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Personal Projects that Im working on, or will be soon.
So Strange- Mp3
Things We Used To Do- Mp3
(NEW)Danger- Mp3



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"Espionage Music Page"  


It has been pointed out that the MP3 links to the left of the screen seem to be broken. Some graphics where broken too.. I don't know why..somehow I got the graphics back by changing the names and putting in different dirs...but the mp3s are still broken.. I will work on it.. However you can listen to "SOME" songs on these following links...more to add soon..I hope..
Things You Used to Do.mp3...Go to: :


If you want to get ahold of MANY ESPIONAGE SONGS, and Help the Cause...well..
For Album Info go to Click Here!

or type this in

Still looking for someone to sign me up! So if you know of some good mp3 pages like Radio Free Underground, or me know about it. Basically Im turning to the web to keep this stuff alive.... If you know D.J.'s...or people at Radio Stations, or People at ANY labels...Tell them about ESPIONAGE!!!! I suck at promotion..left to me..nothing will happen..I need help! Thanks!

I am making the CD available to people for the very 1st time. I think its freaking cool that people have been looking for more of my music over a long period of time.. I used to do that for other bands, so I can know how hard it is to find something... And when you do..your way more excited about it than you should be... So I hope this help...Maybe it will get me someplace, make more albums!?!?! Or maybe I can just share some music with some fellow tech-heads!
GOOD NEWS..If your looking for a CD(S)!

I will be providing info on how to get an official ESPIONAGE CD(S). I would like to thank all the people who have written in so far.. this is basically why the CDS will be making their rounds. Check back soon for a LINK to more INFO.. This page will continue to update you with new info and will point out where to go for the albums!

In the can email me and let me know you want to be notified when its ready . I will then email you back pointing you to the web page with the info.

NEW UnReleased Track
(NEW RELEASE) Danger- Mp3 (C) 1999,2000

What is EspIonAge?

Espionage is a Techno keyboard band I started up years ago. It has undergone many changes and a lot of hard times. As of now, its more of a solo effort as I am the last "so called" remaining member. Currently there is a complete Cd of songs recorded - however living in the USA put the band at a big disadvantage! Techno is not king over here- so ESPIONAGE remains an unsigned band.

Currently I have no idea what to do with my music, so some of its being shared on the net. If someone likes it and sends me a nice email..then thats all the matters at this point.. I would to be picked up by some funky label- but I have no clue as to who to go to- nor do I really excel in pushing music on people.

Depending on what sort of feedback I get..there might be NEW stuff, I might hook up with someone and start doing things...or it could all just end here...who knows...but we have to try...lets see what the net can do!

I found a BACK-UP copy of my old Emails!
Getting the Word Out

I have gotten many cool emails.. Heres a taste...

Hi. Just wanted to say that your stuff here is Great

Where can I buy your cd, preferrably online? I first heard your music on radio free underground,, and have been on a quest for months trying to find your band info and music. is the closest i have come thus far. Please help.

I've heard some of your tracks on the Radio Free Underground homepage, then I found you on as well. Do you have a CD for sale anywhere? I think your stuff is great. ....... Anyway, great work on those four songs I've heard; I'd love to hear some more.

.....I added several songs from the CD to our playlist and at least a hundred thousand people must have heard Espionage by now- I was reporting it in our top 25 charts to CMJ for many months as well. Your music is perfect for our format and continues to impress me and other electronic music fans.

I have downloaded 'things you used to do" from and like it very much. The DM comparison is accurate. Where can i get more ?

Hey, I heard yer stuff on radio free underground and LOVE it.. I've been looking all over for Espionage stuff ever since.. I especially like Perfect Day.. can you tell me where I can get more of your stuff?

As a long time fan of Depeche Mode, I was quite please to listen to your one song. .......I am writing to encourage you to either make more songs, or upload ones you have already made. Be assured you have at least one listener. - BLAH-- Can't Do Crap on it!

I Can't seem to edit or do anything with my account on - so until I can fix it..I can't upload anything there. I would love to link to this page..but until then..blah..

The Images and Songs on this page are CopyRight (c)1999,2000
Do Not Repost any images or Mp3 files you find here. These images and Songs are Copyright by Mike McAdams and may not be reposted or altered in any shape.
Ask for Permission to POST or USE these songs...don't worry... I just want to know about whats being done! :)



© 2000 McADAMS