Postcards, messages from the past
Post cards can be another source of genealogical information, they can be found in the various fairs, stores etc. where they are sold. They are often collected by family historians because they can show a village, town, building, as it was in the 19th century and early 20th Century.

Having said all that you never know your luck! They provide a 'snap shot' in the life of the  person who wrote/sent them and they can provide information on family and friends, plus an address.It is always worth a look if you see any, and they need not be expensive. They can cost from a few pence, though the more collectable ones can cost a lot more.

The one's listed here I picked up in various places, mainly because they showed an area I was interested in. However, because they contain information that may be of use I  have included their details. As I said, you never know..
Dated 11.30 AM Aug 5 1905. Posted in Margate to 'Master Wallace Leaver'.
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