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Armijo Library



 Rattlesnake, rattlesnake
How do you feel sliding on the
Is it hard or is it fun?
Rattlesnake, rattlesnake
How do you feel to kill other
animals with your poisonous bite?
Is it hard or is it fun?
Rattlesnake, rattlesnake
How do you feel when you
Shake your rattle?
Is it hard or is it fun?

Aoy Elementary School (First Grade)


 When I see blue,
I think of water.
When I see white,
I think of the fluffy clouds.
When I see orange,
I think of a lollipop.
When I see green,
I think of dinosaurs.
When I see yellow,
I think of the bright sun.

Aoy Elementary School (First Grade)


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A Blessing and Thy Soul

 Our life is full of life every day and every night.
Wanting to be more with surrounding of the world
with darkness with no light.
Full of people with so much sin.
Only you will fight till the end.
Came into this world alone.
And you will leave alone.
But with  so much light in thy soul.
That will take you home

Job Corps  (Twelfth Grade)


Mi Mamá

Mi mamá es mi heroina
La mejor de las mamás
La más buena de todas
Ella es mi mamá.

La más confiable de todas
En que yo puedo confiar
La más tierna y encantadora
Ella es mi mamá.

Mi mamá
Mi salvadora
La más hermosa de todas
Esta persona, es mi mamá. 

La persona más dulce
Ella es mi mamá
Tan suave como una rosa
Esa señora es mi mamá.


Tan santa
Como una manzana y blanca
como la luz de luna
Señora tan amable y buena
Es mi mamá

Fuerte como una diminuta hormiga
nunca se deja derrotar,
me defiende a toda costa
Es mi valiente mamá.

Todos los días sonríe
Nunca hay un día en que no sonría
Ilumina los días más oscuros
es mi ángel guardián.
Nunca, nadie podrá borrar
este amor que siento por mi
inteligente y noble mamá.

Ysleta Middle School (Seventh Grade)

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Cielo Vista Library



As I look at other countries,
I ‘m glad your home to me.
America Oh beautiful
the land of the free.
Even though I’m just a kid,
This is what freedom means to me.
Baseball, skateboarding,
and my loving family.
As I grow older,
change will come and go.
I’ll be a doctor, lawyer,
or someone famous, maybe so.
I’ll maybe be the President
of this land I call home.
Whatever destiny I get,
God is the one who knows.
I’m thankful for the ones
who died to set us free.
And like I said before,
I’m thankful for my great country.

Scotsdale Elementary School (Fifth Grade)


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Clardy Fox Library



God, Lord Jesus Help Me 

Born, Living, Breathing, Seeing, Tripping,
Falling, Deeper, Blacker, Anguish, Crying,
Pain, Rain, Drowning, Suffocating,
Unable to reach the surface.
Help me, Hold me, Don’t let go,
Slipping,    NO!
Falling, Tumbling, Colder, Lonelier,
Blacker than black,
Frightful, Afraid, Horrified, Quiet,
Silence is loud.
Silence scares me.
Depressing, so stressing,
What to do?
Last resorts, Drugs, Beer,
Smoking, Suicide,
None of those.
My only hope, Last chance,


Help, I pray, Go away, Clouds,
Rain, Black, Pain, Bad feelings,
Sad feelings, Tears, Fears,
All the anguish right here.
All the evil I hear.
Is the end far or near.
Lord, Jesus!  Help!
I’m dying, Losing, Discouraged,
Knocked down,
Corrupt, About to emotionally erupt.
Enough is Enough.
I need to change my life,
The way I live, Love, Stand up.
He came, found the lost, found the hurt,
found the soul.
He rescued,

Henderson Middle School (Eighth Grade)

La Muerte del Poeta 

                Yo no siento algo,
pero siento como se escapa
la magia de mi alma gastada.

                La vista al lado de afuera
le anuncia la voz de un fuego:
“piensa salirse de nuevo.” 

                Y sigo sin entender,
y sigo sin mirarla,
y sigo sin sentir algo. 

La noche se le acababa,
y era el día lo que le asustaba,
con su luz y su sombra apagada.

                 La margarita cantaba
que su polen lejos ya volaba,
y su tallo pronto se arrugaba. 

             La vida bajo la influencia de estar viviendo a espaldas cuestas,
y escribir siempre un montaje de ella. 

                La vida no me es sincera,
me es sincera cuando me engaña,
pero me miente cuando se ama.


                 Me río por que no vuela
mi alma que apresurada ha llorado,
y a perdonar siempre ha vacilado.

                 A nadie le ha contado
que ya lleva unos años ahogado,
en un mundo que él ha inventado.

               Las luces ya se apagaban,
para él la función terminaba,
con una daja no se perdonaba. 

                El público le aclamaba
con voces que ya no acordaban
que su vida ya no importaba. 

              El que no habla no entiende;
el que habla recoge pensamientos,
y el que calla, malos momentos. 

                Estío detrás ha quedado,
y el invierno pronto ha saludado,
espontáneo como juego ganado. 

                El silencio aferrado
a que lal laga le tome la vista,
ella festiva en el cuerpo tomado.



               Los nervios a él lo mataban,
y el verbo en todos era ironía,
¿Por qué de casa él temprano salía? 

                La eternal toma su palma,
él entre llantos y quejos pedía
lo que ella con calma decía. 

            No te apresures el alma, que desde siempre yo he estado contigo
y hoy no te dejo, te llevo con calma. 

