Ifeanyi Mbonu

                                                                       ...Only the wise excel.




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#109 Ulocha Lane Akwakuma Owerri Imo State



DEDICATION                                          The m...............  



For successful completion of this site I owe a great deal  to a great many people .
 Firstly, to  God almighty who made the dream come true and in him we trust. To  my parents who  gave me the  mutual  understanding.
I  am  also  highly  indebted  to  Obinna  Orgazi  who provided some important  animations  and   read  through  pages.  I  also  wish  to express  my  gratitude  to  many  people  too  numerous to mention



who have had influence on this site. My old school mates at Government secondary School Owerri who had a profound effect on my thinking during the years we were developing our interest in the internet.
To all of them especially those who made useful criticism on the effects and designs, I am most grateful.
I am also deeply indebted to Evans Uzoaru who his insightful comments have been invaluable,Chimezie Obidike who was always there for a friend like me, Chukwudi Omereife, Chima Umunnakwe and Esomonu who provided invaluable assistance in scanning the pictures and many fresh ideas.
This dedication will be incomplete without mentioning Ifeanyi obidike and Kingdavid ohuegbe who've been my friends for long.
For all these assistance I express my sincere thanks and any deficiencies if any of course I accept as my responsibility.
Any suggestion for improving this site will be greatly appreciated. Once again I thank you most exceeding for visiting my site.
                                                                                             Ifeanyi Mbonu.


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