

*Tre POV*

I sit at the table with Autumn putting together the puzzel we started earlier that day before we had to leave for the charity baseball game that AJ and Fred were participating in.

Brian: Oh I bet that was a site. AJ actually up in time and playing baseball. I bet he yelled touchdown when he got a run.


I'm really glad that Fred and Autumn got to come to Florida to visit but this isn't exactly how I imagined our first night being.

Fred: Dude...what in the hell did she mean by that?

Nick: I don’t even want to know! I’m too young to be reading..err watching...well to be hearing any of this!

"Autumn this is lame" I tell her

*Autumn POV*

I look at the puzzle and look and see it is a little after midnight.

"This is beyond lame." She nods. "Let's find something else to do."

Tre sits and looks like she is thinking (DANGER!!!blonde thinking!!! HIDE!) she looks up and smiles.

AJ: Tre isn’t as bad as Nick when he thinks. We have to evacuate the whole state.

Nick: Shut up AJ.

Kevin: See, my torture is already beginning. Just thinking of her getting that smile....*shivers*

*Tre POV*

"Well Autumn I have an idea."

Howie: *in Lost in Space style* Danger! Danger!

Fred: WOW she had an idea. Never thought that would happen.

I tell her as I get up and walk over to where AJ keeps the keys to his cars. She watches me take a pair of keys off the hook and looks at me with a grin matching mine

"Lets go for a ride"


Brian:’s just a story. It ain’t like she wrecks it and blames Autumn. Then again...

I tell her and she jumps up out of her chair

"Yea, I like that idea. Lets roll"

She says to me and I laugh and we both walk out the door singing

'rollin rollin rollin'

Nick: *sings* Keep Rollin Rollin Rollin. What?

Fred: Stop...don’t even ruin my song.

AJ: Too late.

Nick: *still singing* move in, now move out hands up or hands down back up, back up tell me what ya gonna do now breathe in, now breathe out hands up or hands down back up, back up tell me what ya gonna do now keep rollin’, rollin’, rollin’, rollin’ (what) keep rollin’, rollin’, rollin’, rollin’ (come on) keep rollin’, rollin’, rollin’, rollin’ (yeah) keep rollin’, rollin’, rollin’

Fred: That’s it! *goes after Nick*

Kevin: Fred! Hey don’t hurt Nick.

Fred: And why not?

*Kevin sits and thinks*

Nick: *whining voice* Kevin!

Howie: *laughing* because there would be wars and poverty without him. And there would be no music.

AJ: Besides, you don’t want to go to jail again, especially over Nick.

Fred: *mumbles* Fine....but never sing my song again.

*goes back to seat*

Nick: *looks at Kevin* A lot of help YOU are.

*Autumn POV*

As we go out, I stop and ask Tre if we should leave the guys a note to tell them where we are. Sure they are sleeping but they can always wake up and think something bad happened. Tre looks at me and laughs.

"No, they can always call us. No use for a note."

I grab my cell phone and shrug my shoulder. I watch Tre grab a couple bats.

Brian: Batgirls! Wait a minute....

*Brian and Nick make eye contact and start singing*

Brian and Nick: Batman! Batman! Batman!

Howie: Kevin, either make them stop or I will.

AJ: Ohhhh you know Howie will do it if he’s pushed.

Kevin: *sighs* Guys stop it now or I’ll make you watch Justin’s new video.

Fred: Whoa....that’s cold.

*Nick and Brian shut up*

"What's sup wit that?"

She laughs and says

"Protection my dear friend."

"Makes sense," I reply and we go outside.

Fred: They watch too much wrestling. It’s scary.

AJ: *laughing* Remember that time Nick called Autumn and she yelled “what” for five minutes?

Nick: That was NOT funny.

Fred: No I liked the time she kept telling you it didn’t matter that you were missing your N64 game.

Kevin: Alright..back to the..whatever this is.

*Tre POV*

We get out to the SUV and climb in. I slowly back out of the driveway, don't wanna wake anyone up (hehehe) and when I get to the street we turn up the cd player and I gun it towards the exit gate of the community AJ and I live in.

Brian: See I told you she drove like an idiot!

AJ: That was only because Autumn influenced her.

Kevin:Or you, because you drive like an idiot.


We are listening to BSB at full blast with all windows down and are getting some looks towards us, but we don't care, we turn it up louder and look for something to do.