                La audiencia ahora gritaba,
veía él, de cabeza herida,
cómo en sus ojos pasaba la vida. 

                Y yo sigo sin entender,
que la vida te roba monore
y al final no da razones. 

                Pronto comenzó a callar,
y a darse cuenta del día
en que la muerte decía: 

“Contrólate por dentro,
                piérdete por fuera,
                que ha llegado el momento,
                que tomar nadie quisiera.”

Jefferson High School
 (Eleventh Grade)


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Irving Schwartz Library



Sitting on grandpa’s knees, going
back and forth, back and forth
on his rocking chair. 

Hugging my toy bear really tight with
all my energy going,

back and forth, back and forth
on his rocking chair. 

Hearing the clock going
click, clock, click, clock,
going back and fourth
on his rocking chair. 

Alfida P. Chavez Elementary School (Fourth Grade)


A Day of Remembrance

Carrying out our lives
One day at a time
At any moment it can occur
It happened so fast it was only a blur 

Way up high
Falling from the sky
Chaos and despair
This can’t possibly be fair

I remember waking up that day
My mother crying
So many dying
All of us united as one

Nothing could have been done
The war on terrorism has only begun
Stand up and be proud
If your American shout it loud

Hanks High School (Twelfth Grade)

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Lower Valley Library


Mi Abuelita

Mi abuelita tiene ojos
como la miel.
Su cabello es negro,
como una noche oscura
y es suave su piel. 

Es ella la que dedica su tiempo
en contarme un cuento.
La que siempre tiene una sonrisa,
y me relata historias sin prisa. 

Su casa es un reflejo de ella
Llena de flores y
alegres colores,
acogedora y protectora,
y sabrosos olores.

North Loop Elementary School (Fifth Grade)

The Table

My table is a place for rest.
I should study for a test.
I need to do my very best.
For that is my quest.
I took my test.
And I passed.
Now, I know I’ll rest.
My table is a place for rest.

North Loop Elementary School (Fifth Grade)



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Main Library


The Ball 

Trever had a little ball
He rolled it up and down the hall
It skipped and skipped all through the house
And it finally hit a tiny mouse
Soon it rolled out to the yard
Where it found a piece of lard
It plopped into the backyard pool
Then it rolled from there to school
It learned its lessons it learned to read
It hit Sally May and did a good deed
Trever finally found the ball
Where it was I don’t recall
On that ball he grew a rage
And it never let him out of his cage
So don’t you roll those bouncy balls
And don’t you roll them down those halls
Remember this and do not fit
For you may never find it

Mesita Elementary School (Fourth Grade)


 Se cuelgan de cortinas
Ellos son chiquitos.
Los gatitos con blancos,
Y muchos anaranjaditos.

 Los gatitos comen pollitos,
Y muchos otros pajaritos.
Ellos comen pececitos,
                Y muchos ratoncitos.                  

 Muchos crecen grandes,
Muchos se quedan chicos.
Muchos son negros,
Muchos son pintos.

 Cuando esperan junto a la pecera,
Cuando los gatitos juegan

Mesita Elementary School (Third Grade)

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Memorial Park Library


Rainy Days

 Sunshine went away
Too many puddles
Umbrella over your head
Very muddy always

Coldwell Elementary School (Third Grade)


The City

In the morning the City of El Paso spread its wings,
making a song
in stone that sings. 

In the evening the City of El Paso goes to bed,
hanging lights
about its head

Our Lady of Assumption (Fourth Grade)


Always in a hurry
Because I'm always late
Careful what I do
Don't fall into a lake!

Coldwell Elementary School (Third Grade)

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Richard Burges Library


America War 1

 In the 17 hundreds we went to fight.
We had no weapons but guts to fight.
All we fought with was metal pitchforks and a few guns.
But heck we’re all going to die.
We fought for freedom which was right to have.
But no dignity in the British nor the king who stood by.
The war was gone we had lots of pride.
Didn’t you know the British died?
Except for England which stood back from its mighty fall.
So went to make a good place filled with cities, docks,
And lawns that smelled like PU!
So here came America that stood tall.
No one wanted to mess with America at all.
So there came America.

Nixon Elementary School (Fourth Grade)


The Old House

I am an old house as you can see.
The only sounds you will hear in me,
Are my friends the mice scratching my wall,
And in the stairs talking to each other.
The windows creaking when the wind blows.
I love people walking on my floors and pictures on my walls.
The sun shinning through the holes in the house.

Crosby Elementary School (Fourth Grade)

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Westside Library



was I so shy
as I was passing by
the guy I likes
we looked each other straight
in the eyes
and just walked
right passed each other
I turned back just to say hi
but he was gone
was I so shy

Hornedo Middle School (Seventh Grade)

The Florida Everglades 

With quicksand gooey,
The saw grass so largely tall,
The sun setting………..gone.


 Lindbergh Elementary School (Fourth Grade)


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Ysleta Library




como me encanta este día.
La escuela se acaba,
el trabajo se acaba,
parece que todo se acaba.
Pero no más se acaba por dos días.
En este día todos los estudientes están contentos.
Pueden ir a bailar,
pueden relajarse.
Pero no más estarán contentos por dos días.
Al fin, se acaba el fin de semana.
cómo odio ese día.

Ysleta Middle School (Eighth Grade)


Gato viene,
gato va
gato se para
y gato se va.
¿Qué pasa gato?
¿Para dónde vas?

Ysleta Middle School
(Eighth Grade)



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Page last modified 10/26/02