Updated on
Sept 6th, 2001
New flash! "TNC, your only NON-Porn Website you have bookmarked!"
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Mr. Cohen taught you?
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A Joke:
A Canadian lumber camp advertises for a lumberjack. A skinny little guy shows up at the camp the next day carrying an axe. The head lumberjack takes one look at the puny little guy and tells him to get lost. "Give me a chance to show you what I can do," says the skinny guy. "Okay, see that giant redwood over there?" says the head lumberjack. "Take your axe and cut it down." The guy heads for the tree, and in five minutes he's knocking on the lumberjack's door. "I cut the tree down," says the guy. The lumberjack can't believe his eyes and says, "Where did you learn to chop down trees like that?" "In the Sahara Forest," says the puny man. "You mean the Sahara Desert," says the lumberjack. "Sure......!! That's what they call it now!"

A Quote:
Like most endeavors, life is seriously over-advertised and under-funded.

A Link
How Stuff works. An amazing site. It will answer many of your complicated questions.

Person of the moment:

Carl Cohen. While trying to control a barbaric group of computer students, he constantly expands his Mac and PC knowledge to keep up with the younger generation. "Avoid UNDERLINING like the plague", quotes Mr. Cohen. "Use lots of white space"
" Ask Mycroft, he knows more than you'll ever know, like which colour computer to buy." "Ask Chris Flanagin."

First Visit to TNC?

I suggest just clicking around, read everything you see, look around and wonder if all this good stuff is really. Ask question, email me. Talk to me at school. Give me suggestions. This Top Notch Company is never Top Notch unless we get some viewer input.
Email me with your answers.

eq_daveliem@yahoo.com Thank You
OB Webs
C Scott
J Wiebe
T Asser
B Lillard

Roger Z
Lucas O
A Berthin
D Wong
J York
C Flanagin

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