a guess, I would say he is riddled with gout brought on by his lifestyle. He looks worse than the homeless drunks in the middle of Sydney.
Does  he not have any family or friends for some kind of intervention program for fucks sake?
     Credit where due, despite the state he was in, I was amazed that he remembered so many words and his singing was not bad at all considering. I'm still glad I went, even though I was upset but I will definitely stick with the CD's, etc and remember him how he was.

by Jane Mack, Australia
reported to
shane's official site guestbook

What can I say......what a night!!!!! I wanna go again tonight, a great time was had by all in the Gaelic club last night, even if Shane kept us waiting until 11.30pm to appear. I'm delighted he sang so many Pogues classics I didn't think i'd hear them all sung live again after the Pogues and Shane parted company. The man is a genius, poetry to music lets hope he lives on to enjoy the music for many years to come.

by Caroline
reported to
shane's official site guestbook


BLUES FESTIVAL, BYRON BAY, 20.04                            

Gig report from Byron Bay Blues and Roots Music Festival 20th April Easter Sunday Night:

            I was at the East Coast Blues & Roots Festival in Byron Bay. This was the first time I had ever seen Shane. I must say I am not familiar with much of his material etc. While we waited in the Crossroads Tent for the performance to begin we started to chat with a couple of guys who were more familiar with Shane. The stories they told us seemed to be a wind up, though they insisted that Shane was best described as a Train Crash.
       When Shane finally staggered onto the stage I realised that the descriptions were quite accurate, if anything understated. The Popes are a great band  & they carried the show despite what Macgowan was doing. The audience seemed to be split with a mix of fans  the rest of us who were watching in morbid facination to see if Macgowan would survive the rest of the gig. He did introduce 'Dirty Old Town' as "the most boring fucking song I have ever written"  which he then mumbled his way through, but the crowd sang it better then he did. The only other song I recognised was 'The Black Triangle'.
     The Popes seemed to keep a constant watch but also seemed quite pissed off with the antics & bullshit they have to endure.
      How sad it is to see someone with such talent being so self destructive. I have rarely seen someone so fucked up before. After the performance he was the talk around the festival for all the wrong reasons!
I wish I could say it was a Festival Highlight, but that would not be the truth.

by Tony, Australia
reported to
shane's official site guestbook

       Rumours flew around all day Saturday that Shane wasn't going to show so when he was a half hour late on stage some were beginning to expect that he hadn't arrived in the country. Shane eventually came out with his walking stick and took up the high stool and delivered the set without too much banter. I didn't hear it myself but a friend further back from the stage said he introduced 'Dirty Old Town' as one of the most boring songs ever written! He was in good form singing but pure fuckin'  incomphrensible talking on the mic.
       Crowd response was great. One header took his pants off and dived into the crowd (which parted like the red sea) Another lad climbed up the pylon supporting the roof and had to be pulled down by security. At the front where I was there were a few women from Dublin who wanted everyone to stand still and listen - needless to say they spend most of the night whinging. One of them gave me a good four elbows into the ribs. So a great time was had by all. 
      Shane left the stage flashing his teeth and waving the walking stick. Encore was Sally Mac.. The Popes are playing 'The Great Northern Hotel' in Byron Bay on the 2nd May. Tickets are on sale already.
The only thing that marred it was a report I heard on Bay Fm Community Radio that a woman who waited for two hours at the stage to get Shane's autograph was later mugged and had CD's and DVD's stolen.
Here' the complete playlist (I think) - not in order.....
- Battle of Brisbane
- Streams of Whiskey
- The Sick Bed of C? Chulainn
- If I Should Fall From Grace With God
- The Ould Triangle
- Sally McLennane
- Dirty Old Town
- The Irish Rover
- The Body Of An American
- More Pricks Than Kicks
- Back in the County Hell
- Donegal Express
- Paddy Public Enemy #1
- Rock N Roll Paddy

Roscommon Man in Australia
reported to
shane's official site guestbook

      he sat and drank and smoked and sang in between, then later stood and drank and smoked and sang and he certainly had the audience singing with him but they were all such fans that they were detirmined to carry him through the performance. My main concern was that 8.45pm may not have been the ideal time to put Shane MacGowan on stage, perhaps earlier in the day say 2pm. I wonder if one day he will ever be able to give us his all best again.
      it was 8.45pm under a huge marquee, it was packed, the total audience were galvanised and as I said detirmined to carry Shane through his act. He was only about 15 minutes late which was a huge relief, he sat on a stool and sang Dirty Old Town and a few others, got up walked off then came back for an encore, will have the set list to you later. It was great to see him, and I met these wonderful fans that shared the love of his music, but the man is lacking a vital element, and that's his own love of his talent and I only hope he survives long enough to see the light and start enjoy living again. Some idiot started hanging off marquee poles and got a hiding off the security, and someone else got up with no clothes which all added to the fun. Oh well, I know his music is so deep inside me until the day I leave this life, and would do anything to repeat that memorable day. Sorry if I'm not very descriptive but I'm not a muso.

