PRIEST: Well, God bless this grave. Send her angels to watch over it. Forgive the sins of our brother, Harold Abbott Jr., whom we bury here this day.

[Dr. Abbott is there, dressed in a grey patient's outfit. No one can see him.]

DR. ABBOTT: Rose! Rose! What is going on here? Rose?

[The only mourners at the funeral are Dr. Abbott's immediate family (excluding Edna and Irv) and the priest.]

PRIEST: Lord God, welcome our brother, Harold Abbott.

[Dr. Abbott looks down at the gravestone, which has his name.]

DR. ABBOTT: *MY* funeral? I'm right here. What is the meaning of this?

[Dr. Brown walks up next to Rose.]

DR. BROWN: I'm so sorry, Rose.

DR. ABBOTT: You. What are you doing here?

ROSE: Thank you, Dr. Brown.

DR. BROWN: He was a good man.

DR. ABBOTT: You don't know what kind of man I was, you hypocritical windbag. You have no idea what kind of man I was. You wouldn't even be here if it wasn't a chance to steal even more of my patients!

DR. BROWN: [to Rose] I'm sure more people would have come if it wasn't for the cold.

DR. ABBOTT: Cold? Cold? It's positively balmy and you came you little pisser.

ROSE: I just wish we could have filled the seats.

DR. BROWN: There are some full ones.

[They look over to reveal two grave diggers sitting in seats. The rest are empty.]

DR. ABBOTT: No one came to my funeral? No one but my family and this... horses ass? Is there nothing sacred? Where is everybody? WHERE IS EVERYBODY!

[The camera zooms in on his face and he wakes up gasping in bed.]

ROSE: Harold?! Harold, you're having a bad dream.

DR. ABBOTT: I'm alive.

ROSE: For now. Try and get some sleep.


ROSE: Yes, Harold?

DR. ABBOTT: Would you say I'm a good husband?

ROSE: [tired] The best, Harold.

DR. ABBOTT: Good father?

ROSE: Again, the best.

DR. ABBOTT: Would you say I'm popular? In Everwood?

ROSE: [turning over] I love you, Harold. Now, go to sleep.

[He's obviously shaken.]

[Cut to Dr. Brown in the woods, following Nina's map.]

DR. BROWN: OK. Go past the crossing of old stones although with all the snow they could've been deer droppings. Go fifty paces - then, what is a pace? Whose paces are they? OK, now take a left at that big pine. Which pine? This is such a crappy map, Nina.

[Dr. Brown looks up and notices the pine.]

DR. BROWN: OK, I take it back. Big pine. A kingdom for a machete.

[Cut to Main Street. Ephram and Delia are shopping.]

EPHRAM: Hey. Where did you go?

DELIA: What's the difference between condensed** milk and evaporated?

EPHRAM: I don't know. Pick the one it says on the list.

DELIA: It just said canned.

EPHRAM: Well, get both.


[Delia runs off to the store. Ephram eyes the list as Amy and her mother approach.]