AMY: It's not like they were always like that. I've known them all my life and they didn't start out like that, trust me.

EPHRAM: So, as the bitchiness emerged, you chose to ignore it and follow along. Not unlike the Nazis.

[Amy gives him a shocked look.]

BRENDA: [background] Heels. Keep your heels down.

AMY: Not everyone's a loner, Ephram. Some people actually like having friends, even if they're difficult at times.

EPHRAM: You prefer quantity over quality? That's your problem.

BRENDA: [background] That's it, feel the stretch. Stretch, good.

AMY: Look, I don't agree with what they did. But maybe if you weren't scowling all the time, people wouldn't feel the need to dis-invite you places.

EPHRAM: You're right. It's my fault. I should take up football and cow tipping. Then your friends would like me and I'd be the most popular boy in the whole school!

[Amy stops dancing.]

BRENDA: Wh-Amy, is there a problem?

AMY: Yeah, this music is totally messed up. There's nothing to keep time to.

BRENDA: Well, it sounds fine to me. He's improving.

AMY: Not for me, he's all over the place.

[Ephram stops playing.]

EPHRAM: Oh I'm sorry. Is this better?

[Ephram plays a faster piece.]

EPHRAM: No? No? How about this?

[Ephram plays a old western style piece.]

EPHRAM: Huh? What about dead swans in the lake?

[Ephram plays a short depressing piece.]

EPHRAM: You don't have a problem with the music! Just the loser who's playing it, right?

[Ephram storms past Amy, out the door.]

BRENDA: What just happened?

[Amy just looks pissed.]

[Cut to Dr. Brown rowing. He gets a splinter in his hand.]

DR. BROWN: Ah, DAMN IT! Oh, looks like you got the last laugh, Walter. There's no sea, there's no breeze. There's more wood in my hand than your friggin boat. Remind me next time to take the steaks.

[Dr. Brown rows some more but is obviously tired. A leak springs in the boat and he covers it with his foot.]

DR. BROWN: Oh no. Oh nononono. I hope you're watching this, Julia. You'll be getting a big kick out of this! 'Cause this is for you, sweetheart! That's right, Mrs. Brown. Your whole family left a civilized life in a civilized city for some godforsaken mountain town 'cause your train stopped here in 1964 and you fell in love with some purple mountains and some fluffy clouds! But you didn't know this town, Julia! You didn't meet the people! 'Cause you didn't get past the gift shop! I MOVED US TO A SNOW GLOBE!!!

[Another leak springs up in the raft.]


[Cut to a depressing Brown family dinner. They're having pizza.]

DELIA: I need a new jacket.

DR. BROWN: What's the matter with the one you've got?

DELIA: It was stolen.

DR. BROWN: What do you mean, "stolen"?

DELIA: I know who took it but he's not gonna give it back.

DR. BROWN: You went to school today without your jacket? I didn't notice that.


DR. BROWN: Eat your pizza! [to Delia] Who took your jacket?

DELIA: The same kid who took my yo-yo.

EPHRAM: *Your* yo-yo?