[Cut to Delia, holding her teddy bear by a foot, standing in the doorway. She sees her dad just swaying back and forth looking like he's with someone but Julia's not there anymore.]

DR. BROWN: I know. [pause] Me too.

[Camera switches back and forth between a frightened Delia and a swaying Dr. Brown.]


[Open on Main Street. Dr. Abbott parks his car in his spot. Around the same time, Dr. Brown parks his sports utility vehicle in the next spot, right by the Flower Mart. They both get out at the same time. Dr. Abbott is annoyed but Dr. Brown is trying to be friendly. And at the same time, though not together, they cross the street after looking both ways.]

DR. BROWN: Good morning, Doctor.

DR. ABBOTT: It was.

DR. BROWN: You know, your office is back there.

DR. ABBOTT: I know where it is. I'm getting a cup of coffee.

DR. BROWN: You know, I was thinking last night that you look vaguely familiar to me.

DR. ABBOTT: Perhaps I remind you of one of the inmates you knew from whatever asylum you escaped from.

DR. BROWN: It's my first day. Are you going to wish me luck?

DR. ABBOTT: Oh, it'll take more than luck to launch the U.S.S. Wacko but what the hay? Good luck. Now if you're done blathering, one of us has patients to attend to.

DR. BROWN: Have a nice day.

DR. ABBOTT: Whatever.

[Cut to County High by some lockers. Ephram walks down all sullen until he sees a note sticking out from his locker. He grabs it after making sure no one is around. It reads "Meet me after class. By the ski trail. Amy".]


[He closes the note and opens it again and expresses another sense of joy. This note has definitely brightened his day.]

[Cut to Dr. Brown's office. Brenda Baxworth comes in with a plant. She spots Edna behind a desk.]

BRENDA: Edna Harper! What are you doing here?

EDNA: Well see, I'm in a doctor's office, wearing my nurse whites, my taxes.

BRENDA: Does Doc Abbott know you're working here?

EDNA: Nope.

BRENDA: He will now.

[Dr. Brown walks in wearing his uniform and sees Brenda.]

DR. BROWN: Mrs. Baxworth! How are you this fine day?

BRENDA: Oh, hello. I'm fine. I just wanted to wish you well on your new venture. I brought you a new plant.

[Brenda sets down the plant and rubs her neck.]

DR. BROWN: Well, thank you. That's very kind of you.

BRENDA: My, my. Look what you've done with this place.

DR. BROWN: What's wrong with your neck?

BRENDA: Oh, it's just been a little stiff lately.

DR. BROWN: Would you like for me to look at it?

[Cut to Edna. She seems stunned as exemplified by the silence.]

[Cut to Brenda. Her mouth drops open.]

BRENDA: Oh, I would but I already made an appointment tomorrow with Doc Abbott...

DR. BROWN: Why put off tomorrow when you can diagnose today?

[Brenda laughs nervously.]

BRENDA: Oh, I shouldn't. It's not that I don't trust you Doctor...

DR. BROWN: Oh, it'd be my loss. It'd be like diagnosing Elizabeth Taylor all over again.

[Brenda stops laughing at the mention of Elizabeth Taylor.]

BRENDA: Excuse me?

DR. BROWN: You see how your clavicle rises up here? Typically, the lateral end is flat but yours has a perfect S-shape. The only other time I've seen that was on Elizabeth Taylor.

BRENDA: You...you operated on Elizabeth Taylor?

DR. BROWN: I confess.

BRENDA: Well, maybe you should look at my neck. I mean, I'm sure Doc Abbott wouldn't mind. Oh my goodness, gracious.

[Brenda leads Dr. Brown into one of the examining rooms as Edna shakes her head and chuckles. The door closes.]

[Cut to the playground at Everwood Elementary, Delia's school. Irv catches kids going down the slide. Delia is off by herself, sitting on a picnic table.]


DELIA: Hey, Mr. Irv. I don't feel good.

IRV: Yeah? Why is that?

DELIA: Can you keep a secret?

IRV: I can.

DELIA: I think my dad's sick. He talks to himself, to my mom like she's still here. Only that's a problem 'cause she died eight months ago.

[Irv takes this information in.]

IRV: I'm not gonna lie to you, Delia. Sounds like your dad's got a case of something.

DELIA: I knew it.