Swedish FM Urges Eritrea to Adopt OAU Peace Proposal

Xinhua; February 1, 1999

STOCKHOLM (Feb. 1) XINHUA - Swedish Foreign Minister Anna Linhd Monday urged Eritrea to solve its armed conflicts with Ethiopia within the peace framework proposed by the Organization of African Unity (OAU).

During talks with her visiting Eritrean counterpart Haile Weldensae, Linhd welcomed Ethiopia's agreement to accept the OAU proposal and hoped that Eritrea will do the same.

She appreciated the OAU's mediation in the two countries' disputes and the organization's proposal to begin by de- militarizing the most controversial area of Badme.

Linhd also expressed her "concern" over the treatment and expulsion of Eritreans living in Ethiopia.

Weldensae, also to visit other Nordic countries, arrived here Sunday on a three-day visit.

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