*Autumn POV*

After driving around for what seemed forever, there was nothing to do.

"Geez, I thought living in this part of Florida would be fun," I say.

Tre gives me this look.

"Hey, why don't we go watch the planes take off at the airport? At least that is SOMETHING".

Nick: What are they gonna do? Act like they are Wayne and Garth?

Tre looks at me and nods and we take off again, jamming to BSB.

*Tre POV*

We get to airport and instead of parking we just kind of drive around. I notice a spot where it looks like no one really pays any attention to

"Hey Autumn, lets go over there and park so we can watch the planes, it's closer to the runways."

"Alright, sounds cool" she says to me.

Howie: Actually, sounds loud.

I head over there and as I go to put the suv into park the headlights fall on something shiny and silver. I squint my eyes to get a better look at it and when I realize what it is a thought comes to my mind and I look over to Autumn

Nick: WOW she found a quarter and her and Autumn are gonna fight over it. YEAH!

*Everyone looks at Nick. Silence*

Fred: Maybe I could at least knock some sense into him. *goes to hit Nick but is stopped by Howie*

Howie: Nope. It only makes him worse.

AJ: Yep. Trust us.

*Autumn POV*

I sit, just looking. It couldn't be...but it was.

Kevin: What are they gonna make it. I bet it is something stupid.

"Tre, is that a cart?"

"Well last time I was on a plane I was told it was," she said.

I turned and saw her laughing. Her being around AJ had made her about like him, and it was scary. I caught a gleam in her eye.

Kevin: See? But it’s scarier when they think alike.

"Okay Tre, what are you thinking about?"

Fred: Don’t even answer that. It will only scare us more.

*Tre POV* I look at Autumn and then back at the cart

"How about some sweet revenge Autumn, sweet revenge" I tell her.

I look over at her and both of us grinning evilly, we get out of the truck and go to the cart. We look around to make sure no one notices us and then Autumn goes and grabs the cart and we both wheel it over to the suv. I open the back and with a little bit of a struggle, we get it into the back. We look around and then run back and get into the suv. We look at each other and just start laughing.

Howie: Sounds like them.

Kevin: Yeah. Lawbreakers. Then they laugh about it.

AJ: See? Autumn’s been around you way too long Durst. Now she’s doing illegal stuff.

Fred: What? I have never done anything illegal.

AJ: Yeah just live in a town called Denial.

Fred: Shut up McLean.

Nick: You both shut up. I want to see the quarter.

Fred: Come on just one little hit.

"Where we gonna take it?" Autumn asks me.

"Hmmm let me think on that for a minute. Lets leave here though, don't wanna get caught with a cart in the back" I tell her while backing the truck up

"Yea that's true." She says to me.

*Autumn POV*

Carts. We love them alot. (Insert sarcasim here) The stupid things always hit our legs on the plane. One time I thought that I had a broken foot due to the stupid cart. Sure this wasn't the same cart that hit us all those times, but hey...a cart is a cart is a cart.

Howie: Great poet there that Autumn.

Brian: Yeah. Like AJ saying ‘A hat is a hat is a hat’

We began to drive around when I got an idea.

" about we take the stupid thing, push it down a hill, and into the side of a building?"

Okay, I think living with Fred was getting to me now because he was always talking about taking things and breaking them somehow.

AJ: She admits it. Durst you have problems.

Fred: Hey at least I don’t have to put up with blondie there. *points at Nick*

Nick: HEY what happened to the quarter.

AJ: *sulks* Oh yeah throw that in my face.

Brian: Will you two leave Nick alone? You’re as bad as your girlfriends!

Kevin: Maybe worse.

Howie: Hey now that’s insulting....*thinks* someone.

Fred and AJ: HEY!

I waited on Tre to answer.

**Kevin hums the Jeopardy theme*

*Tre POV*

I think about what Autumn asks me "Sounds like a plan girl. But first, we need to change the music from my man to yours cause my mans stuff is too lovey dovey, your mans is soo much more angrier and fits soo much better"

I tell her and she laughs

"That is a good idea and ohh so true" She says while changing the cd.

AJ: See? You do have anger problems.

Fred: I do NOT.

AJ: Yeah the town of Denial again.

We find a quiet street that actually has a hill with a building at the end of it. Grinning we get out and grab the cart.


