Ang Pulitika ng Papel at Pluma: Panorama ng Kamalayang Pulitikal ng mga Pilipino


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Seminar Kit (note: these are subject to availability of resources)

The seminar kit will be given free to all participants of the event.  Participants will include all invited guests and speakers of the event and all registered non-UST students.  The kit will contain the following items:

Programme Leaflet
     The programme leaflet will provide the participant an overview of the whole seminar.  It will serve as a guide of the flow of the programme.  This leaflet would also include a short background of the the evolution of Filipino Political Thought which will be the main subject of the activity.

Certificate of Participation
     The Certificate of Participation is given to the guest in appreciation of his/her attendance to the activity. 

     The Compact Disc will contain the audio visual presentations of the event.

     The journal will be published one week after the seminar.  It will contain various articles about Filipino Political Thought, transcription of the seminar, and other valuable information regarding the seminar.

Pen and Notepad
     The pen and notepad will aid the participant in noting important details about the activity

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