Vertigo, that dull feeling on the left side of the head, dizzy and head heavy, that unbalanced feeling.

Racing thoughts, sometimes I would think I am anxious but it was my mind racing, it passed in a few minutes.

Insomnia, sometimes sleeping only one or two hours a night at first during early recovery, but it gets better in time.

Feeling crawling things on me at first, a biting itch in tender parts of the body.
( Nerve endings coming back to life )

Nightmares first few days, also suicidal thoughts.

Anticipatory panicky feelings at meetings, ( normal withdrawals ).

Exhaustion most of the time, very weird, very weak, had to try to relax and not push myself.

Lack of co-ordination, I would drop things accidently.

Confused thinking, could not concentrate on reading, had to read paragraphes over and over again. Memory does get better month by month.

Chest tightness at times, also arms and legs.

Right upper shoulder bone, little scapula below bone, pain and cramps.

Frequent back cramping and pulling contractions throughout recovery, mostly shoulders and upper back heaviness.

Always thinking of dreadful things at first, it was fear most of the time and thoughts of doom.

Teeth and gum soreness, right side gums would get sore and had frequent irritation in roof of mouth, but gums were tender. A lot of swelling.

Had rash on upper arms and chest for many months, also had itchy sores on scalp and no matter how many times I washed my scalp and applied ointment. ( It is BZD's residue coming out )

Sometimes I would get up in the middle of the night, and my entire body was stiff head to toe, but after walking at home it let up in about 15 minutes.

Taste, smell and hearing: It took two years for these senses to become normal again.

Cramping in the throat, felt like I would swallow my thyroid gland. It passed in a few minutes. ( try to scream in pillow, drink de-caffeinated coffee ).

Breathing normal was difficult at times but it got better in time. At night, in bed, I thought I'd stopped breathing but it was fear only.
Those crazy thoughts that I would choke but never did.

I exercised too much one day and I felt disconnected from my head and body. I felt I was leaving my body and was numb all over, very weird, but I lay down and it passed in a little while. This was a very weird symptom.

That head tightness feeling similar to air pressure, like feeling in stomach or chest, was scary but did not stay long.

The bottoms of my feet had boiling percolating sensations at times. I had cramps in my left buttocks and could not sit down, cramping under right rib cage, also left side pancreas. Those weird feelings all passed in time and never stayed long.

Sometimes the skull felt like a piece of cement and the top part of my scalp felt raw and sore. That's BZD's residue in the head coming out.

Panic attacks infrequently. The Valium hyperness of the withdrawals at first caused us so much fear until we asked others in our group ( P.A.A. ) about withdrawals. Talking about them helped them to disappear.

Back pain and tension. Seems like BZD residue settles in our backs a great deal so as it comes out, we have a lot of cramps, spasms and muscle contractions.
Accupressure seems to have helped me a lot.