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Welcome to Eric's Dominion: GURPSLand! !dnaLSPRUG :noinimoD s'cirE ot emocleW

Psycho Dominion Overlord

File type notes: I have files posted on this website in various file formats. You can learn more about these file formats here.

          This is a scroll of Learning Disability. As you read it, yol will smolwey beget confused by thur printed wertz. You belrxring abilidity will vanisht like a Aridzoba frost, leabing yo a mrxfl bonkok snurly doe! Frango zapra, mango xrt, xrt, xrt! Manjr xly wihy.         

    Well, I'm starting to accumulate more gaming resources, and as I do I'm posting (and updating) them here.
Main Site
Mirror 1
Mirror 2
    This site best viewed using the Mozilla browser with the AdBlock and the AdBlock Filterset.G plugins (which when combined, among other things, will remove the annoying Geocities adbar on the right).
June 2, 2008
Been a long time since I've done any real updates. I've added a Imbuements Reference Table for GURPS Power-Ups 1: Imbuements to the GURPS Articles section
    If you're looking for information or official updates for GURPS Character Assistant 4 please visit the product page at SJGames, the official GCA4 Update page, or the open GCA4 Forum. If you're looking for GURPS 3rd Edition support for GCA4 please visit Armin's website. If you're looking for any other info on GCA4 please see below.
    From time to time we post official updates for GURPS Character Assistant 4 through the SJGames website. You can download the latest Program Patch and Data Updates there.
    However, between posting those updates it sometimes becomes necessary to release data files for for newer books without including them in the full Data Update. Sometimes this is because the file is too incomplete, sometimes it hasn't been rigerously tested (it's still in "beta"), sometimes it's because the file (or book) wasn't done in time for the full Data Update.
    Currently I have two such available for download:
GURPS High-Tech
(this version is mostly incomplete, containing only guns & armor)
GURPS Martial Arts
(this file was included in the last Data Update, but several important bugs were found which have been fixed)

(for the latest updates please visit my mirror first, as I tend to update those files more often than the ones on the Geocities site)




Sample Page PDF
Random Name Generator
If you're like me coming up with a decent name for a character can be tough, and just coming up with reasonable names for NPC's is a pain. So I have my random name Generator written in Microsoft Excel, though it works just fine with the latest version of Open Office. It generates an entire page of over 200 names, all based on the 1990 U.S. Census data. Beware, this file is 1.7MB zipped, almost 4.4MB unzipped.
INWO Cards
    I've recently gotten back into INWO, and in the true spirit of the game I've created a couple of cards.


GURPS Character Assistant v4.0 (GCA4)
    Along with many others, I've been working with Armin on the GCA4 beta test. I'm also the official GURPS Data File Coordinator, which means I'm in charge of maintaining, updating, and writing the official Data Files.
    The first file I'm posting is 4eAddon. This file contains many of the alternate rules I use in my games available in the Random GURPS Articles above.
    Next I have my template files for my unofficial Fantasy Folk and Aliens conversions. These will work with the Basic Set 4th Edition file that is available from the GCA Update.
    Phobias is based on a GCA v2.x file by Mark St. Thomas which I've converted for use with GCA4. It's basically a giant list of Phobias.
    I've removed my Skill Categories for GURPS 4th Edition. If you go to the GCA Update page you will find a Data Update that included the new & improved Skill Categories which was released on e23.
    The next file contains some templates for Yrth style Were-creatures, as detailed in the articles below.
    I've modified Armin's Grimoire sheet into GrimoireSmall.gcs to fit my needs a little better. I moved the skill column to the left of the Class Column and added [Points] to the column. I changed the default font size to make it a little smaller, adjusted the the column widths to minimize line wrapping, and tweaked a few of the default settings to my preferences.
GURPS Character Assistant v4.0 Links
    Don't miss these valuable web links for GCA4:

GCA4 available for download on e23

Order GCA4 from Warehouse 23

The official GCA4 page at

The official GCA4 Updates page at
Check this page regularly to keep your GCA4 updated with the latest Program Patche and Data Update

GCA4 Forum on
Armin, myself, and many other people hang out here and help with GCA4 related issues

Armin's GCA4 page
There are several character sheets available here. Armin typically posts updates for the official Character Sheet to this page before they are incorporated into the official updates.

