

*Autumn POV*

I am talking to Tre on the phone and I am excited. She can tell and asks why I am happy. I inform her I am getting a new tattoo. I hear some silence.

"Tre, you still there?"

*Tre POV*

"Yea I'm here Autumn. Sorry" I tell her.

"Oh ok, you got quiet"

"Sorry. I was just surprised" I tell Autumn quietly, because I haven't told AJ yet.

"Why surprised?" She asks me.

"Because I've been thinking about getting a tat myself. But I haven't told Alex yet"

*Autumn POV*

I laugh. "Why are you laughing?" Tre ask.

"Well, you act like AJ is going to over react or something. I mean, the guy has tattoos himself." I can't help but to laugh.

*Tre POV*

I start laughing knowing she is right

"I know he has but sometimes he makes comments about me not marking up my body with 'things' so I sometimes get the feeling he would rather me not have one. I don't know why tho, I mean Amanda had a couple and he didn't care." I tell her.

I have nothing against Amanda (remember...story lol) it just seems what was ok for her wasn't for me and sometimes it bothers me.

"He actually has said that to you?" She asks me.

"Yea he sure has. That is why I am nervous to say anything" I tell her

*Autumn POV*

When I hear that, I am kinda glad I don't have a guy in my life. Tre and AJ had been together for a while and I couldn't believe AJ would say that.

"So you wouldn't get one because of AJ? What if it was a nice one, tastefully? What would he say then?"

*Tre POV*

I think about what she asks me

"Well I probably wouldn't get one if he was dead set against it. I mean a tat isn't worth ending a good relationship over. But I would point him to a mirror and tell him to look at himself and then I would probably win" I tell her laughing.

I hear her laughing and agreeing with me.

"What I want is a rose with thornes wrapped around a dagger, on my shoulder. I am not sure Aj will agree with this one."

I tell her and then hear

"You dont think AJ will agree with what one, Tre?"

"oh crap" I whisper into the phone.

"Uh oh hi honey, I didn't hear you walk in"

I tell him feeling bad cause I was talking about him.

"Obviously" He says not sounding too happy

*Autumn POV*

I hear AJ and tell Tre I'll let her go and ask her to call me back later. She says okay and she hangs up. I just find it funny that AJ doesn't want Tre to have a tattoo. I shrug my shoulders and go to get a shower.

*Tre POV*

I hang up with Autumn and turn around and look at AJ, who doesn't look very happy.

"What won't I agree with baby?" he asks me.

He calls me baby but I can tell when I look at him he isn't very happy. I kinda look around trying to find something to look at but end up looking at AJ

"Well Alex, Autumn is getting a tat and uhh...I want to get one." I tell him nervously.

He takes a deep breathe and closes his eyes

'Oh crap, he only does that when trying to calm down' I think while watching him.

"Baby, I don't want you to mark up your body. I've told you that, I don't wanna talk about it anymore." He tells me and walks off.

I watch his retreating form full of confusion. I just don't get why he is like this with me. I walk into the billiards room and watch him play for a few minutes. He isn't acknowleding my presence. I sigh and walk outside to the pool and dial Autumn back up.

*Autumn POV*

I step out of the shower and head to my bedroom to relax and my phone starts ringing.

"Hello?" It's only Tre. She sounds upset and sad. "What's wrong Tre?"

"He said he doesn't want me to mark up my body."

"WHAT!" I scream.

*Tre POV*

I pull the phone away from my ear when Autumn screams.

"I know I know. I just don't understand it. I will try to talk to him in a little bit, I guess."

I tell her but not looking forward to that little conversation.

"I just can't see how he can say that to you. I mean look at him!" Autumn says to me.

"I know, he has over 15 tats now and he is telling me I can't get one. I don't get it" I say.

I hear a noise and look up towards the doors out to the pool and I see AJ standing there just looking at me. I know he can't hear me but I lower my voice.

