Starting a Home Business
It can be very difficult, time consuming and cost a lot of money to start your own Home Business.  Thats what many people will say to sucker you into buying there product.

I was one of the suckers that fell for it.

It all started when I lost my job. That's when I had to find a way to make an Income. I went looking for work but, there were no job openings.  Then one day I was Online searching through websites that interest me, like I usually do when Online.  Then I came across a website with the Banner Below in it.
It sounded interesting so I clicked on it.  I read the Free Ebook and  it told me everything I wanted to here.  So, I bought resell rights to the Ebook for $199 USD. After they recieved my money they gave me Access codes to the members page.  I logged in and started to read the other Ebook.  The Ebook showed me many differen't Advertising techniques that I didn't even know existed and it opened me up to a hole new world called "Home Business".  By now I was very excited. So, I started to use there advertising techniques to start Promoting the Ebook. After about 2 months of  using there Advertising Techniques I found myself exactly where I started but with $199 USD out of my pocket.

The only good thing that came from reading these Ebooks was it opened me up to Home Business.. 

It made me very angry spending $199 USD but, I put the anger aside and started to research on all kinds of Business Ops, Advertising Tools and Advertising techniques.

What I have found in all my research over the past year I'm going to share with you.

Don't get suckered like I did! Read whats below and you will discover it is nearly Free to start a Home Business.
If you want to be successfull with your business you will need a product that is (a quick and simple solution to a problem that concerns most people, most of the time).

Unfortunately if your product is not a quick and simple solution to a problem that concerns most people, most of the time, then you won't be able to market to the majority of the Internet population out their. Anyone who is making any real money would have to have a quick and simple solution to a problem that concerns most people, most of the time wouldn't they. Sorry for repeating it so often, but if you truly want to make any money through the Internet, then you will need to know this sentence by heart.

Now that you know you need a product that is a quick and simple solution to a problem that concerns most people you need to find this product or create it yourself.

The best product would obviously be information on a way to make Money.  Another would be Information on Advertising techniques.

But, Since your new to Online Business you will not be able to create this information on your own. So what you should do is write an Ebook about something you know a lot about or find a product or service that you can sell. 

If you want to create a Ebook all you need to do is open up your word program and start to write about something you know a lot about for Ex...gardening, cooking, construction, ect...

Everyone has an Ebook inside them somewhere!

If you don't want to go through the hassles of creating your own Ebook.  You can sell someone elses!  Some people will charge you a one time fee but you can also get some free ones. 

You could also sign up to Affiliate Programs.  I'm curently working on a few of them and they give me great results.
If you would like to sign up to the ones I'm using click on the links below.

Here is another good affiliate program.  I love this one.  You get Paid to Read your Email.  It's called
Zwallet and it's Free to join.  If you decide to join make sure you email me at: and with "New Account" in the subject line.  Otherwise I will not be able to assist you in getting your referrals. If you want to see the email message I promote my Zwallet acount with Click Here.

Another great Affiliate program is
Instant Bulk Email.  You will earn 50% profits for every sale you make.  Every one loves this program including me.  When you get to the website click on affiliste program and it will explain what you have to do to become a affiliate.  You will need to sign up to Clickbank for this program.  This link will give you an overview of what Clickbank is about. Make sure to Email me if you join this Affiliate program at

Another thing you could do is "
The $5 Letter".  Click on the link and read through the message and do exactly what it says.  You will need to sign up for a Paypal account.  You get $5 when you join so the $5 Letter is basicly Free. I say basicly because you need to transfer $250 USD into your account in order to get your Free  $5 .

You could also give away Satellite systems for free and make $50 for everyone who purchases the satellite system from your special website you get when you sign up as affiliate. If interested
click here and signup.

Now since you have a product to sell.  It's time to create your your own Website.
Creating your own Website
You remember in the begining of this page that I said It can be very difficult, time consuming and cost a lot of money to start your own Home Business.

Well it can be difficult and time cunsuming to create your own Website.  But it doesn't cost a lot of Money.  Matter fact it is nearly free to create your own website.

I'm going to show you how you can create your own Website Free.  I'll also show you that you can accept credit cards on your website for Free.

All you need to do is follow what I am about to share with you below.

Anyways lets get started!

First thing you will need to do is find a website that you can use to create a Free website and get Free hosting.  You don't need to go searching because I did it for you.

Yahoo Geocities is a service that lets you create a Website for FREE.  Thats what I'm curently working with and the Tools they have are very easy and Simple to use.
So, Signup
Here to start creating your very own website for Free.

After you sign up you can start creating your Website by either HTML code or you can use there simple to use pagebuilder.  If you are not familiar with HTML code don't use it use the pagebuilder instead.

All you need to do now is sign in to your account through the same page you signed up from and click on the pagebuilder Icon.  A new window will pop up then all you need to do is click on launch Pagebuilder.  Then wait untill the pagebuilder loads up but, make sure that you don't close any of the new windows that pop up this is normal.

After the pagebuilder loads you can start creating your very own Free website.

First thing you should do is click on format at the top of the page. Then click on "background" and set a color you want your page, then click ok.  Then go back to format and click on "page properties", then you should set the colors to whatever you want them to be.  Now you can start writing.

To start writing all you need to do is click on the "text" button,  a rectangular box will show up on your page, double click on it and you can now start typing. Those are the basics if you need more help just click on the Help button.

After you use pagebuilder over and over again you will realize how easy it is to use.

Now I'm going to tell you about the "Add Ons" button. The add ons button has many differn't things you can ad to your pages but, I specificly want to talk about one thing in there and that is "forms and scripts".  If you want to accept credit cards you will need to be familiar with them. 

But, first If you want to accept credit cards you will need to signup to

Paypal offers you a Free way to accept credit cards online.
After you signup you will need to verify your account. When you log in they will explain exactly what you need to do to become a verified member.

After your a verified member login to your account click on the "sell" Tab. After you do that, a new page will show up.  You can either add a "shopping cart" or add just a "single item purchase". Click on either one and you can start filling in the information on your products you wish to sell.  If you want to understand how this process works you should click on the "more resources" link. There will be a Ebook that explains in detail how to use the shopping cart or single item purchases form.

You will first need to download "
Adobe Acrobat Reader" from Here in order to read the Ebook. After you download the software you can now read the book.

After your familiar with how to use the shopping cart and single item purchases form. Fill out the form. Then Make sure to save your "buy now" button to your hard drive (you will need it later). After you do that click on the "Create button now" Icon and now you will have a html code to use on your website.

If your not familiar with html code don't worry about it I'll tell you exactly what to do!

First copy the html code then come back to your pagebuilder.
Now that your back at your pagebuilder click on "add ons" then click on "forms and scripts" then click on "html code".
A new page will pop up.  Now you need to paste the code. On your keyboard hold the "Ctrl" button then press "v". The code should now be pasted on the page. Now click on the "Proxy Image" button and load the "buy now" button from your hard drive.  Congratulations you now can accept credit cards for your products.  To have all your products accept credit cards on your website just do what I just told you for each product you want to sell. Good luck!

Now you have the basic knowledge of creating your own Website and you now know how to set your Website up so you can accept Credit Cards.  So What you need to do know is start creating your website. I can't tell you exactly how to make your website or what to put in it but, one thing I can tell you is to remember this sentance "If you want to be successfull with your business you will need a product that is (a quick and simple solution to a problem that concerns most people, most of the time)!" If you do that you will be on your way to a wealthy life.

If you signed up to one of the Affiliate programs above or you are now done creating your own website it's time to move on to Advertising. Click on one of the links below.
Advertising Online
Advertising Offline