Welcome To Eternal Rock Webpage!

- God Bless You Jovenes of Roca Eterna. I am from Des Moines, IA and paid a visit to your church at the 1998 Convencion Internacional de Jovenes that was held at your church, and AJAIC had Dorcas as their International President. That was also the last year that there was an International Youth Directive. I'm glad to see you seeking God, continue to do so no matter what. Soon this will all be over, and the church will reign with Christ for all eternity. Blessings from all of my jovenes here in Iowa ! Fabiola Chavarria, Iglesia Cristo Viene, I.P.C.C., Inc.

- I'd like to give SHOUT OUT...to the best group of Jovenes I know and have come to love dearly...Blessed be Roca's Youth now and forever more. Maintain yourselves founded in the only solid ROCK, JesusChrist our Lord. Abigail Santiago, Iglesia Nueva Vida, AIC, Florida

- I would like to give a shout out to all the rockeros. God bless ya and I hope this year we will conquer the Bronx. I love ya and I will pray 4 u all. I also will like to give a shout out to my family and my sister Cynthia and let her know I love her and wish her all the best w/ my new Nephew who will be born in July .And last but not not least I would like to give a shout out to Bobo, me and u have been friends for a whileeeee I just want to let u know no matter what I will always care about you and I hope you know that I love you and always will Muah. I Love Ya all. one1 Jennifer Feliciano, Roca Eterna

- I would like to give a shout out to all my people from Roca.  I know that I only have a year and a half with you guys, but I want ot kow that Im not leaving yet.  Stay strong.  Don't turn your eyes from the vision.   Represent you we are everywhere we go.  To Rosey and Jose I love you two.   Thanks for loving me.   To Robert I love you.  Rockeros for ever!!!! Love always Sualy, Roca Eterna

- I want to give a shout out to all those that were involved in the accident, especially everyone from my church ICM...the Lord has great blessings for all of you...and this was just a stepping stone that you guys surpassed...I'm proud of all of you for your strength, courage, and faith!...what would we have done without you!...The devil thought he would weaken you, but he thought wrong!.....May the Lord continue to bless, strengthen, and prepare you for what he has for you....SUFRE DIABLO!!........Lisandra Rivera (I.C.M.)

- I would like to first give a shout to my God for giving me the previledge to live another day, secondly to all of AJAIC first to thank those who went to washington and were there for us after the accident and made sure we were ok. I also thank those who kept us in their prayers while we were over there. I love you guys from the bottom of my heart! I also thank Danny Ramos. Raquel Garcia, Marlyn Batista and Chana for being there for me and for being able to comfort me right after this great tragedy and making sure that we were ok. I really thank you guys and may God give you double the blessings! Elsie Cabral, Iglesia Cristiana Misionera

- Chana and Coco, Thank you so much for helping me through the accident, I'll never forget it! Chana thank you for comforting me and caring so much. You're like a sister to me always being there when I'm in need. I'm praying for you always! :) Coco thank you for giving me a shoulder to lean on and making sure if I was okay, you really comforted me. Thank you for making me feel safe, I'll never forget it! I love you guys so much and may God Bless you both in a mighty way! Take care, God Bless, and BE SAFE!!!! Love always, Arelis Olivo, Iglesia Cristiana Misionera

- This SHOUT OUT goes to Arelis Olivo, Elsie Cabral, Melinda Olivo, and David Roman... First and foremost I want to say that I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!! We have really been through something haven't we. I hanged out with you guys for 4 days stright and I loved it so much. You have all become a great part of my life and of my daily thoughts and i will for ever thank God for allwoing us to meet regardless of the circumstances. To say Good Bye I will leave you guys with this verse. Eclesiastes 10:4 Si el espiritu del principe se exaltare contra ti, no dejes tu lugar: porque la mansedumbre hara cesar grandes ofensas. Giovanni Avila Coreas, AIC Washington DC

- I want to give a shout out to my peeps at ROCAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! I also want to give a shout out to all my brothas and sistas in christ GOD BLESS and lets all keep in touch! Peace. Tony, Roca Eterna

- I just want to give a shout out to the youths in my church, Iglesia Cristiana Misionera, may the Lord guide you and keep you. Remember, "be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil" (Ephesians 6:10-11). God Bless you always!
Your secretary and sister in Christ,
Arelis Olivo, Iglesia Cristiana Misionera

- I would like to give a shoutout to my fellow Rockeros.  Let this be the year in which the Lord uses us in a special way to conquer not only the Bronx, but all of New York.  Let us stay united and not let the devil get in our way of achieving greatness. Many have proclaimed greatness for us, now its our turn to get it and keep it. Jose Rolon, Roca Eterna

- I will like to give a shout out to my friend Sammy H and to all that I know. And to my little cuz. also to my brother. Also to the people in ROCA ETERNA. Samuel Baez, Roca Eterna

Let your Voice be heard and send your Shout Outs!! Leave any messege, response, etc. Don't be afraid, lets hear what you got. Send your Shout Outs to eternalrock_ajaic@yahoo.com. Thank You and God Bless!