I yell before Autumn can push the cart. I run back to the car and turn on the lights and the cd and blast 'Break Stuff'

"Now...the mood is set"

Fred: Okay now I have to say....they did pick a great song there to have in the background.

AJ: You..*gets evil glare from Fred*

Nick: Why didn’t they play Staind?

Howie: *laughing* You best hope Tre didn’t hear that Nick.

*Autumn POV*

I look back at Tre and laugh.

"Want to help me push this thing down the hill?"

"Yes I would."

I counted to 3 and we released the cart and watched it go down the hill with great interest.

"We just might break something tonight" I say as Tre laughs.

We faintly see the cart hit the building

"Okay, we need to go down there and see the damage," Tre said.

I nodded. We got into the SUV and took off.

Brian: You know..I can see them doing this. That’s the sad thing.

*Tre POV*

We get to the cart and jump out of the truck

"Man, there is hardly any damage" I say.

Autumn goes over and picks the cart up and examines it

"Yeah, your right, hardly any at all" She tells me

"Well geeee thanks sherlock for pointing out the obvious" I tell her sarcastically

"No problem. Anytime"

She answers me back and we start laughing.

"Ok, what now?" she asks.

I stand and think and a idea (OH HUSH) comes to mind

Fred: And we see smoke signals coming from her mind, asking for help.

*everyone but AJ chuckles*

AJ: So uncool.

"Help me get it back into the truck, Autumn" I tell her.

We get it back in take off

"Where are we going, Tre?" she asks me.

"Don't worry, I think I know how to reek some havoc on the unexpected cart" I tell her.

She gives me a strange look but then smiles


She yells and we both laugh

Kevin: These two have problems. Then again, I see who they are dating.

Nick: Hahahaha

*Fred and AJ hit Nick*

Nick: KEVIN!

Kevin: Why me? Why of all people? *rubbing temples*

*Autumn POV*

We take off again and I am about half asleep when Tre wakes me up. We are in a dark neighborhood and in the parking lot of an abondoned building.

"What we doing here?"

Brian: We’re going to bring the cart to life! *evil laugh*

Kevin: *looks at Brian* Okay...

Nick: Nope..there’s no storm. You have to have a storm or a ghost before you can bring an inhuman object to life. It's proven by the movie Frankenstein and Christine.

Fred: *blank stare* What did you just say?

Nick: Huh?

AJ: Well he had his fifteen seconds.

Tre jumped out of the vehicle and opened the trunk.

"Well, are you gonna help me out or not?"

I get out and help her get the cart out. She gets back in the car and I think she is leaving me, but instead she has turned the SUV around and has the headlights on the cart. She takes awhile.

The music has gotten louder and she comes back with the bats and a crowbar in her hand. I see those and my face lights up like a kid's on Christmas morning.

Fred: AJ don’t even or I will steal your Pulp Fiction movie and feed it to Bizkit.

AJ: Hey I wasn’t gonna say a thing.

Howie: Wow....first time for everything huh?

AJ: Shut up Howie.

*Tre POV*

I hand over a baseball bat and set the crowbar on the ground next to us.

"So, you up for some 'beat the cart' with me?" I ask her.

She smiles and lets out a laugh

"Yes, I do believe I am"

I smile and lift up the bat and was just about to bring it down on the cart when 'Break Stuff' starts up again I grin and look up at Autumn

"Your man has such damn good perfect timing" and I swing the bat down as hard as I can on the cart screaming

Fred: All the ladies say that. *grins*

Brian: We really needed to know that. Thanks.

Fred: Anytime.

**Kevin, AJ, Howie , and Nick go to wall to get that image out of their mind**

'It's just one of those days where you don't wanna wake up...'

Autumn joins in with me

**All return*

AJ: *sings* 'Gimme somethin to break!

Nick: HEY how come he can sing your songs and I can’t.

Fred: Because he’s a freak like me and don’t have that status yet and never will.

Nick: *mumbles* Stupid AJ.

*Autumn POV*

I began screaming at the top of my lungs..

'Everything is fucked everybody sucks!'

I smashed the side of the cart and laughed evilly.

"That's for almost breaking my foot!"

AJ: That’s scary.

Fred: Not really. *grins*

Kevin: You would enjoy her breaking something.

Nick: Yeah as the Rock says “You sick freeak!”