Michael Whitty, Australia
reported to
shane's official site guestbook

I saw shane and the Popes at the Blues and Roots Festival at Byron Bay yesterday. Shane was that out of it that he couldn't stand up, he sang the wrong words and was abusive to the crowd. Fucking brilliant Shane, my life is now complete, I was in the moshpit and had the greatest time of my life. Thanks to all, great stuff.

Patrick John O'Connor
, Dalby, Queensland Australia
The Popes Message Board

Pretty much everything people have said about Shane's Blues Fest performance are spot on, which makes it interesting to see such a varied bunch of responses. I personally had the time of my life, i never even imagined i'd have the chance to see him live so everything i got was a bonus. Surely all the complaints should about his behaviour are pretty redundant as this kind of behavious from shane should really be expected these days. Weather you can't always understand him and it isn't anywhere near what the pogues would've been like at their peak you can't deny that there is something magical about what goes on up on stage. Shane just seems to be a fairytale character, and he is an amazing character it's just slightly depressing sometimes that he's a reality.

by Andy Cahil


Fast and loose with the blues

Katrina Lobley

"Perhaps the biggest guessing game was whether Shane MacGowan - the man who pushed rock'n'roll excess to its outer limits - would actually make it on to stage at all. He missed his Sydney  gig  on  Saturday night when Qantas staff in Heathrow wouldn't let him board his flight. As the minutes ticked by at the Crossroads stage, the signs weren't looking good. A St John Ambulance  officer came back  of  the  stage,  with  a stretcher in his hand.
People swapped  anecdotes  about MacGowan's chronic alcoholism  and  how  brilliant  he was,  in  the same breath.
A  roadie  came  out  and  locked  a  drink  onto  the mic stand. A cheer went up.  Finally, only half an hour late, MacGowan shambled out, fell into his chair and said "f--- you" to everyone. A roar went up. He'd made it - trembling hands and all - and that was enough for everybody"

Show Re-scheduled to
Tuesday 22nd April. All tickets for tonight are now valid for Tuesday. The popes and Augie March will play tonight without Shane MacGowan and ticket holders enter for free and keep their tickets for tuesday. Non ticket holders can pay on the door @ $15.00

Well I have to tell you I went last night to the Gaelic club in Sydney and I was suppossed to be seeing Shane Macgowan and the Popes but as like many other times he never showed! apparently Qantas would not let him on the flight he was meant to be on because he was too drunk! and he caught another flight with BA which got him here this morning. They are meant to be playing Byron bay's East coast blues and roots festival today but i guess it will be the popes only as like lat night. The Popes played a great set last night and could not apologise enough played all the old Shane classics like IISFFGWG and church of the holy spook evan had an open mike slot where a member of the audience got up and done Dirty old Town! The origional gig is reschedualed for Tuesday heres hoping!

Mr Hibatchi.

Pope Refused QANTAS Flight At Easter

Shane MacGowan from Shane MacGowan and The Popes fame (and The Pogues) missed his first shows in Australia this weekend after QANTAS refused him permission to fly when he presented himself at Heathrow
Organisers for the East Coast Blues and Roots Festival don't explain the circumstances behind the QANTAS decision but confirm MacGowen was eventually allowed to fly British Airways. He eventually arrived in the country on Sunday morning.
The delay meant that MacGowan could not play at the Gaelic Club in Sydney on Saturday night. The show has been rescheduled for Tuesday. However, The Popes played without their pontiff with support from Augie March,
Fans who held tickets for the Sydney show will be treated to the Tuesday show for free or can ask for a full refund.
Paul Cashmere
Undercover Music News


PRE-TOUR  INTERVIEW                                          Luck of the Irish

April 11 2003
The Sydney Morning Herald

Shane MacGowan has miraculously survived a lifelong bender and many of his mates. But then they're not really dead, he tells
Mark Dapin.
The question "How are you?" takes on a special resonance when asked of Shane MacGowan. It means, "Are you smashed?" It means, "Are you stoned?" Most of all, it means, "Are you still alive?"

