AMY: I didn't go.

EPHRAM: You didn't? Why not?

AMY: I think you know why. You scare me, Ephram.

EPHRAM: Well, that doesn't sound good.

AMY: No no, I think it is. When you first got here, I know I got to know you for all the wrong reasons. Friendship wasn't exactly at the top of my list. But, as it turns out, you're really funny and weird and now you're like this guy in my life that I care about. Does that make any sense?

EPHRAM: Define "weird".

AMY: I think you just need to cut me some slack once in a while.

EPHRAM: Define "slack".

[Amy smiles and leaves.]

[Cut to Nina's house. Dr. Brown is examining Nina.]

NINA: I can't believe I put you and Ephram through this. I was counting on my husband being here to help.

DR. BROWN: Where is he?

NINA: Phoenix. He was supposed to come home after St. Louis but when he heard his boss was gonna offer Arizona to another salesman, he insisted on taking it. That's very ambitious.

DR. BROWN: Yeah. I'm familiar with the type.

[Dr. Brown finishes taking Nina's blood.]

DR. BROWN: Nina...

NINA: He's a great guy, Andy. Can't wait for you to meet him. I was hoping he was gonna be here for this but I guess I should've known.

[Dr. Abbott arrives at the house.]

DR. ABBOTT: Hello? Anybody home?

NINA: Come on in.

[Dr. Abbott enters the room.]

DR. ABBOTT: Hello there.

NINA: Doctor Abbott, what brings you by?

DR. ABBOTT: Rose baked her traditional apple cake for the birth.

NINA: I thought that was only for your patients.

DR. ABBOTT: No. It's for friends, too.

[Dr. Abbott hands Nina the cake.]

NINA: Thank you.

DR. BROWN: Evening, Doctor.

DR. ABBOTT: Congratulations on your first door stop delivery, as we like to say around here.

DR. BROWN: Well, thank you very much.

DR. ABBOTT: If you wanna break records, you'll have to top my delivery of Jane Desieth's triplets in the women's hosiery aisle of the local Stop and Shop.

DR. BROWN: Just give me a few years.

DR. ABBOTT: Ah, Nina. Perhaps this isn't the best time to address this matter but when last the three of us found ourselves in close quarters, you mentioned that you were without a family doctor.

DR. BROWN: No no, she has a family doctor standing right next to you.

NINA: Boys, boys, hello. One of us just gave birth. So maybe you could take it outside?

[Both doctors argue as they walk out.]

DR. ABBOTT: I think the words she said were "you are no longer..."

DR. BROWN: No no, I *am* the family doctor...

[Fade to Delia sitting on the porch chair. Dr. Brown puts his bag down.]

DELIA: You need a real doctor's bag.

DR. BROWN: I do, don't I?

[The phone rings inside. Ephram answers.]