Everwood- Transcript- "Deer God"
NARRATOR: The Everwood Pinecone. It has been a daily press since May 21st, 1985. The day Mr. R. F. Davenport bought, what was even then, an antique printing press, hellbent on single-handedly spreading whatever small town news there was, each and every day. Everyone thought he was crazy but 5,999 issues later, he hasn't missed a single delivery. The Everwood Pinecone. Everwood's own bastion of journalistic integrity and chowder recipes.

[Cut to the Brown family returning home at night.]

DR. BROWN: C'mon, kiddo. It's time for bed.

[Ephram picks up the paper lying on the footpath.]

EPHRAM: Y'know, I think I know what it means to miss New York, and then I read the Pinecone. You know the Mighty Giants are playing Central Park in two hours?

DR. BROWN: [carrying a sleeping Delia] I don't think you're gonna make it.

EPHRAM: That's alright. I can stay here and enjoy [reading from the paper] free skate sharpening at Walter's Ice and Laundry Rink.

[They notice their front door is slightly open. The house is dark inside.]

EPHRAM: You think somebody's inside?

DR. BROWN: Take her. I'll check it out.

[Dr. Brown walks into the house and turns on the light.]

DR. BROWN: Hello! Anybody here?

[He walks around the house which looks like it has been turned upside-down and grabs an umbrella as a weapon. Some items drop to the floor and Dr. Brown takes a closer inspection, revealing a deer standing in their kitchen. Ephram is now inside and tries to get closer to it.]

DR. BROWN: Stay back. It might have a gun.



[Cut to the Brown's kitchen. Morning. Delia is sitting down to breakfast with her father who is making his coffee.]

DELIA: You forgot to buy milk.

[Dr. Brown reaches into the icebox and pulls out some ice-cream.]

DR. BROWN: In folly comes inspiration.

[Nina knocks on the door and enters.]

NINA: Good morning.

DR. BROWN: Hey, Nina.

NINA: [holding a plate] Cookies. Made a big batch last night, a little too big for Sam, so [to Delia] you luck out.

DR. BROWN: You can't have cookies for breakfast.

DELIA: You're having ice cream.

DR. BROWN: You make a strong point.

NINA: Did ah, did you notice a small deer on your front porch?

DR. BROWN: It took two hours and four broken lamps just to get it out of the house. I consider the porch a victory.

[He steps out on to the porch to see if the deer is still there.]

DR. BROWN: What is this? A sit in? Go on, scat! Shoo! [New York accent] Get outta here!

[Ephram walks into the kitchen.]

EPHRAM: You see him?

NINA: You mean, her. No antlers.

EPHRAM: Deer have antlers?

NINA: Mm hmm. Poor thing. Most of the pussy toes and the skunk bush die off in the early Winters, so they have to come down to the lower altitudes for food. They usually don't make it this far into town, but it happens.

EPHRAM: Well, perhaps we should reward her ambition. Call Animal Control?

NINA: Oh I, I wouldn't bother. They usually wander back on their own.

DR. BROWN: Well, till then, it's welcome to our garbage [to Ephram] which you are welcome to take out.

[Nina tries to pour herself a cup of juice but it's empty.]