Fred: Hey I’m just bein’ true to my true freak self. *grins*

Another swing. Another. Tre and I were laughing and watching each other. The song stopped for a moment and we heard a phone ringing. We stopped and turned the music off. It was Tre's phone. I just went back, beating the cart with the crowbar.

Howie: 10 to 1 it’s AJ.

AJ: *looks up* Huh?

*Tre POV*

'Stupid phone, always ruining my fun' I think as I answer it "'sup?" I say into it.

"Baby, where in the hell are you?"

'Oops, its AJ' "Ummm, well we're just you know..hanging out"

I tell him as I watch Autumn beating the cart with everything she had while screaming at it.

"What is that in the background?" He asks me.

Kevin: *smiles* Oh now I gotta hear what she tells him.

"Huh? What? Oh that. Umm that's Autumn." I tell him.

"OK, and what is Autumn yelling about and what is she yelling?"

Howie: Possibly yelling she’s Batgirl and is really the daughter of Dr. Evil. Who knows.

Brian: BATGIRL! She’s Batgirl.

He asks me and I can't help but laugh a little

"Well, she's yelling break stuff and ummm nothing really. Just yelling" I stammer.

"Yea, right if you say so. What time are you two going to be home?"

He asks me and I can hear annoyance in his voice. Oh well, it's not like I get to travel around the world and rub elbows with the 'famous people' so this is my fun...yep beating up a cart.

Brian: Well if that is fun let me go at it.

Kevin: NO!

Nick: Can I?

Kevin: NO! And AJ don’t even ask!

AJ: Damnit. Hey you didn’t say anything to Howie!

Howie: cause I know better.

Fred: Hey nobody said a thing about me.

Nick: Cause nobody cares. If you want to...go ahead. You’re Autumn’s problem. Not ours.

"Oh, ummm I would say, later. Yeah, later that's when we'll be home." I tell him.

"Tre, what in the hell are you guys doing?" He asks finally tired of my game.

"Nothing baby, really. We're just hanging out and listening to music. We'll be home a little later. OK?"

I ask him hoping I got the sarcastic tone out of my voice.

"Yea alright. You guys be careful."

"Oh, don't worry hun, we've got the baseball bats. Love ya"

I hang up and throw my phone in the back of the truck, and turn up the cd. We put the player on repeat so 'Break Stuff' keeps playing over and over again. I walk over to the cart and start beating it again with the bat singing

'Feeling like a freight train, first one to complain leaves with a blood stain, damn right I'm a maniac, you better watch your back, cause I'm fucking up your program'

Fred: Yeah and she calls me a potty mouth and pissed.

AJ: Uh, you ARE. And you are a bad influence on her.

Fred: Whatever dude.

*Autumn POV*

I decide to stop for a little while and let Tre have some breaking time.

"Autumn, can you go turn the music up some more?"

"Like I would say no?" Tre laughs and never breaks her eyes away from smashing up the cart. "okay, can do."

I get to the SUV and my phone is now rining. I walk over to an area where it isn't as loud and answer the call.


"Autumn where in the hell are you and Trelyn?"

Ohhh it was Fred and I could pick up on the hostility in his voice.

Nick: Hostility is putting it mildly.

Fred: Carter, shut up or you’ll feel my hostility.

"We're just out having some fun."

Suddenly Tre starts yelling


and I am trying to keep from laughing.

"What in the fuck was that?!"

"Oh it was only Tre."

"Okay, so what are you two really up to?"

Howie: Like she’ll tell you.

"Nothing, really. Just having some harmless fun."

Fred sighed. "Alright but just stay out of trouble. Okay? Last thing McLean and I need is to come get you two out of trouble."

"Okay..we'll behave and be the perfect angels we are. Love ya baby."

**when the guys hear Perfect Angels they all laugh**

I hang up and walk back over just as Tre is picking the cart up and slamming it on the ground.

*Tre POV*

After I slam the cart into the ground I look up at Autumn



"I figured. Aj probably told him he couldn't get anything out of me so Fred thought he would try on you. Men, will they never learn?"

I say to her and we look at each other


All: HEY!

We say at the same time and start laughing. 'Break Stuff' is blasting through the speakers of the SUV and we both start singing the same part of the song while beating the crap of the poor defensless cart (YEA! right, defensless my ass!)

