EPHRAM: Fat separated.

AMY: Ephram!

ROSE: Hello, Ephram.

EPHRAM: Mrs. Abbott, Amy, hey.

ROSE: [to Amy] I'm just gonna pop across and get some cranberries from the stand. Can you get the nuts your father likes for the dressing, OK?


[Amy turns to Ephram.]

AMY: Doing the shopping yourself?

EPHRAM: Oh not exactly, I'm...

DELIA: I got all of them!

AMY: Hey, Delia.

DELIA: Hi, Amy. At Mama Joy's, they had apple pie, pumpkin pie and pecan pie.

EPHRAM: I think we only need one.

DELIA: Mom used to have three kinds of pie, remember?

EPHRAM: OK. OK, all right fine. Go get 'em.

[Delia smiles as she runs off to Mama Joy's.]

EPHRAM: It's her favorite holiday.

AMY: I can see that.

EPHRAM: My dad's not too into it.

AMY: It's cool that you would do this for her.

EPHRAM: Well, try saying that after she dies of food poisoning.

AMY: Sometimes, I think Thanksgiving itself can be kind of a natural disaster.

EPHRAM: Well, I'm about to scientifically prove that.

AMY: It could be fun though, under the right circumstances, making a mess and all. Cooking's like mud pies for grown ups.

EPHRAM: Well, I'll try and think of it that way.

AMY: Hey, if this isn't just a brother-sister thing, I could help if you wanted.


[Amy walks away and Ephram grins.]

[Cut to Dr. Brown approaching the cabin. A bear approaches from the other side. Dr. Brown doesn't notice it at first.]

DR. BROWN: [knocking on the door] Hello? Hello? Mr. Maxwell?

[No one answers and the bear roars which frightens Dr. Brown. He tries to say something but can't. The bear stands on two feet.]

DR. BROWN: OK. Are you the kind of bear where I'm supposed to run, or play dead? A simple point will signify your answer.

[The bear roars again which makes Dr. Brown jump and fall backwards. The bear calms down as Daniel Maxwell approaches. He feeds the bear.]

DANIEL: She's harmless. She's been hanging around since she was a baby.

[Daniel approaches Dr. Brown and goes inside.]

DANIEL: Are you coming in?

DR. BROWN: [quickly getting up] Yes. Yes, I am. Thank you.

[Cut to inside.]

DR. BROWN: [admiring the books] You've really got a great collection here. You know, I ordered the ones with the webber binding once through the book of the month club thing but, this is the real deal. Read a lot, do you?

[No response.]

DR. BROWN: You know, for a shack in the woods, this place is really cozy. But I'm wondering if you have a problem with insulation in the winter 'cause I notice that there are light cracks...

DANIEL: Why did you come here?