IRV: But what he has is the one sickness most people spend their whole life trying to catch.

DELIA: What does he have?

IRV: A distraught heart. It's not like other diseases. It can't kill you. Just the opposite, in fact. In most cases, it makes a person feel alive for the first time. Only problem is there's no remedy for it, anywhere in the world.

[Delia takes this in.]

[Cut to one of Dr. Brown's examining rooms. He, Edna, and Brenda are there. Dr. Brown is diagnosing Brenda about her neck problem.]

DR. BROWN: I would suspect a mild case of tote-all-cot-is. Brought on by, my guess would be a new bed.

[Brenda is a little shocked.]

BRENDA: I just bought a new Californian King!

DR. BROWN: The culprit may take a little adjusting to. Until then, I'll prescribe you a mild muscle relaxer. Edna will get you a neck brace. I'd like you to wear it if the pain gets any worse.

BRENDA: Well, you know, I didn't bring my purse. So why don't I run you by a check a little later.

DR. BROWN: I'm not charging you.

BRENDA: Oh well, for the neck brace, fine. But for the visit, I have my Blue Cross card.

DR. BROWN: Mrs. Baxworth, I'm not charging anyone for anything. My services are free.

BRENDA: F-free?

[Brenda looks to Edna to see if she knew anything about this. Edna shrugs and shakes her head no.]

BRENDA: As in...

DR: BROWN: No cash, no checks, no credit cards. Not even Discover.

BRENDA: Well, what will you do for income?

DR. BROWN: Well, I was a brainsurgeon for 15 years. I have a few pennies tucked away. Here's that prescription.

BRENDA: Well, OK, I'm off to the pharmacy. Tootle.

[Brenda exits and Edna walks over to Dr. Brown.]

EDNA: You do realize by telling her what you just told her, you told the whole town.

DR. BROWN: You don't say.

[Dr. Brown and Edna share a smile. Edna gives a little chuckle.]

[Cut to Cross Country Ski Trail at County High. Ephram walks by. Bright and two of his friends (one being the friend that said Amy was smooth earlier) come out of the trees.]

BRIGHT: Looking for Amy? She's not coming.

EPHRAM: And you are?

BRIGHT: Her brother. I left that note. I wanted to talk to you.

EPHRAM: Well, if you wanted to talk, you could have just talked to me. I mean, you didn't have to go through all the trouble of imitating feminine cursive.

BRIGHT: That's my real handwriting.


BRIGHT: Stay away from Amy. She's got a boyfriend. Did she tell you that?

EPHRAM: No but she didn't talk about you either so we only covered the important stuff.

[Bright grabs Ephram's bag and Ephram tries to get it back. Bright pushes Ephram away.]

BRIGHT: Hey, nice bag. I wonder what's in it.

[Bright empties the contents onto the snow. Teen #2 picks up a comic book.]

TEEN #2: Neado. This stuff is way expensive, man.

[Teen #2 hands the book over to Bright. Bright opens it in the middle.]

BRIGHT: What do you say we'll double its value?

[Amy comes up right then.]

AMY: Bright. Bright, stop it.

[The book is torn by now and Amy has one half and slaps Bright's arm with it. Bright does the same. Amy walks back and stands by Ephram.]

EPHRAM: Bright? That's his name? Ironic.

BRIGHT: Go ahead, Amy. Tell why you're really hanging out with him.

AMY: Ephram. I can explain.

EPHRAM: Oh, forget it. There's nothing to say. Don't worry, Bright. I'll be staying away from your sister. For good.

[Ephram takes his backpack and starts to walk off. Bright follows.]

BRIGHT: Oh, by the way, dude, nice dad. Curious but has he always been such a head case or just since your mom bought it?

[Ephram turns around and starts attacking Bright. Amy tries to break it up.]

AMY: Bright. BRIGHT!

[Bright punches Ephram in the eye.]

AMY: Bright, get off him.

[Amy pulls Bright off Ephram and punches Bright right below the eye. She steps away and sucks on her knuckles like they hurt.]

[Cut to the main office at County High. Ephram and Bright both have ice on their bruises. Dr. Brown walks in, sees Ephram. Amy's there also.]

DR. BROWN: Ephram! You OK? What's going on?

EPHRAM: I don't want to talk about it.

[The door to the principal's office opens. Dr. Abbott walks out and sees Dr. Brown.]

DR. ABBOTT: You! Well, I should have known it was one of your offspring that did this to my son.

EPHRAM: Wait, you two guys know each other?