The Beast Pit

This is a bestiary. A collection, an index or an inventory of animals, of some of the animals present in our lives or of animals simply made up for the occasion. To make up our bestiary we have used photography (because people think that an object in order to be photographed must actually exist, which is not always the case), painting (the imagination struggles with a blank page, sometimes the imagination wins and sometimes the page wins), collage (the image found and re-used, its original meaning mutilated with scissors) and seedy-cine (home cine-camera, plastic projector, a strange assortment of light effects, the only thing that's any good is the title).

These are animals we have found at home, in the street, in zoos or in supermarkets, under stones, chained up or running wild, at the bottom of the sea or at the bottom of a bowl of soup. We would like to make it clear that the animals in our exhibition have no historical or mythological meaning: for us, an animal does not represent or symbolise or mean anything, it just exists, full stop. Animals are everywhere, animals are interesting, and that's what we want to put across.

We want to combat human beings' arrogance when they use animals without really thinking of them, when they keep them without really knowing them or eat them without even seeing them. Because we should never forget that humans are animals too. We are not superior to the dolphin, the shark or the ant. We're just slightly different.

That's all.


What our little show is made of

The exhibition is made up of seven different series. They are independent but have been commented in depth between the two of us, and we've exchanged ideas, opinions and suggestions: that's why, in spite of the obvious differences between us, a distinctive family resemblance can be seen.

las hermanas Lumière

The Tears of a Chicken     Penned In        el animal como tapa     Camouflage     -Common or garden     The Pit     Noah’s Ark

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