'I feel like shit, my suggestion is to keep your distance, cause right now we're (yes I know it's I'm) dangerous, we've all felt like shit, been treated like shit, all those motherfuckers they wanna step off, I hope you know I'm like a chain saw, I'll skin your ass raw, and if my day keeps going like this I just might break something tonight, like a chain saw, I'll skin your ass raw and if my day keeps going this way I just might break your fucking face tonight!'

Our voices are echoing through the quiet neighborhood, since we are singing at the top of our lungs

Fred: Yeah. Next time she says she’s innocent I’ll throw that in her face.

Brian: Well she was quoting you.

Nick: Yeah but she didn’t have to say all that.

Fred: Yeah..whoa Nick has a point I’m agreeing with. I’ve been in here too damn long.

*Autumn POV* As the song finishes, I look at the cart and smile.

"And just to think, we wasted time on pushing this down a hill. NOW THIS IS HOW YOU DO IT!"

I hit the cart one more time and so did Tre.



"I don't think we can do anything else to the cart."

"Yeah, too bad. So what do we do now? We just leave it here?"

*Tre POV*

I think about that a minute then shake my head

"Naw, lets leave it where we found it." I tell her.

She stands there for a second or two

"Alright sounds like a plan. Lets get it back into the truck"

We pick up the cart, it is no longer able to be wheeled anywhere, and put it in and then take off back towards the airport.

"Well I must say, this night got really interesting" I say to Autumn laughing

Kevin: You know...I am really scared of these two now.

*Autumn POV*

"Oh yeah...VERY interesting."

We drive back to the airport and put the cart right back where we saw it.

"I hope nobody saw us," I say.

"I doubt it Autumn."

We get in the SUV and head back to the house. Mood has changed as BSB now plays. Tre and I are silent but when we look at each other, we start laughing.

"Okay, guys can NOT find out about this," Tre says.

"Hey, they can put me through whatever torture they want but I am not saying a thing."

We head in and see the guys, sitting up waiting for us. I laugh and look at Tre.

"Awww. It's like mom and dad waiting up for us..but I don't want to know who is suppose to be who!"

Tre busts out laughing at that as the guys sit and look at us.


*Tre POV*

While I'm laughing I remember a picture of AJ in a dress and heels and I bust up laughing harder and practically fall on the floor

Fred: *looks at AJ and laughs* Ohh I have to see that picture

AJ: Why does that always get thrown around? I make a sexy lady.

Nick: I make a sexier one.

Kevin: Okay..let’s not go there Nick. You know we all said you did that one time.

Nick: Oh yeah.

Fred: Now there’s a thought I could have went without.

"Well I think I just remember which one was which Autumn"

She looked at me puzzled and in between breathes I remind her of the picture of Johnny No-Names last concert when AJ dressed up like a woman and then we were both on the floor of mine and AJ's living room laughing so hard that we didn't realize the guys had walked in. I looked up and said

"Hi mom" to AJ

"Hi dad" Autumn said to Fred

We continued laughing on the floor

*Autumn POV*

"Alright, were have you two been?" AJ asked.

Tre and I sat up and looked at the guys.

"Nowhere" we both said in unison.

Brian: *to Howie* Even in a story it’s the same.

Howie: really.

"Ah don't give us that," Fred said.

"We went out and just rode around and had some fun," I said.

Tre nodded. Fred and Aj looked at each other and figured that since we weren't going to tell them anything, there was no point in grilling us.

"Alright, as long as you two are back unharmed that is all that matters."

The guys helped us up.

"Maybe you and I should go on to bed" AJ says to Tre.

Tre nods and I watched AJ kiss Tre.

"EWWWW. Like I needed that etched in my mind!" I screamed.

AJ made a face at me while Tre laughed. (yeah, Tre and I laugh alot).

"It's okay baby. I'll get that etched out of your mind," Fred said as he took my hand.

AJ: Okay....what am I really being tortured for? I don’t want to know those things!

Howie: And we do?

*Tre POV*

I follow AJ to our bedroom and get ready for bed

"Tre, where were you guys tonight?" He asks me again.

I turn around from the dresser and smile at him

"Just driving around Aje, really."

I tell him and then walk to the bathroom and turn out the light in there. I get into bed and AJ takes me into his arms

"You know I don't buy that, don't you?" He whispers in my ear.

Nick: Was she selling it?