The Mélange Madness Network
Mélange has done a lot of work on alternate Character Sheets for GCA4.

Thom's Place
Thomas Edwards wrote a wonderful Character Sheet for GCA4 called Phoenix.

Kyoya's/Corey's GURPS Stuff
Mirrors Mélange site and has more GURPS goodness.

Rev. Pee Kitty's MyGURPS
Much GURPS goodness, but look in the GCA Data Files section for GURPS Mysteries, new Talents, and other GCA and GURPS material.


GURPS Character Assistant v4.0 Logos
    Below are some alternate GURPS Logos that you can use with GCA4's character sheet printouts. You can download all of these images in one zip file here. The last three are actually just modifications of the cover pictures (available from SJGames website), cropped to look nice as a GCA4 GURPS Logo.




GURPS Character Assistant v2.2 (GCA2)
    With the release of GCA v4.0 looming in the near future interest in the GURPS 4th Edition workaround files for GCA v2 is, I'm sure, lacking. So I've decided to remove these files from my website to free up space and to avoid confusion. If, for some reason, someone out there wants the GCA v2.2 I've moved them to a location off my main page.


Some Random GURPS Articles
    The Imbuements Reference Table is a handy reference of all of the Imbuements from GURPS Power-Ups 1: Imbuements.

   GURPS 4th Edition Cyberware is a conversion of cyberware from GURPS Cyberpunk and Shadowrun into GURPS 4th Edition. This file was written by Edward Easton (a.k.a. El Guapo).

    One-Page GURPS was originally compiled by Karl Gallagher as a convention handout. I've since modified it, adding a little information and made it into a PDF for printing. Or you can download the original MSWord version.

    An extended Size and Speed/Range Table which covers distances from 1 mile to 700,000 parsecs. Also available in PDF format.

    The Combat/Resistance Chance of Success Tables lay out the chance of success in typical GURPS combat rolls and Resistance Rolls (the later of which would also be accurate if you're thinking of replacing the combat attack/defense rolls with a Quick Contest of skills).

    The d6 Roll Tables show you the chance of attaining a given roll on any roll from 1d6 up to 20d6.

   Optional rules for Unreliable, Self-Control, and Resistant. Short, sweet, simple.

    More Talents, including Jack-of-All-Trades.

    Various ability Modifiers - Enhancements for Strikers & Claws,, Liimitations for Psi abilities, and Accessibility/Mitigators based on Hit Point and Fatigue levels.

    A variation on Damage Resistance a new Advantage, Damage Reduction, and a new Limitation for Damage Resistance Damage Penetration. All are different ways of trying to simulate essentially the same thing.

    Alternate Damage Table for ST for 4th Edition.

    More Bang! skills.


Complete, Alphabetical: PDF DOC

download my file from e23

Skill Categories for GURPS 4th Edition
    This started out as a simple document to include all the skills from the GURPS Basic Set 4e broken down into nice useable categories. It grew to where I had added in page references, difficulties, attributes, and finally defaults for all the skills in the Basic Set. Now a version of my file is available on e23 as a free download - and to tell you the truth I like the official version better than my original, so I've pulled my originals from the site.
    The only thing that's left is the Complete Alphabetical skill list, which contains all the skills from the Basic Set, including specialties, defaults, attributes, difficulties, and page references.


Trait List Add-on for GURPS 4th Edition
    Here is a Trait List add-on for GURPS 4th Edition. This includes many traits that are treated as sub-categories of other items in 4e. These traits should have been in the master Trait List from the Basic Set and GMs Screen separately,  such as Sonar and Immunity to Metabolic Hazards. This file is available separately or as part of the expanded version of the Skill Categories for GURPS 4th Edition file above.
    Note that I purposely left out several items that could have been included, such as "Blunt Claws" or "Instant Regeneration" because the name makes it fairly obvious where to look for these traits, unlike the traits included in this file.



