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Page under construction
Can anyone Guess the connection between Julie Andrews and the above convent?

Talking about construction !
The amount of new buildings in the vacinity of the convent has amazed me. It is only since early summer I have been able to get to the higher ground (after many years).
The children from the school have been collecting money for improvements to the sports field drainage. In my opinion this will make it a tempting target for developers (as has happened to many other school recreation areas).

I'm getting old and in a hurry ... If they could experience what has happened to the quality of life through overcrowding in our cities. Lancashire folk would soon call a halt to green field developments.
For example - I have 9 vehicles parked outside my house (a small 'semi'). In many cases the owners have built on their own parking bays and choose the pavement as an free parking lot! (could this be a source of revenue for the Government?).This limits the effectivness of the street cleaner with obvious consequences.

All West Pennines this page
Here's where you will find things exposed (mostly by chance) by my digi camera.

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