02.04.2003 / 07.04.2003 / 14.04.2003

SHANE'S AUSTRALIA TOUR                                     
(according toShane MacGowan Official Web site)
18 April, Fri  TBC
                                } -
Gaelic Club - Sydney (64 Devonshire Street, Surry Hills)
19 April, Sat

Phone: +61 (02) 9211 1687
Fax: +61 (02) 9211 2988
Augie March
Tickets: $50+bf

20 April, Sun
- BluesFestByron Bay  (CROSSROADS  8:45 pm)
Phone: + 61 (0)2 6685 8310
Fax: + 61 (0)2 6685 8370
FESTIVAL BOX OFFICE: Phone 02 6685 8310 - office hours 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday

24 hrs a day, seven days a week.
: Download the Ticket Order Purchase Form in PDF* format.

23 April, Wed - The Metro - Sydney (624 George St Sydney, NSW)
Foyer bar open at 5pm
Main auditorium opens at 8pm
Playing Times:Shane MacGowan onstage at 9.15pm + guests 8.15-9pm
Phone:   (02) 9287-2000
Fax:        (02) 9264-6340
Price: $50 pls booking fees
Venue Box Office: Tickets can be purchased at the venue box office between 8.30am-7pm Monday  to Friday, and midday - 7pm Saturdays
Internet Sales: Internet sales are available on the website 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Metro accepts BC, MC, VC, and AMEX for internet sales.

24 April, Tue
                       } -
Prince of Wales Hotel - Melbourne (2 Acland St, St Kilda)
25 April, Fri

Prince Band Room - live venue
Phone: 61 3 9536 1166
Augie March
Price: $48+BF
Doors open 8.00pm

26 April,Sat-
Governor Hindmarsh -Adelaide (59 Port Road Hindmarsh SA5007
Phone: (08) 8340 0744
Fax: (08) 8346 8506
Price: $45 pls booking fees

27 April, Sun - TBC -
Hellenic Club - Canberra
Ph: (02) 6281 0899
Fax: (02) 6282 4487

1 May, Thu - TBC -
Tivoli - Brisbane (52 Costin St Fortitude Valley Queensland 4006)
Tel: (07) 3852-1711
Fax: (07) 3257-1583

2 May, Fri - TBC -
Great Northern Hotel-  Byron Bay
(Jonson Street, Byron Bay NSW)

phone  (02) 6685 6
Shane's  press relations
Sell-out Shane is Tipptop!
SHANE McGOWAN has always claimed his heart is still in Tipperary and next Friday night he's going to prove it.
                            august 2001
Pogues ReUnion
A re-formed Pogues, briefly together for a Christmas tour, are proving a sell-out attraction In Britain and Ireland...
Double Shot of Celtic Soul
Punk poet Shane MacGowan drinks it all in, then spits it back out
                                      march 2001
Pogues fall a little short
The Pogues, in Marley Park, did not quite deliver although Shane MacGowan was in sparkling form
Shane MacGowan
Shane lived up to expectations. But what's truly remarkable is not that he succeeded in entertaining the crowd, but rather that he lived through the night.
Luther's Blues, Madison,
                                    May 18, 2002.
The only bone I have never broken is my neck
Shane MacGowan is lying on his back in a hospital bed, fast asleep, his mouth open. It's the last place you'd expect to find a rock 'n' roll legend... even one with such a colourful past as MacGowan.
Sebastian sets out to show that artists still have a cross to bear
Singer/songwriter Shane McGowan opened the show ...
Scribble My Gab-Book
Dealing with His Leprechauns
Poet. Entertainer. Pub philosopher. Drunk. These are all the full-time professions of the enigmatic Irish singer / songwriter Shane MacGowan. Although not necessarily in that order.

Interview with Shane MacGowan

If Shane Should Fall From Grace With God

Drink and drugs make singer's story all but untellable

Documentary traces downfall of music legend

Film captures the troubled life of Irish troubadour, Shane MacGowan

'Grace' documents the fall of Pogues' former frontman

Rock 'n' roil

Filmmaker looks for the flickering light in Pogues founder


Documentary Offers Portrait of the Artist as a Drowning Poet

Former Pogues frontman Shane MacGowan featured for St. Paddy's Day

                                        March 2003
JANUARY 2003 - MARCH 2003
Luck of the Irish
Shane MacGowan has miraculously survived a lifelong bender and many of his mates. But then they're not really dead, he tells Mark Dapin.

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