PAGE: Yo, Goth guy. Got a sec?

[Ephram rushes over to them.]

PAGE: Here's the thing. We totally want you to come to Kayla's party, but...

KAYLA: Yeah, but my mom said I could only invite tall people.

[Amy has her head lowered and looks dejected. Ephram's face has dropped.]

KAYLA: And it's not Amy's fault. She totally didn't even know.

PAGE: But, you know, it's like a Mom rule.

KAYLA: Which I would break...

PAGE: ...if she could.

KAYLA: But, you see I can't.

PAGE: We are *so* sorry.

[Ephram looks at Amy, who isn't happy.]

EPHRAM: Oh, I completely understand.

KAYLA: We knew you would!

[Ephram walks away.]

KAYLA: Well *that* was easy.

[Amy can't believe what they just did.]

[Cut to Dr. Brown driving down a country road. "If I Never See You Again" by Teenage Fanclub is playing. He arrives at Lake Tasha. He looks around, and the scenery is beautiful. The lake is huge. He spots the boat which is actually just a metal dinghy.]

LYRICS: If I never see you again / You will stay in my mind / If I never see you again / You will stay in my mind / We've only got a lifetime / We've only got a lifetime / If I never see you again / You will stay in my mind / If I never see you again / You will stay in my mind...

DR. BROWN: Can't be.

[Dr. Brown looks at the back of the boat which has the name "Sea Breeze". He isn't impressed.]

DR. BROWN: Walter. I'm gonna give you one thorough colonoscopy when I get back.

[Dr. Brown uses the key to unlock the lock holding the boat to the wharf then unties it and sets off.]

[Cut to Everwood Elementary. Magilla walks up to Delia's cubby but instead of taking the cookie, he swipes her bookmark from her book. Delia, who has been spying on him from the door, runs out.]

DELIA: Hold it. Why didn't you take the cookie?

MAGILLA: 'Cause I don't want it.

DELIA: Well, give me my bookmark back.

MAGILLA: Get lost!

DELIA: It was a gift... from my mother. It comes from my favorite museum in New York City and I can't get another one.

MAGILLA: Why don't you ask Daddy to buy the stupid museum?

DELIA: We don't live there anymore, OK? And my mother won't be able to take me there again. Just take whatever you want. But not that. Please?

[Delia tries to grab it but Magilla snatches it away.]

MAGILLA: Come any closer and I'll smash you like a bug. I mean it. And I swear, if you tell Mrs. Violet, your little bookmark gets flushed.

[Delia looks like she wants to cry.]

[Cut to the dance class at County High. Amy is at the bar next to the piano.]

BRENDA: Alright, are you ready? Alright everybody, first positions. Ephram?

[Ephram begins playing. Amy starts a conversation with him.]

AMY: I have to talk to you.

EPHRAM: You can talk all you want. I don't have to listen.

AMY: If you'll just let me explain.

EPHRAM: Explain what? Why your friends are total bitches, or why you choose to be friends with them in the first place?

BRENDA: [in the background] And, come forward. Straight back. Stretch those arms, ladies, stretch.