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On the internet or under the influence of tea bags, I tend to be an approachable person. If, for whatever reason, you want to talk to me about art, art trades, Ian Rankin novels, or the many advantages of eating salt, go invade my inbox or located at witch_child1 (at) hotmail (dot) com, or at my band's collective email, which is toxicbadgers (at) yahoo (dot) ca. I'll definitely respond.

If anonymity is your thing, there is the guestbook, after all...

I am also the reluctant owner of an MSN account (the witch_child one aforementioned), but I'm only on it rarely.

This particular site design contains brushes I've made. So if you'd like some of these, specifically the curly ones (made from scanning a gourd plant stem) or the "gare lyon" train station tickets, don't hesitate to ask.

That is all.