Ex-Pagan 4 Christ

Who is Your Lord?

When I first joined the coven I believed that the gods of paganism were Cernunnos (the horned god) and the earth goddess. Then I found out that those gods were really Lucifer and Diana, or Baal and Astarte! Now I was being offered the chance to get even closer to Lucifer. I had worshipped him and done spells in his name, but yearned for more - more power, more knowledge, and to know Lucifer better. I was about to be granted that wish.

I had been told by the PR people of the pagan world that this rite was a wicked calumny foisted on gentle pagans by evil Christians - but as I found out, its not like that. I was about to know Lucifer better by seeing him in the flesh, having intercourse with him and receiving his mark on me! I was delighted by this "honour" - and I was told it was an honour, something which might not be granted were I not worthy.

I had to fast for two days, and remain within the protective circle (into which witches draw gods and spirits so they cannot harm them). I was given the paraphenalia I would need to perform the rite - a knife to draw my own blood, black candles, incense, swords and rope as well as the normal salt, water, oil and wine.

To summon Lucifer I needed to use my own blood - sacrificing myself to him. Blood would come to play a very important part in my spells from now on - Satan's perversion of Christ's sacrifice for us on the cross. I went into a trance as I chanted the invocation to Lucifer - promising to be his forever, promising him my life. I felt icy prickles on my skin, and my candles blew out, leaving me with only the impression that something was in the room with me. A force slammed into my brain and I knew Lucifer was with me. He told me that if I served him well he would protect me - but he had no mercy on the weak. From now on I would do anything he chose. He told me how he hated Christians, and ordered me to do everything I could against them. He let me know the truth, that he was Satan, but told me that the God of the Bible had few powers and that he, Satan, would defeat Jesus. To ensure his power over me Satan had sex with me - which wasn't exactly pleasant but which I thought wodnerful at the time because it connected me to him. Then he marked me with his power, leaving a brand in the shape of an upside-down pentagram on my arm. I belonged to Satan now.

He left, and though I was bruised and in pain, I was elated. I was a true servant of a mighty god! My heart was filled with hatred for Christians - for Bible-believers in particular, and I vowed to destroy them!

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© Keziah Thomas, expagan4christ[at]yahoo.com. Do not reproduce any part of this site without permission.