I smile "Well that's alright, I never said I was selling anything" I tell him and give him a kiss

Kevin: *looks at Nick* Did you jump ahead?

Nick: No.

Howie: It’s a blonde thing.

"Night baby"

"Goodnight Trelyn" He growls in my ear.

*Autumn POV*

Fred and I are in our room. As I change, I hear Fred.

"Alright Autumn, you can tell me where you and Tre were. I'm not gonna go back and tell McLean."

AJ: Yeah you would.

I get changed into my sleepwear and look at him.

"Fred, I told you. We just went around riding around, nothing else." I kept a straight face.

"You sure?"

"Yes! I think I knew what we done. We just rode around. We yelled at some people because they couldn't drive but other than that, we done nothing."

Fred sighed. "Okay."

I turned the light off and thought the guys had bought it all. Fred kissed me and we soon went to sleep.

Fred: Awww man. We just slept?

AJ: Hey me and Tre just slept.

Howie: Thank goodness!

*Tre POV*

I wake up the next morning and roll over to find AJ has already gotten up. Suprised at this I decide to get up and start the day.

Kevin: This keeps getting scarier and scarier....

Brian: Yeah.

AJ: Bite me.

I take a shower and dress in a cute short outfit that he bought me a couple days ago. I walk down and see Autumn sitting at the table reading the paper and laughing.

"Autumn what are you reading?" I ask her

"Well Tre, check this out" She tells me grinning.

I look down at what she is pointing at and look wide eyed back up at her and then we both bust up laughing.

*Autumn POV*

AJ looks over at us.

"And what exactly is so damn funny?"

I look up at him. "Uh, nothing is AJ."

AJ and Fred: Liar.

Nick: You called her a liar. You guys are gonna get it.

Fred: And like Tre ain’t gonna get you for the Staind comment?

Nick: *whimpers*

I get up and decide to go and get Fred up.

'Oh man...I can't believe that!" I walk by Tre and we both are still laughing. 'Want to read futher?"

Tre nods and I hand her the paper and just hope she doesn't tell AJ.

*Tre POV*

I take the paper from Autumn and sit down and start reading the local news section:

This morning at around 4am two teenage boys were arrested at the airport for doing damage to a serving cart that was on airport grounds. The teenagers tell police they had found it that way but there finger prints are the only ones on the cart. The airport officials are deciding on whether or not to press charges.

'Oh gosh, I can't believe they got some kids on this. I sure hope they decide not to press charges.'

Howie: Sadly that is more believeable.

Brian: Unless they found out Fred was in town...

AJ: *laughs* Yep.

I am thinking to myself when I feel a presence in back of me. I put the paper down and find AJ standing there

"What ya reading babe?" He asks me

"Oh nothing really, just local news."

I tell him and get up and put the paper on the table and walk off and stand at the counter.

*Autumn POV*

Fred and I soon come into the kitchen. I spot Tre over by the fridge and Fred sees AJ reading the paper.

"Teenagers today," AJ says.

Fred looks at AJ and wants to know what he means. AJ tosses him the paper and Fred reads it. I look over at Tre and give her this look. Fred tosses the paper down.

"Damn...those guys have some major issues."

Brian: Not as bad as the girls.

Kevin: Amen.

AJ and Fred turn and look at Tre and I.

"What?" we say in unison.

AJ: What?

Fred: What?

Nick: Huh?

Kevin: Oh geesh.

*Tre POV*

Me and Autumn stand there looking at Fred and Aj innocently, and when we do that they know somethings up.

Brian: Duh, we all know that!

"So..what are you girls doing today?" Aj asks us

"Oh probably going shopping" Autumn tells him.

AJ: Shopping? I want to go!

Howie: AJe, it is just a story.

AJ: No when I get out I am going.

Kevin: Like you need another hat....

AJ: What?

Kevin: *sighs* Maybe I should trade one of them off to N Sync.

"Oh ok, well don't spend too much money"

He says looking at me and I smile

"Don't worry honey I'll do shopping the AJ way"

I tell him and he gets this look to his face

"Oh gosh I'm gonna have to get a second career to support the shopping habits around here" he says and we all start laughing.

Autumn and I get ready and give the guys kisses bye and tell them we will be back later. Before we walk out the door we hear Fred say something to AJ

"Man, what do you think possessed them kids to beat up a cart?"

Autumn and I look at eachother and as we walk out of the house we yell



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