ST Conversion Chart & Basic Lift and Encumbrance Table for GURPS 4th Edition
    This covers 4e ST values from ST 1 through ST 210 (ST 0.1 - 4,400 in 3e). It also has weight ranges for each ST value - between the two values converting monsters, beasts, animals, creatures, or dinosaurs to 4th Edition should be easy. A second page covers Basic Lift and Encumbrance levels for all ST values through 210. This file is available in either Adobe Acrobat, or  Microsoft Excel (works with Open Office too), or Plain Text format. It's also available in Metric or (American) Imperial measurement versions.




GURPS Starships Design Spreadsheet
    Well, I've had this kicking around for a long time. No, I mean a l...o...n...g... time. I started work on this spreadsheet during the playtest of GURPS Space 3e. In fact, I think it actually helped me with the playtest. I put it on the back burner, and worked on it on and off over the years. I'd thought about releasing it, but took one look at SJGames Game Aids License and my eyes began to water uncontrollably. I don't even think I'd thought about this sheet in over a year, then one day I look at the Daily Illuminator and I see that SJGames is doing away with their Game Aids procedures and my jaw almost hit the floor.
    So what is it? It's an Excel Spreadsheet. No, it doesn't work with Open Office (at least, it didn't last time I tried, which was a long time ago). It takes care of all of the math of creating a Starship using the Starship Design System from GURPS Space 3e.


Fantasy Folk for GURPS 4th Edition
    My completely unofficial conversion to 4th Edition, which includes all of the races found in Fantasy Folk, 2nd Edition. Giants, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, and many more are all there. Available in Adobe Acrobat format as well as the original document in Microsoft Word format.
Aliens for GURPS 4th Edition
    Another completely unofficial conversion to 4th Edition, this time for GURPS Aliens. It's available in Adobe Acrobat format as well as the original document in Microsoft Word format. Banduch, Jaril, An Phar, Gormelites, they're all there, along with bonus races from GURPS Space Atlas 4, Pyramid #18, and Pyramid #19 (you will need to be a Pyramid subscriber to access those last two links).

    You can also find my GURPS Aliens for GURPS 3rd Edition. This has, as near as I can tell, the official racial packages with all of the errata corrected (possibly including some errata that never made it to the official site).
    I also have some conversion notes covering both Fantasy Folk and Aliens explaining some of the changes and decisions I made in the above book conversions.

Were-forms for GURPS 4th Edition
    These templates are my attempt at creating Yrth style Were- creatures for GURPS 4th Edition. Included are stats for Were-Bear, Were-Boar, Were-Eagle, Were-Shark, Were-Snake, Were-Stag, Were-Tiger, and Were-Wolf.

Comments by Kromm
    Collected and maintained by Travis Foster over on his website, these comments and rulings by Dr. Kromm on GURPS 4th Edition are quite useful.


Galactic Empires CCG
    Galactic Empires is a collectable card game, long out of print due to the demise of Companion Games. However, the game has never quite died due to a dedicated (though small) fan base on the internet. You can still find cards for sale on eBay, and can still find fan sites online such as Skeeve's and Galactic
    I've been working on editing the unofficial Universe Edition v2.1 rulebook revision, which is an attempt to collect rules from various published sources into one place.

    My card scans have been moved to my new website:


Errata FAQ Q&A
Tournament Rules
Indirigan Touring Game
Quick Learners Guide
Universe Edition Rulebook v2.1 /w Header best viewed at 800x600 or greater
/w Table Of Contents best viewed at 1024x768 or greater
GE Play Mat (PDF)
Allied Forces cardlist & Errata
All of the above in
one ZIP file (~0.8MB)


Other Stuff
How to make an Ethernet Crossover Cable, because I don't have any other place to post it just yet.

Eric B. Smith

Did you know that 5 out of 3 people have trouble with fractions?

This page was last updated on 08/17/2008 at 08:52 PM
Copyright 2004-2006 by Eric B. Smith

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The All Seeing Eye and GURPS are Registered Trademarks ® of Steve Jackson Games incorporated.
The material presented here is my original creation, intended for use with the GURPS system from Steve Jackson Games. This material is not official and is not endorsed by Steve Jackson Games. Share and enjoy.