"Autumn, he is standing at the doors just looking at me.." I tell her.

"Just standing there?" She asks

"Yea. Standing there, not trying to get my attention not coming out here, just looking at me" I tell her.

"Weird. Maybe he realizes he is wrong and doesn't know how to say it to you." She says.

I look back over to the doors and he is gone.

'Hmm I wonder what that was about' I think to myself, but say "Yea maybe. I guess I'll go find out. I'll call you back and tell you what happens."

I tell her getting up and walking back into the house.

"Ok, girl you better call me back this time"

She says this because I have a habit of not calling back if AJ and I get into a little spat. Well heck we need time to make up, ya know!

"I will I promise. I"m not sure how this is gonna go." I tell her.

"I know you don't but he has to realize he isn't being fair. Go talk and call me back. Bye"

"Ok, I will. Later"

I hang up the phone and walk into the 'movie theater' where AJ is watching Pulp Fiction

*Autumn POV*

I hang up.

'Man I feel bad for Tre.' I think as I begin to get dressed. 'I mean, if I call her back and AJ still says no I will so go off on him.' Then I think not to do that. 'maybe Tre can talk AJ into it. She has a charm he loves.'

I get dressed and head to the kitchen to fix me some pasta for supper. I crank up the radio and listen to "Break Stuff" while I cook.

*Tre POV*

I go over and sit down next to AJ and he barely notices me. I sigh and take his hand in mine.

"I don't understand why you don't want me to get a tattoo, Alex. I mean you have them, the guys (except for Howie) have them. Will you please explain this to me?" I ask him trying to keep the anger out of my voice.

I feel him squeeze my hand and he turns off the movie (wow I rate higher the Pulp Fiction..wohohoo) and then he turns and looks at me

"Sweetie, I know we all have them but that doesn't mean you should get one."

"I don't want one because everyone else does. I want one because I want one, AJ"

I say to him and he knows I am getting a little tired of the run around because I call him AJ.

"I guess I just think your body is perfect the way it is, why go and put something on it, Tre. I love you the way you are."

He tells me and I can hear the emotion in his voice.

I smile at him "I love you the way you are too Alex. When you want another tat, you don't ask me my permission to get it, you just do and expect when you come home I will love it. Well I do, because it is a part of you, the one I love."

I explain to him hoping he will agree with me.

He sighs

"I guess I really am not one to argue over getting tats, huh?" He asks me and I laugh and shake my head no. "I'm sorry baby, if I seemed bossy, but I told you why."

"Yes honey, you did and thank you, but I really want this tat Alex."

I tell him and make him hear it in my voice.

"Yes I can tell that you do baby. Ok, you can go and get the tat with Autumn. Wait, I wanna go with and you and her have to go to the guy that does mine."

I am sooo happy I jump up and sit in his lap and kiss him.

"Thank you Alex"

He laughs at me

"Well dang if I would of known agreeing would of made you end up in my lap, I would of said yes a long time ago"

He tells me and I laugh and we kiss again.

"So what kind are you getting?" He asks.

And I explain the rose and dagger and he thinks it sounds really cool.

"Hey babe, I just thought of something." I say a few minutes later.

"What's that?"

"Isn't your fav tat artist in LA?"

He laughs

"Yea, he is"

"You are gonna take us to LA to get tats?" I ask him shocked.

"Yep, nothings too good for my baby's first tat" he tells me and we laugh.

"OK, I gotta go tell Autumn."

I tell him and plant a kiss on him and start to leave.

"OK, tell her 'hi' for me"

"I will"

*Autumn POV*

My pasta is finally done. I sit down and begin to eat. I change the music over to something other than Limp Bizkat because my neighbor came over and complained. I look over at the clock and sigh. AJ and Tre must be making up now. I sit and think about how lucky Tre is to have a guy. I finish eating and head over and load the dishes in the dishwasher. I like more than sit down and I hear a knock on my door. I begin to think of the Edgar Alan Poe story "The Raven." (NOT the wrestler.) I take my time getting to the door. There I see Tre. I look at her puzzled.

