Planetary  Update


It’s been about six months since we were first informed by the other dimensional entities that we work with that we needed to be in position and prepared by June15, 1991. These entities have never been the predictive type. They usually assist us in filling in the details after a particular event has taken place. They usually don’t see any value in setting up expectations of the future when the probabilities are shifting so quickly all the time. But this probability seems pretty well set. And they weren't the only ones we were hearing it from. Over the last six months, many people have (seemingly out of nowhere) been coming into our lives and telling us they have a strong feeling that something is going to be happening in June, and asking us what we know about that. Well, the following includes some of the information that has been unveiled so far:

It seems that by June 15, 1991, the remaining of 42 very specific tones will have been released from the fifth dimension. These tones have been systematically being released since March. They are not tones that can be heard by the human ear, but they are designed to be heard by human genetic coding. They have been directed out on a global basis and are having global impact. They are specifically designed to disrupt and destroy the core coding of the lies and illusions that have allowed people on this planet to live in what we would call the “small story”. You know, the one where you deny that your larger, divine, multi-dimensional self even exists. Up until this point, there has been encoded information in human genes that has allowed them to be functional in lives of denial. The timing and rhythm of the planetary evolution has targeted certain groups to be the first to begin experiencing the re-encoding that will make it unacceptable to deny their divinity any longer, or to participate with systems or people that deny their divinity. Barely tolerable lives will cross the line into intolerability.

There will be a noticeable surge of interest in exploring new models of consciousness and ways of living that include and accept that it is essential to live a life fully acknowledging the role of Spirit in each being’s existence. Those of you who feel as if you have been preparing  and preparing, filling yourselves with information that has seemed as if it is designed to be shared with others, will begin to be directed to those people and geographical areas that will be seeking it. Millions of disembodied spirits will be seeking those that can direct  them to the Light. This event  is “setting the tone” for this decade. This decade will be
pushing people beyond the smallness of personal evolution into the awareness that they are really here to sup port planetary evolution.

There will be intensified and amplified waves of these tones moving out in intervals and combinations. Apparently Sedona is a main portal through which the tones are entering this dimension. It has been feeling like being at the eye of a hurricane here. Many individuals have been suddenly realizing that they needed to be in position and have been packing up their current lives.
Part of the preparation that we have been experiencing has been several systematic increases and accelerations of our frequencies. We were moved by Spirit to a new location in Sedona, the structure of our work has shifted dramatically, new technologies have been emerging, and the amount of impeccability required of us by our spirits has been considerably upped.
These are incredibly exciting times! The stakes just got higher! Use your mastery of Universal Principles, and let the Co-Creation begin!! *

One Probability