Something wicked this way comes...

Meet the Administration

We sent around a form to all the members of our administration, a little survey. To be filled out. Here are their answers to our questions.

Special K

Player Name: Special K
Character(s): Kathleen Reed, Draco Malfoy, Phillip Gregory
Real Name (optional): Sam
Age (optional): 14
Location (optional): My World
Who Am I: I am a deranged poet with a rebellious streak. Some say outrageous, others say unique. It is important for me to have my music. I don't often see doctors because I speak with my therapist everyday (music). My number one therapist, who have songs for my every thought, pain, crisis, and emotion is Our Lady Peace. While music is my therapist, it often prescribes poetry as my drug. It is my outlet of the emotions that my therapist helps me identitfy. I feel strongly about cancer, child abuse, drug abuse, teen pregnancy, and self-knowledge. I think everyone has a right, and a need to know themselves. I think deep inside we all want to design a unique self, mostly I think we just don't have enough courage to do so generally. I hate labels. I often do something out of the ordinary to shake any label anyone has put on me. Some people say that my ideals are outrageous or stupid. I tell some people to "Go to Russell."
Favourite Colour: Green (formerly blue, but has since changed)
Favourite Music: Our Lady Peace, of course (rock n' roll)
Favourite Movie: Two Weeks Notice
Favourite HP Book: Either OoTP or PoA
Favourite Non-NP Book: On the Road by Jack Kerouac or The Age of Spiritual Machines by Ray Kurzweil
Favourite Author: Jack Kerouac
Favourite HP Character: Harry, or Ron, or Gred, or Forge, or Luna, or Snape, or McGonagall, or Sirius, or Lupin, or Dumbledore
Favourite HP Actor: Alan Rickman (even though that 360 degree arm rotation Dan does is pretty freakin' awesome)
Favorite HP Actress: Dame Maggie Smith
Favourite HP Quote: "We're not stupid - we know we're called Gred and Forge." - George Weasley
Favourite Non-HP Quote: "My momma always said, 'Life is like a box o' chocolates, you never know what your gonna get.' " - Forrest Gump
Funny Excerpt: "Well, I had one that I was playing Quidditch the other night," said Ron, screwing up his face in an effort to remember. "What do you think that means?"
"Probably that you're going to be eaten by a giant marshmallow or something," said Harry, turning the pages of The Dream Oracle without interest.
Other: Doom dee doom.


Player Name: Brinicat
Character(s): Mia Perashio, Helena Smith, Hermione Granger
Favourite Colour: Pink
Favourite Music: New Age, Oldies, Jazz
Favourite Movie: Finding Nemo XD
Favourite HP Book: Goblet of Fire
Favourite Author: Meg Cabot
Favourite HP Character: Hermione Granger
Favourite HP Actor: Daniel Radcliffe
Favorite HP Actress: Emma Watson
Favourite HP Quote: I'm going to bed before you two find another way to get us hurt, or worse, expelled.
Favourite Non-HP Quote: Can't think of one
Other: I enjoy music, anime, and cats XD
Who Am I: I am crazy, funny, and wierd. I love to act insane around my friends, but I have a mature side as well.
Funny Excerpt: None really.


Player Name: Mandi
Character(s): Nadia Geneveive Laure and Ron Weasley
Real Name (optional): Mandi
Age (optional): 13
Location (optional): My own little world.
Who Am I: I'm a Swimmer/ Actress/ Student from good old P. A., and I have an almost unhealthy obsession with Role-Playing XP I'm pretty intelligent for my age, and I like to think myself Witty (Though others usually don't agree). Usually, I make others feel incredibly smart with my "Blonde" answers. Ironic, actually, as I'm a brunette ^_^
Favourite Colour: PINK! Orange! YELLOW!
Favourite Music: Maroon Five XD
Favourite Movie: Love Actually or One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest...If you meant HP, I shall have to say the first.
Favourite HP Book: Prisoner of Azkaban
Favourite Non-NP Book: Lord of the Rings Trilogy/ Wheel of Time series
Favourite Author: Robert Jordan
Favourite HP Character: Fred, George, Ron, Cho, Luna, and Draco. I can not choose, you will not make me! *glares at opposition*
Favourite HP Actor: Sean Biggerstaff XP
Favorite HP Actress: Emma Thompson
Favourite HP Quote: Tie- "Twitchy little ferret, aren't you Malfoy?" -Hermione "Longbottom, if brains were gold you'd be poorer than Weasley, and that's saying something."
Favourite Non-HP Quote: The only thing an actress fears more than losing her mind is getting it back.
Funny Excerpt: George-Hey look, Harry's got a Weasley sweater too! Fred-Harry's is better than ours, though. She obviously makes more of an effort if you're not family. George-Why aren't ou wearing yours, Ron? Come on, get it on, they're lovely and warm. Ron-I hate maroon! George-You haven't got a letter on yours, I suppose she thinks you don't forget your name. But we're not stupid-We know we're Gred and Forge.
Other: I've been RPing for 7 years, and I loooove Quidditch XP And Chocolate. And people randomly telling me I rock. *toddles off muttering about things she loves*


Player Name: Hasufel
Character(s): Harry Potter
Real Name: Beth
Location: Canada
Who Am I: I'm a creative individual who enjoys making fun of others and nitpicking. I'm not all bad though, I also like to write and sometimes I draw. I attempt it, but I'm not always satisfied.
Favourite Colour: Purple
Favourite Music: Tori Amos, Sarah Slean, Radiohead, Rush, The Clash, and various other Classic Rock and often Classical music and much Jazz.
Favourite Movie: The LotR Trilogy and a whole lot of others. Mostly Monty Python.
Favourite HP Book: GoF
Favourite Non-HP Book: There are far too many, but if I had to pick, I'd say 1984, A Clockwork Orange, the Silmarillion and the LotR trilogy.
Favourite Author: Tolkien
Favourite HP Character: Snape
Favourite HP Actor: Alan Rickman
Favorite HP Actress: None
Favourite Non-HP Quote: I have many, but "There's nothing an agnostic can't do if he doesn't know whether he believes in anything or not!" is a pretty good one. It's from Monty Python. And anything else that is by them is the best as well.
Other: I love Monty Python and I love this RPG! And crackers.



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Original image found at:
The Leaky Cauldron.

Brushes used:
1) Insomniac Brushes
2) Brushes.Da.Ru

Layout made by marion.