"Oh no...was the fight that bad?"

Tre just comes in and sits down.

"Tre, would you like to come in and sit down?" I ask.

*Tre POV*

"Thanks, don't mind if I do"

I tell her in the same sarcastic voice she asked the question in. She rolls her eyes and then shuts the door and comes and sits down with me.

"So..was it that bad Tre?" She asks me.

I am trying so hard not to just jump up and scream

"Well. It was touch and go there Autumn."

I tell her dragging out the drama a little (such a little drama queen I am lol)

"Oh no Tre. So you left? Man, you have never left before." She says to me looking worried.

'Oh man I can't sit here and let her think the worst here'

I look up at her with a huge grin on my face

"Tre? Why are you smiling if you just left AJ?" She asks me confused.

"Because I didn't leave Alex." I tell her and she looks even more confused then before and I laugh. "Alex agreed to the tat Autumn. I finally get my tat" I tell her excitedly.

She sits and looks at me stunned

"OH damn Tre, you so fooled me girl!" and she slaps me on the arm

"Ouch, dang sorry."

I tell her rubbing my arm where she hit.

She laughs

"Man this is gonna be soo cool. We're both getting tats. Way way cool."

She says walking from the livingroom to the kitchen and I follow her.

"Yea it is way cool Autumn, but Alex made it even more cool"

I tell her and she turns around and looks at me squinting her eyes

"Oh and what is Mr. McLean up to now?" she asks me suspicous of AJ.

I laugh

"OH he's just taking us to LA, as in California, for our tats. That's all"

I tell her and start cracking up at the look on her face.

*Autumn POV*

"Wait....why go all the way to LA for a tat when we can get them done here?"

I sit and wonder why AJ has to make everything the way he does....actually it's fun.

"AJ feels I should have it done by the guy who does his tats. Does that mean you're out?"

I sit down.

'Well, it is a free trip and it would be cool to get out of here for a while'. "Alright. I'll go."

"YAY," Tre says.

"SO how long we gonna be there? I think I might have to pack?"

*Tre POV* "Well knowing Alex, it's gonna be a big production. You know how he loves to go overboard."

I tell her and she shakes her head in understanding, probably remembering my 22nd birthday party not long ago.

"So I would say pack for a week. We might not be there that long, but just to be safe, ok?" I ask her.

"Uhh yea ok, sure. Now just to convince the boss I need to leave for a week." Autumn says thoughtfully.

"Oh just tell him AJ of the Backstreet boys wants to wisk you and his girlfriend away to LA."

I tell her and we both start laughing.

"Oh yea like that would be believeable." she tells me.

"Well it's worth a shot" I tell her getting up. "I gotta get back to Alex now. Have make up time coming"

I tell her and then laugh as she cringes, knowing full well what's coming next

"OHH a visual I just don't need" she says to me and I start to laugh harder. "So, Tre, when are we leaving on this LA adventure?" she asks me.

"Hmm well I think he said something about tomorrow, but he has to check with the boys management to make sure he can be gone for a few days without the world looking for him" I tell her.

"Wow tomorrow?"

"Like I said, you know how Alex is"

She laughs

"Yea I do, I have to keep remembering that."

She says to me and I take off back home to Alex

*Autumn POV*

I call in and tell the boss that I need the week off. When he ask me why, I say that a relative in California got sick has I have to go since it is a big family thing. He lets me off! I skip through the place and go and start to pack my things. AJ can go over board. I finally get my clothes packed and go into the bathroom to get the things I need.

I get everything packed and head back to the living room to watch tv. I sit and think how this will be fun and kinda lonely. Tre and AJ will run around and I'd be a third wheel. But maybe I'd luck out and find a guy or something on my own to do. I go back to channel surfing and try to get a visual I didn't want out of my head.

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