Everwood- Transcript- "The Great Doctor Brown
[Open with the interior of the Brown house. We see a painting of a doctor examining a little girl's doll for her. Camera pans out to the Browns' kitchen and dining room. Dr. Brown, Ephram, and Delia are setting the table.]

NARRATOR: The family doctor. An icon of the American experience. For generations, they've mended our wounds and warmed our hearts. In my life time, Andy Brown was just about the best example I ever knew of one. Doctor-wise, that is. As for the family half of the job title, he was a bit rough around the edges.

DR. BROWN: Okee dokee.

[Dr. Brown brings an over-cooked meatloaf to the table and sets it down by Ephram.]

DR. BROWN: Here we go.

EPHRAM: What is that?

[Delia looks at the meatloaf in slight disgust.]

DELIA: I think it's dinner.

DR. BROWN: I found Mom's old recipe book.

EPHRAM: And you cooked it?

[Delia starts laughing. Dr. Brown places a piece of meatloaf on everyone's plate.]

DR. BROWN: No, smart ass. I cooked her meatloaf. Now, come on everybody, eat up.

EPHRAM: Yeah, I think we should say grace first.

DR. BROWN: You're both half Jewish.

EPHRAM: Well, isn't there a half Jewish grace?

DR. BROWN: Quit stalling. Look, tomorrow. We'll try a restaurant in town, OK?

EPHRAM: If we're not still in the hospital.

DELIA: I have my film picked for the night.

[Delia hands the movie case to Dr. Brown.]

DR. BROWN: Ohhhh. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Excellent choice, Delia.

EPHRAM: Don't let her watch it.

DELIA: Be quiet.

DR. BROWN: Did I miss something?

EPHRAM: 8 years of raising her. She can't watch that movie. It upsets her.

DELIA: It does not.

EPHRAM: Well, not if you don't count the screams at night, and a month of sleeping on my floor.

DR. BROWN: Delia, tell the truth.

DELIA: It used to scare me. But not anymore.

EPHRAM: That's what she says every time. Like a junkie begging for more smack.

DELIA: I'm not a junkie, you're a junkie.

DR. BROWN: No one's a junkie in this house.

[Phone rings.]


[Dr. Brown gets up to get the phone.]

DR. BROWN: Doctor Brown. Yes. [listens] Yes, I can. No, we're just finishing dinner now. I'll be right over. What's your address? OK, then. [listens again] See ya in a bit. [again listens] Will do.

[Dr. Brown hangs up the phone and walks back to the table.]

DELIA: Who was that?

DR. BROWN: Only what I've been waiting for since we moved here. My first house call.

EPHRAM: We're just finishing dinner, huh?

DR. BROWN: Well, I can't let my first house call family feel bad, Ephram. It wouldn't be very country doctorly of me now, would it? Besides, I won't be long.

DELIA: Is a knapsack country doctorly?

DR. BROWN: Good point, Delia. I need something that says country doctor. I know. An umbrella.